
Chapter 641 - I Owe You Nothing (5)

Chapter 641 - I Owe You Nothing (5)

Tang Moyu's words left Feng Tianhua greatly flabbergasted and confused at the same time. Why did Tang Moyu say something like that about his wife? As far as he knew, the two had never been close, although Xing Yiyue had tried to befriend the empress once, Tang Moyu had always kept her distance, not wanting to have anything to do with the two of them.

Even when Tang Moyu had left and he went back to his office… her office, the one that Tang Moyu used before. He took a seat behind his desk and ran his hands over his face in frustration. Tang Moyu was right. He was the only one who kept clinging on the past while it was so obvious that everyone else had already moved on with their lives.

He had to admit that Tang Moyu had hit him where it hurts, breaking his illusion that he still had a chance to be with her. He was reminded of what he had right now, and who was waiting for his return back at home.

Thinking about it, there weren't many things that he really knew about his wife. Xing Yiyue rarely talked about her family and her childhood, only saying that she had an elder brother and both her parents were busy with each of their own work.

It made him think about the kind of woman he married when he ditched the woman he claimed. Feng Tianhua suddenly felt the need to find the right answers. There was no doubt that Tang Moyu knew something about his wife that he didn't.

He pushed the intercom on his desk, intending to summon his personal assistant. The man appeared at once and came into his office.

"I want you to find something for me…" He started, clasping both hands on top of his desk. "No… I want you to run a background check on someone."

"Right away, Sir! Who shall we investigate?" His assistant asked Feng Tianhua.

Feng Tianhua cleared his throat, his jaws tightening at the thought that his wife might be deceiving him.

"My wife." He answered, surprising his assistant. "I want you to dig up everything about my wife. Don't miss anything, including the skeletons in her closet."


Tang Moyu found Cheng Ning in the lobby on the ground floor of Feng Conglomerate, talking over her phone. She was laughing over something the person said on the other end of the line. With their schedule a little lax these days, Cheng Ning had decided to take the chance to hang out with the friends she barely met during their time at Tang Enterprise.

Once she saw her boss coming her way, Cheng Ning bid goodbye to her friend before hanging up. She was excited for the coming weekend as she and her friends agreed to watch movies together and to catch up over a meal after.

"Miss Moyu, the car is waiting for you outside." She informed Tang Moyu at once, ignoring how the people around them were throwing curious glances at the empress. Cheng Ning was annoyed that these people didn't even have the decency to lower their voices.

After more than six years, no one had thought that she would step back into Feng Conglomerate as a shareholder and that she would marry her ex-fiancé's brother. Now, they were wondering what her intention was returning here. Was she planning to overthrow Feng Tianhua from his position and help her husband ascend to it?

Well, that's one of the possibilities they could come up with. If only Tang Moyu was willing to return to their company, there was no doubt that their jobs here would be easier and more efficient. Alas, with her being the CEO of Xiao Xing Diamond Co., they doubt that she would leave that lucrative company in favor of joining Feng Conglomerates. They could only wait and see how this power struggle between the Feng brothers would end.

"Then let's go. I'll drop you home so you don't have to commute using public transport just to get home." Tang Moyu said, knowing full well that her assistant would have a hard time going home from here as the roads were usually congested during this time of the day.

She strode towards the front doors of the building, ignoring the curious gazes on her. They could look at her all they want, she didn't owe them any explanation for her actions anyway.

The weather outside was gloomy. Tang Moyu suddenly felt an ominous feeling she couldn't ignore. She stood frozen, not knowing how to explain this fear that suddenly washed through her. She pulled her phone and dialed the number back at home. She needed to be assured that nothing wrong happened to her children and her husband.

"Moyu? Are you done? Baobao kept asking me what time you'll be home." She heard Feng Tianyi on the other end of the line. Tang Moyu released a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose before sliding into the backseat of the car that was opened for her by one of her bodyguards.

She could hear their twins arguing in the background about which game they should play while waiting for her. They seemed so eager to spend the rest of their day with her and Feng Tianyi, who promised to return early from work. With Song Huifen returning to Qing Tian Group, the responsibility of running the company was split between the mother and son.

"But we've already played this before, Little Star! Mommy will easily get bored with this." Tang Moyu heard her son complain.

Was she overthinking? Tang Moyu wondered. Was her fear unfounded? Both Feng Tianyi and her children were safe at home, so why did she feel uneasy all of a sudden? Her instincts rarely failed her and she had avoided several problems because of it.

"I'm on my way home now. I'll just drop Miss Cheng at her place. I'll be home in an hour." She replied to her husband, taking a look outside, giving the Feng Conglomerate one last look before they left. She could only hope that she was wrong about it this time...

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