
Chapter 870: Crush them to death

Chapter 870: Crush them to death

The village chief narrowed her eyes when she heard the suggestion of the woman. She recalled how she was scolded by the officials for not doing a good job while Madam Gu was treated with honours, clearly, that woman could have helped her but she wanted to be the only one who was holding the centre of the stage which was why she deliberately ignored her and her village.          

The Big River village could even feed the mer sons who were useless until they were thick and chubby while her own village was relying on nothing but the flesh of their own villagers. They did not even get to eat a single whole meal while the Big River village was eating so well that they could even feed the mers.      

"Let's go," The Village Chief agreed with the suggestion of the woman. In her eyes it was only right for those heartless people of the Big River Village to die, that way, she will be able to get enough grains and meat!      

The Big River Village and the Big Stone Village were separated by two mountains. One was out of the jurisdiction of both the village while the other one was under the control of the Big River village, but both of these mountains were connected, as long as they made sure that the snow which was piled up on the mountain which did not come under the control of any village, they will be able to create an avalanche big enough for the entire village to be buried and everyone inside it to die after getting crushed to death by the snow.    

The people of the Big Stone Village walked past the path which led to the mountain and wasted another three hours as they climbed the top of the mountain where the snow was dangerously piled up and panted heavily.      

The village chief of the Big Stone Village did not wish to come along with the villagers. After all, she was used to ordering them around why should she even care about such things? What was more if someone saw her face then they will know that she was also in the plan of creating this man-made avalanche.      

However, she was convinced by the villagers. One of the villagers said to her in a heavy voice, " The Big River Village is clearly looking down on us. Village Head Gu did not give us any face when the flood was coming, her village is so close to the ocean surely she knew that something was up but she ignored us and only saved her own village and shone like a heroic woman in the eyes of the official, Village Chief! Are you going to silently watch them bully us?"      

"That's right Village Chief and we are only going to sneak into the mountain where everyone can come and go, who will doubt us? And by the time we enter their village, doesn't that mean that they will be crushed to death already? Hehe, then who will see your face and who will complain?" Another Villager sneered.      

The village head of the Big Stone Village thought about it and then nodded her head, the Big River Village might be a rich village with sturdy women and mers but after the avalanche how will they survive? Their entire village will be buried in the snow and they will die after being crushed by the snow.      

That village clearly had enough grains to feed their mers and mer sons who were useless, they could only give birth to children but was there any lack of mers in this world? No! Even if one mer was starved to death they will be able to marry another one and bring him to their village and give birth to plump daughters, unlike those mers, they were women upon whom the entire village depended.      

But instead of giving them food and grains after finding out that they were so hungry that they were resorting to eating their own villagers, those people were only caring about themselves and their useless mers!      

What can a mer even do? It was better for them to give those grains which they were feeding those mers to them!      

Such a heartless group of people, who knows if they ended up surviving? It was better if she watch them getting buried in snow by her own eyes.      

This time around many villagers were dying of hunger, which was why they did not even need the village head to tell them to start working. More than five hundred people from their village climbed up the mountains and started to make small snowballs which they rolled on the huge pile of snow and watched them take huge form.      

With more than five hundred villagers creating huge snowballs the pile of snow which was sitting on the ground like a mountain of snow itself, started to quiver.      

The one who was especially excited were the families who consisted of the weaker mers and children, quite surprisingly among these were a few mers who belonged to the Big River Village and they knew that with what they were doing, their maternal family will get crushed to death but they were selfish.      

After waiting for so long these mers realised that their families were not going to help them anymore. In the past when they were not that hungry they were still willing to restrain themselves from harming their maternal families, they thought that their families were also suffering but now that they knew that the Big River Village had enough grains but they did not wish to share it with them and would rather watch them die and get eaten, they did not feel the slightest bit guilty when they rolled the snowball which might lead the Big River Village to be crushed to death.      

Fine if they did not wish to save them, then they will not care about them either! It is better for them to be crushed to death such that they will be able to steal the grains which their maternal families were hiding in their houses!    


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