
Chapter 250 Now what wrong did she do

Chapter 250 Now what wrong did she do

Yu Dong didn't comment any further, she didn't have the heart to say anything that will douse the excited expression on Chen Mi's face. The guy was obviously very hyped up about getting a younger brother was there any need for her to break his bubble and bring him to face the one fact that he was very obviously ignoring. She smiled at him hoping that her expression didn't show what she was feeling, " Very well then, I understand. Remember to treat your ' younger' brother properly when I am gone, alright?"

Chen Mi's answer was almost as quick as his hands when he snatched desserts from the table, " Don't worry, wife. I will definitely take care of brother Chi!"

Of course, you will. Thought Yu Dong as she looked at Chen Mi who was brimming with excitement. Aish, it would be better if Fang Chi doesn't feel overwhelmed by Chen Mi's overly warm welcome. She kind of had a feeling that Chen Mi was going to tire out Fang Chi today no matter what. She turned to look at Ye Liu and Shen Li who were busy brewing the alcohol, the two of them were engrossed enough in their own thing but looked up when they sensed her gaze.

Shen Li who was tossing the rotten grapes from the good ones glanced at her and then glanced at Chen Mi who was practically bouncing with excitement at the thought of acting like the big brother here and smiled, as he said, " Don't worry we will take care of Fang Chi properly, you don't need to worry about it."

Ye Liu crushed the grapes and poured the juice into the primary fermentation container that they used before wiping his hands. " Yes, you go and take care of the paddy fields those have been yet to be taken care of, it's going to be harvest season soon. Even if your powers can grow the crops really fast it would be too suspicious if we don't sow the rice now. The next month you will be marrying Chi and it will reflect badly on him if you left to work in the fields after just a few days of marriage. So, take care of all the work that you need to take care of before that."

Shen Li's smile faltered a little at Ye Liu's words, that's right. Leaving the house after just a few days of marriage wasn't good for a mer's reputation, wasn't it the same for them too?

Even Chen Mi's excited eyes also dimmed a little.

Yu Dong noticed the subtle change in the atmosphere and asked, " what happened?"

"It's nothing." Shen Li at once, his quick reply was certainly dodgy but then his eyes quickly masked those feelings and gave her the same gentle smile that he always did as if what happened earlier was nothing but her imagination. " don't you need to go to the paddy fields then I think that its time for you to leave, it's going to be noon soon and Chi will arrive sooner or later so, sorry about this Dong Dong."

And then they literally kicked her out of the house.

" Ah!" Yu Dong stared at the closed door after she was kicked out of the house and suddenly felt an urge to scream, what did she say wrong now? What was it? She tried to think over the conversation that they just had and no matter how many times she replayed it in her head, it didn't seem out of the ordinary. " Jeez, at times like this I wish that my memory was clear."

Though Yu Dong regained the majority of the previous owner's memories, there were still some that were hazy. Since her soul occupied the body after Yu Dong had consumed quite a lot of happy powder, the organs were indeed harmed a lot even with the spiritual powers she could barely save the body that has been wasted away like iron corroding in rain.

She rubbed the back of her head in frustration, half of her mind was set on going in and asking what made the three upset but then she changed her mind about questioning them any further. If they wanted to tell her, they would have done so- if they didn't then either they were not comfortable with sharing it with her or maybe they didn't want to talk about it. In both cases, she cannot just force them to talk about what they didn't want to.

" Dong Dong, you are early" Aunt Wang who was heading to her paddy fields saw Yu Dong who was standing outside her house with a bemused look and walked up to her. " what are you trying to dilly dally here by watching your house with that gaze? Oh don't tell me" with a sly look she threw her arm around Yu Dong's shoulder and grinned " You don't want to be away from your sweethearts right? Well, it's the same for me. I too don't want to be away from my little darling Fu."

Yu Dong didn't want to listen to anymore, she had zero interest in the love life of Aunt Wang and was very much aware of just how precious Uncle Fu was to Aunt Wang. She pushed the latter away from her face and rolled her eyes as she said, " I was just thinking about something, and lost track nothing more."

Aunt Wang "…."

" By the way what are you doing here Aunt Wang?" asked Yu Dong as she carefully eyed the farming tools that Aunt Wang was carrying on her back, " Doesn't Uncle Fu usually take care of the farming what are you doing here with all these tools here?"

Though Aunt Wang indeed doted on her husband a lot, they had three children to take care of and one of them was going to be admitted to the academy next year. Thus, the husband and wife pair had to work really hard to make a decent sum of money to carry on the responsibilities that were laden on their shoulders.

Aunt Wang grinned at her question like she has been waiting for Yu Dong to ask it. She looked left and then right, then very sneakily spoke, " Your Uncle Fu is with a child."

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