
Chapter 165 - [Bonus ]

Chapter 165 – [Bonus ]

Yu Tong's eyes widened with mirth the Mer on her side was right.

Yu Dong didn't go to the counter where they registered for the Mer they wanted to spend time with. Instead she went straight to the tavern mistress after briefly reporting to the sturdy bodyguards that stood just outside the door of the tavern mistress's room.

Yu Tong was so surprised that she dropped the Mer who was sitting on her lap when she abruptly stood up.

The Mer muttered an aggrieved "Oww." but Yu Tong didn't pay any attention to him.

Yu Dong went inside the tavern mistress's room? That was impossible! The tavern mistress didn't meet with anyone until they gave her a reasonable price.

Of course Yu Tong gritted her teeth. Yu Dong can visit the tavern mistress she was no longer the same Yu Dong was she?

Looks like the money she was making was no joke! Because the tavern mistress does not allow anyone to look for her unless they paid in gold. Gold!

That was hundred of silver taels! Where the hell did she get so much money? Yu Tong's eyes darkened and nobody could tell what she was thinking.

"Ah, my dear Yu Dong." greeted the tavern mistress her smile flattering and greasy. Although Yu Dong could see that the tavern mistress wasn't happy to see her at all.

Her eyes were cold and she would assessed her like a gambler would assess all his cards before putting them on the table.

Yu Dong let her look as much as she wanted and without waiting for her to 'permit' her to sit, Yu Dong pulled the chair and sat down.

Behind her Lang stood at guard just like the sturdy moon behind the tavern mistress. "Of course, by all means -sit down" said the tavern mistress her smile flickering a little. She was a woman who has seen the storms of day while managing to keep her smile.

Yu Dong cocked a brow and casually shrugged. "Of course I will. I paid a gold tael for coming inside surely I am allowed to sit down right?"

She wasn't trying to be sarcastic but she was more than infuriated at the thought of wasting a gold tael for just a meeting.

From the memories of the original owner she knew that the tavern mistress named Xiang Bei was one greedy bitch but she didn't know that she was this greedy.

No wonder the original owner never looked for her, it wasn't because she didn't want to but because she couldn't! Son of a –

Xiang Bei raised her brows. She hadn't seen Yu Dong for quite a lot of months. The last time she saw her the latter was hooked on the happy powder.

Her dealer warned her that the happy powder was dangerous but Xiang Bei wanted to make a Godly sum from that dangerous thing.

It was cheaper than wine and many fools like Yu Dong were willing to buy it.

So, despite the danger she still continued to sell it in her tavern but then Yu Dong overdosed and fainted with foam coming out of her mouth and that scared her.

She was afraid that if Yu Dong died the matter might be chased down to her so she hurriedly got rid of those happy powders packages(the original owner did some good huh).

After that accident she never saw Yu Dong again and thought that the latter most probably died or something but now that the latter was sitting in front of her.

Xiang Bei couldn't help but feel regretful -ah! That stock was worth fifty taels and yet because of this stupid fool, she threw it all away!

If she knew that Yu Dong was going to be alright then she wouldn't have done that! Nice her heart was bleeding so much that it felt like her flesh was being cut. Despite causing her so much loss this woman was sitting in front of her as tall and haughty!

"Can I ask you asked for this meeting?" asked Xiang Bei though she was internally cursing Yu Dong, she didn't dare to offend her.

She had already checked out the quality of Yu Dong's clothes they were of the finest quality and not just anyone could afford them.

A woman who could frisk out a gold tael with so much ease wasn't one to be offended! So despite feeling indignant Xiang Bei's tone was filled with politeness.

"About that .. do you mind calling Xiao Hua here first?" said Yu Dong since everything was happening because of Xiao Hua it made no sense if he wasn't here. She simply wanted all the parties involved to be present but Xiang Bei misinterpreted her meaning.

Xiang Bei thought that Yu Dong was still pining after Xiao Hua who have rejected her a countless number of times already. Back then she also refused but now – she once again did a quick checkup of Yu Dong.

The latter was indeed looking like a rich Master and her manners were no less than those aristocratic Madams. 'hmm….'

Xiao Hua was indeed a hot potato. He was egging the Mers in her tavern to rebel against her.

Yesterday many of Xiao Hua's friends refused to perform in the tavern which offended quite a lot of her customers.

If this was before she would have tried to cajole them but they all were getting old and their popularity was also declining.

Xiang Bei wanted to introduce some fresh meat but not before gobbling the last big piece of meat! Before adding the new Mers that's she choose she wanted to sell of these mers or else their popularity might decline and she won't be able to get it.

If Yu Dong brought Xiao Hua then she wouldn't have to worry about a thing! With him gone the Mers will return to their tracks again! Let's see without Xiao Hua what will they do!

Xiao Hua walked inside the, his gaze darted to Yu Dong and his heart that was hanging in his throat finally settled down.

Fortunately, she was here.

A/n: do you want five or six husbands? If five it is Xiao Hua will be kicked out.

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