
Chapter 1593: Four imperial implements

The five figures in the pool seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Mu Yun was stunned for a while, these five women, each with its own beauty and characteristics, were quite attractive.

Mu Yun approached cautiously, and finally came to the pool, squatted down, looked at a dress, his little heart almost flew out.

"I'm here, my wives!"

Suddenly, Mu Yun stood up suddenly, waved his hands, stood by the pool, and threw himself into the pool.

With a thud, water splashed.

Mu Yun plunged directly into the pool, and suddenly, the entire pool was splashed with water, and it fell silent for an instant.

He stood up hurriedly, and looked at the five people around him, Mu Yun's heart was in full bloom.

"Ladies, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Looking at a few people, Mu Yun said with a smile.

After the words fell, Mu Yun rushed out directly, rushing towards the five figures.


In an instant, five slaps, a bang, suddenly spread, the door was pushed open, and a figure rushed out of the door.

With a boom, a figure was directly blasted out of the room.


Mu Yun let out a painful cry, and only felt as if his whole body fell apart, and the alcohol on his body was also weakened a lot.

"Hey, Yuner, what are you doing here?"

At this moment, a kind voice sounded in his ear, and Zhuge Wen stood in front of Mu Yun.


Mu Yun hurriedly stood up, looked at the literary teacher, and said, "Master hasn't rested so late!"

"Aren't you resting?"

Zhugewen looked at Mu Yun and said with a smile: "It just so happens, since you haven't rested, I happen to have something for you!"


"What's wrong with your face?" Looking at Mu Yun, Zhuge Wen was stunned.


Mu Yun was stunned, and said with a trembling smile: "We just played a game, I lost, I slapped..."


Zhugewen looked at Mu Yun, shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "You are old, you are old, you young people, really know how to play..."

"Ha ha……"

Mu Yun smiled awkwardly, looking at the literary teacher, he could only smile helplessly.

He can't say that this slap was slapped by five women, right?

Moreover, every slap is so cruel, and there are two immortal emperors' slap marks, the deepest...

Following Zhugewen to a secret room, two figures entered the room, on the top of the tall tower, came to the outside of a room, Zhugewen stepped forward, put his hands together, and pressed directly on the door.

A ray of light suddenly appeared on the door, a creaking sound sounded, and the door opened.

Zhugewen went straight into the room, and Mu Yun followed closely.

"Master, isn't this your treasure chest? I didn't let me in before!" Mu Yun smiled.

"Smelly boy, why are you still holding grudges?"

Zhugewen sighed and said: "In my eyes, there were only these immortal artifacts, but last time, I suddenly realized that if I want to live with them, I must have so many lives. Now, I only I want to steadily break through the realm of the immortal emperor and strive to increase my life span by 10,000 years!"

"Master is getting awake!"

"Smelly boy!"

Zhugewen cursed, and walked toward the depths. The entire room was densely packed with fairy artifacts. These were all masterpieces that Zhugewen treasured throughout his life.

Mu Yun couldn't help sighing as he watched.

Finally, when he came to the depths and stood in front of a wall, Zhugewen stopped.

"Everyone else said that I have refined three imperial-level immortal artifacts in my life, but they don't even know that I am not refining three, or four!"

Zhugewen smiled faintly and said: "This first piece..."

With a wave of his palm, a ray of light rose from the wall.

It was a sword with a length of three feet and three inches and a blue light all over, like a swimming snake, with a smooth curve, and it looked very cold.

"This sword is called Frost Ice Falling Sword. I just picked the name of this sword casually. It was made from the nine-day meteorite iron in the cold stream of the far north. At that time, in order to obtain the nine-day meteorite iron, I spent a lot of money. My life has been plagued by dark diseases for thousands of years."

"This sword is extremely cold. In my opinion, it is quite good to give to your wife Qin Mengyao. I think her physique is cold. This sword is a perfect match for her!"

Zhugewen smiled and said, "I don't think she can remember you anymore, that's okay, just send her a sword, and then chase her!"

Send sword...

Hearing this, Mu Yun just smiled bitterly, what was given out was really too big!

"The second emperor-level immortal weapon is also a sword. This sword is called the Nine Ways of Burning Heaven Sword. There are thousands of great avenues in the world, but the nine most powerful ones I think are gold, wood, Water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, electricity and... the way to martial arts!"

Zhugewen said lightly: "So I was refining this sword at that time. It took a hundred years to choose materials, a furnace for three hundred years, and a three hundred years to refine it, and then I made this sword!"

"Nine Burning Heaven Sword..."

Mu Yun felt joy in his heart.

This sword, as if it were tailor-made for him, is really wonderful!

The sword is three feet and seven inches long, the blade is smooth, and the whole long sword, when you look carefully, it seems to be a combination of nine thin swords, and the brilliance is shining!

Zhugewen smiled and moved on.

On the wall, a fairy artifact appeared again.

To be precise, not one piece, but...ten pieces!

Those are ten very small embroidery needles.

Each embroidery needle is about the length of a thumb, but the thinness is not visible.

Zhugewen waved his palm, and a silver needle flew into his hand.

Zhugewen smiled and said: "You come and try, with your palm, can you break it off!"


"Ah what, let you try, you try!"


Mu Yun's words fell, he took the silver needle, directly held the silver needle in the palm of his hand, and tried his best.

Although he is in the realm of an ordinary immortal king, he is now on the verge of breaking through a battle during the day, and his own blood is different from others, and his strength is tyrannical.

Under this force, the silver needle...had not changed at all.

Mu Yun was suddenly surprised.

"These ten needles of purgatory were made by me with the gold of Ronggeng!"

"The Gold of Melting Geng?"

Mu Yun was even more startled.

As a fairy master, how could he not know the gold of Ronggeng.

This is a kind of gold element spar, but this class of spar is not formed by heaven and earth, but grown from flowers.

This flower blooms once in five hundred years and produces a little bit of gold.

A Rong Geng flower blooms once in 500 years, and it is estimated that only one grain of molten gold can grow, and Rong Geng flower will wither once it blooms.

If you want to collect enough gold for the ten silver needles, it is simply...difficult to reach the sky!

"It took thousands of years for the teacher to collect the materials, and it failed three times in between..."

Hearing this, Mu Yun was even more startled, failing three times, that was how much gold was spent.

"Don't underestimate the ten needles of purgatory, these ten needles, but they can be connected into one..." Zhugewen smiled confidently.

As Zhugewen said, he continued to walk forward, and finally smiled and said: "This last one, you will definitely like it."

"This one is also what the Honored Master promised you back then. It has not been completed. I thought that my life was almost over before, so I tried my last life and practiced it for you!"

Zhugewen said, with a wave of his palm, the light flashed, and a bright light rose into the sky.

It was a long spear, and it was a long spear connected with the spear body and the spear head.

The whole gun is about three meters in length, and the tip of the gun is about half a meter in length, and there is a hot atmosphere everywhere on the body of the gun.

"This gun is called Jiuyang Tiangang Gun!"

"I have made nine kinds of Sunstones for you. As for the beauty, I won't talk about it. You will learn about it after you slowly experience it by yourself!"

Zhugewen was selling off at this moment.

"Master will sell me off!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "In this case, I will accept this long spear, and the other three, please keep the master!"

"Smelly boy!"

Zhugewen slapped Mu Yun's head, and said with a smile, "I gave it to you!"


"Ah for what?"

After Zhugewen folded his hands, he smiled and said, "If the old doesn't go away, and the new doesn't come, these things will be a curse if they stay on me. If you give them to you, even if they are you!"

"Master, you are really mean..." Mu Yun smiled: "But it's mean, I like it!"

"Since the teacher is an emperor, there is no shortage of refining materials. In this fairy world, I don’t know how many people want to send me. I have a life span of 30,000 years, and I will make a breakthrough to reach the emperor. My life span should not only increase. Ten thousand years, when the time comes, young and vigorous, and refining a few more emperor-level immortal artifacts, it is not simple..."

"Master is right!"

Mu Yun smirked and said, "Maybe I will grow stronger when I start my second spring, and I will be able to add a brother to me!"


Mu Yun immediately avoided, looked at the four imperial artifacts, and said with a smile: "In that case, that disciple is welcome!"

With a wave of his palm, Mu Yun gathered all the four imperial artifacts in his arms.

Now, earn money!


Zhugewen covered his mouth at the moment, coughing and coughing: "Smelly boy, these four imperial artifacts are all given to you. You should always give me a little benefit, you boy, but now the only emperor alchemy... …"

"Um...Master, you didn't give it away for nothing?"

"Hey, you kid, how come you don't know what is good or bad?"

Zhuge Wengang wanted to scold Mu Yun, but Mu Yun wiped the soles of his feet and ran away.

"Master, I will refine the Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill for you. When that time comes, I will definitely allow you to break through to the realm of the immortal emperor and open up the second spring!"

"Small and serious..."

Mu Yun ran away in a hurry, but his heart was agitated.

Four imperial artifacts!

Four truly authentic imperial artifacts, these are the four imperial artifacts that will drive the entire fairy world crazy.

"The Nine Burning Heaven Sword and the Nine Sun Heavenly Gun Spear, to me, are a perfect match!"

"Ten needles in purgatory, as a sneak attack, hidden weapon, it will make people caught off guard!"

"As for the Frost Falling Sword, it is indeed the most suitable for Yaoer..."

Mu Yun kept pondering and returned to the courtyard.

At this moment, a pretty figure stood outside the gate of the small courtyard, swinging back and forth, looking very anxious.

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