
Chapter 252: Berengar and Honoria

Chapter 252: Berengar and Honoria

While Berengar was in the middle of his usual office work, Honoria patiently waited outside his study. Even though she was allowed to move within the City of Kufstein freely, she mainly had stayed inside the Castle, waiting for opportune moments to approach the man that had caught her interest.

Because Berengar was constantly guarded by Linde\'s watchful gaze Honoria had few opportunities to get to know Berengar very well.? Berengar had not responded well to her advances up to this point. At least not as well as she had hoped.

She was beginning to doubt her charm; after all, Berengar already had Linde, a woman so beautiful she was dubbed one of the three heavenly beauties of Austria. Even Honoria had begun to doubt her charms when in comparison to Berengar\'s lover.

Nevertheless, she was undeterred, so long as she was staying in Kufstein, she wanted to find out more about Berengar and determine whether or not he was indeed fit to be her man. Thus she was waiting outside his study door, so she could "conveniently" run into him, giving her an excuse to ask him to lunch.

After several hours of waiting around the Castle, Berengar finally receded from his seclusion. When he did, Honoria immediately began to walk by and attempted to bump into him casually; however, she somehow ended up tripping over the air and fell to the ground. Luckily as she was falling, Berengar reacted and grabbed ahold of her, steadying the young princess on her feet as he did so.

Berengar gazed worriedly into Honoria\'s mint green pupil\'s as he asked the question on his mind.

"Are you okay?"

Honoria began to blush as she stared into Berengar\'s one good eye, his charming face gazing at her with worry-filled her heart with feelings she was uncertain about. Thus she looked away and pulled herself from his grasp, standing on her own two feet.

"I am fine..."

Seeing her embarrassed, Berengar laughed and nodded his head as he expressed his thoughts.

"Good... That\'s good!"

After saying this, Berengar began to depart, it was about lunchtime, and every day he would meet up with Linde at this time to share a meal. It was what you could call their daily date. However, the moment he began to walk away, Honoria started to panic and quickly grabbed ahold of his puffy sleeve, stopping him in his tracks.

After doing so, Berengar looked behind him to see what was obstructing his journey to see Honoria\'s cheeks flushed as red as can be, her eyes fixed to the ground in front of her as she did so. She was holding onto her chest with her free hand and seemed to have difficulty getting the words out.

After a few moments of Berengar staring at her, Honoria finally managed to work up the courage in her heart and quickly voiced her thoughts.

"Will you have lunch with me?"

Berengar thought about this for a few moments before shrugging his shoulders and agreeing to her request.

"Sure, why not?"

He ate lunch with Linde every day; she would not be too upset if he missed a day, would she? Upon hearing this, Honoria\'s eyes lighted up in response, filled with excitement; she quickly grabbed ahold of Berengar\'s hands, her heart fluttering as she did so.

"Do you mean it?"

To this, Berengar was taken aback ever so slightly. However, he did not reveal it on his handsome face, and instead, he patted the girl on the head and nodded his head before responding.

"Of course!"

Honoria nearly passed out from excitement upon hearing this. Nevertheless, she quickly got a hold of herself and explained the date she had planned during the previous night. She had stayed up late thinking about it.

"I thought we could go to one of the sandwich shops in Kufstein, I have never tried such food before, and I felt as if it would be exciting!"

To this, Berengar nodded his head in agreement; it was good to eat a sandwich every once in a while; after all, he dined exclusively on top quality German cuisine while living in the Castle. As such, he responded to her idea positively.

"An excellent idea, I know just the place; if you would follow me, I would be more than happy to escort you."

With that, Berengar offered his arm, where Honoria quickly latched onto it with a happy grin on her face. Afterward, Berengar led her out of the Castle and into the City below. Of course, on the way, he picked up an escort of his guards who closely trailed behind them, watching with careful eyes for any attempt on their sovereign\'s life.

After entering the City, Berengar led Honoria through the streets until they arrived at the old sandwich shop that Berengar had previously taken Adela to during their first date. The City had grown exponentially since then, and thus Berengar felt great nostalgia looking back on what was merely a year ago a small agricultural town.

As Berengar entered the sandwich shop, he noticed there was an extensive line. Because Berengar frequently visited the shop in the past, it had become quite the popular destination within the town. The owners even purchased ahold of the nearby buildings and rebuilt the shop into a much larger and more delicate destination that employed over a dozen employees.

There was outside dining available for those who desired it, and due to it being the end of summer in the alps, it was the perfect time to do so. Who knew when Berengar would have another chance at such a thing.

As they entered the sandwich shop, the line quickly parted for the Duke and the pretty girl on his arm. The people in line instantly began to comment about the unknown women attached to Berengar.

It was commonly known that the Duke had both Adela and Linde, yet the white-haired beauty latched onto him with a loving smile was an unknown entity for the people of Kufstein. Immediately men began to gaze at the Duke with envy and sigh to themselves. They instantly admitted defeat when comparing themselves to Berengar.

Helga was quite surprised to see Berengar arrive, as he had not been to her shop for some time. It is not as if Berengar did not desire to do so; it is simply a matter of not having the time. If Honoria had not approached him for a date, he would not have likely come to this place any time soon. As such, the woman had a pleasant smile on her face as she greeted the man who was not long ago a Baron\'s son.

"Your Grace! It is good to see you are doing well! It has been some time; who is this lovely maiden so lovingly attached to your arm?"

Upon hearing that, Honoria could see the gazes of those around her narrowing with curiosity as they too wondered just what kind of girl Berengar had picked up now. The young girl\'s pale face instantly began to flush as he heard the grown woman speak. In response to this, Berengar smiled as he introduced Honoria by the pseudonym she had given him.

"This is Lady Valeria; she is from the Byzantine Empire and is here in Kufstein for trade. I am simply treating her to some of the local delicacies."

Though Berengar did not introduce her as yet another of his girls, the bystanders refused to believe that Berengar had no intentions of making such a beautiful young maiden a member of his Ducal Harem. After all, he was well renowned as a shameless lecher by the men of Kufstein, on that they all greatly envied.

Helga nodded as she heard this; she too suspected something more serious between the couple, but if Berengar did not want to publicly announce her relationship to the girl, it was far from her position to inquire. Thus she asked a far more appropriate question.

What can I get you, your grace?"

Berengar immediately responded with what he had on his mind; after all, such food was new to Honoria.

"I would like a basket from of Bierocks and two pitchers of fresh milk."

Hearing this, Helga nodded her head and responded with a smile

"Coming right up!"

After doing so, Berengar took a few silver pfennigs from his coin pouch and handed them over to the woman, where she immediately began to decline.

"Your grace, you do not have to pay! It would be rude for me to ask that of you!"

However, Berengar merely laughed at the woman\'s response and joked about it.

"How do you stay in business?"

To this, the mature woman blushed, and Berengar forced the coins into her hands.

"I can\'t have you and your employees working for free just because I am the Duke; you deserve to get paid for your services."

With that, he walked away with Honoria by his side, where they sat at the outside dining area while waiting for their food.

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