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Chapter 410 - Keep It Toned Down, Okay?

Chapter 410 - Keep It Toned Down, Okay?

From time to time, Leon would continue to test his air cannon\'s effect by throwing out more punches enhanced by Divine Will, creating more holes in the wall.

\'I understand now.\'

Leon quickly understood why his 200-thousand jin punches would only produce an air cannon of 50-thousand jin.

When he enhanced his punches with Divine Will, he also subconsciously revolved and compressed the surrounding air to the tip of his fist.

The air cannon was created by punching this ball of compressed air and shooting it. If he can consciously gather and compress this air more firmly, he would produce a stronger air cannon.

\'Let\'s try it.\'

Leon decided.

At the same time, an angry neighbor living on the other side of the wall was attracted to the commotion caused by Leon.

The person walked over to the hole in the wall and complained, "Oi! Keep it down, will ya?! You\'re also making a mess of my—"


The person did not finish speaking when another air cannon blew a hole in the wall and send several more wall fragments crashing into his home, narrowly missing him and giving him a slight scare.

"I\'m so sorry about that. What were you saying just now? Didn\'t quite catch the last bit." Leon apologized with a slightly awkward expression.

He was too focused on improving the self-made battle skill that he left out his considerations for his neighbors who live on the other side of the wall.

"Ah, no… it was nothing… Just keep it toned down, okay?" The person softened his stance with a humbled expression.

Leon smiled wryly when the person quickly left before he could give the person his answer. He decided to stop using the wall for target practice.

He had more or less figured out the finer details of new battle skills. Consciously compressing the air with Divine Will does generate a greater force, but he was still losing a lot of power when he tries to channel the strength of his punch into it.

Rather than punching compressed air, he needed to reduce the distance between the compressed air and his fist to zero and push it instead.

Only by achieving this would he channel the strength of his punch efficiently and shoot out an air cannon of equivalent force.

\'If I add elemental powers to this fist force, it will enhance the power and destructiveness of the fist force further and make it more practical in battle situations.\' Leon mulled.

He already decided to call it Fist Force. Depending on the attribute he adds to the battle skill, it can become Lightning Fist Force, Fiery Fist Force, or Icy Fist Force, etc. These were variations he could play with.

Darlene had been watching from the side quietly after returning from the bedroom, unwilling to disturb Leon\'s practice. After seeing Leon finally stopped his training, she walked over and called him.

"Please use this, hubby."

Darlene offered a towel for Leon to wipe his sweaty body. She blushed slightly when Leon accepted and said, "Thanks, wifey."

Leon called her as such before, but the feeling she received this time was different from before. It left her heart jittery and dancing with joy.

She smiled happily and proceeded to pick up the soaked top Leon had previously tossed aside and prepare to go wash it, but Leon stopped her.

"Ah, don\'t worry about washing that. I can just wash that later." Leon wrapped his hands around her waist and took the top from her hands.

Darlene\'s heart skipped a beat, but then she argued, "How can I let you do that? These menial tasks should be left for me to do. It\'s the least I can do for you."

"Well, only if you want to." Leon smiled before had a shrewd look and teased, "But my pants are also soaked and dirtied. Are you going to take these off me to wash them too?"

Darlene was surprised and quickly glance around. There were holes in the walls, broken doors, and even a few taller buildings in the surrounding area. If someone wanted to spy inside Barrenrock Courtyard, they can.

Her lips slowly curled up into a sly smile and teased back, "Hubby won\'t mind if I strip you here and let others see your little wiener down there?"

She glanced down at his crotch daringly.

Leon felt a little embarrassed that Darlene was daring enough to make a comeback at him, but it also proved that she was slowly changing from her previously more subservient self.

"Ahem." Leon coughed and said, "Never mind that. Come, I will teach you how to cultivate today."

This time, Darlene was startled and give the surrounding another sweeping glance before she said, "Are you going to teach me right here, hubby? Won\'t it be a problem for hubby if someone sees us while you are teaching?"

"Of course not."

Leon smiled calmly at Darlene\'s considerations and reached out his hand to rub her head like a little kid. She pouted with displeasure but still enjoyed the head rub like a cat that likes to be caressed.

"Rather than a problem, it will be advantageous for me instead."

Leon added.

By now, he understood that Chief Valencia and other people in the tribe were becoming more and more suspicious of his origins. This is also the most probable reason why he was secretly monitored.

But the more this was the case, the more he was not afraid to showcase his abilities and show his worth, even if it is at the risk of exposing his true identity as someone from the Human Domain.

Hiding his abilities is only advantageous towards him when he is being viewed as a threat by others. However, if his abilities are beneficial to others, it becomes a disadvantage to hide them instead.

Thus, he was not afraid to display his abilities. The more he reveals, the higher his standing in the hearts of the people will be.

He was someone akin to their savior, someone who can bring salvation to them, and he is indeed working in such a direction.

Thus, when his identity is revealed, people will not care about it even if they learn about it. They would only care about the benefits he can bring to them.

While others were scheming about how to make use of his abilities, he was not passive either. He was also plotting how to bring them all under his wing.

The average strength of humans living on the Infertile Plains was much higher than the people living within the Crawford Kingdom. There was no way he was going to pass up on such a strong fighting force.

"How so?" Darlene asked, unsure of her hubby\'s statement. Isn\'t it better when secrets are kept hidden? Nevertheless, her heart thumped with anticipation for Leon\'s teachings.

Leon shook his head with a light smile. There was no need for him to explain to Darlene. She will understand eventually.



Darlene obeyed Leon\'s command obediently and sat down stiffly while hiding the excitement in her heart. She was not too bothered that her hubby ignored her question.

Everyone had secrets.

Leon observed her seated meditative posture before he crouched over and started massaging her stiff shoulders.

"Relax. You are too stiff. You will not be able to cultivate properly like this. Let me help you…"

"Mm~! Hubby, your hands are being naughty!"

Darlene complained as a soft moan of pleasure escaped her mouth due to Leon\'s dexterous touch.

Leon shortly denied her accusation, "Nonsense, I am just helping your body relax so you can begin cultivation practice effectively."

"Do you also help others relax by teasing their bosom?" Darlene pouted with a light blush.

Leon glanced down and suddenly exclaimed, "Aiyo!"

He gave himself a light slap on the back of the hand before saying, "Curse these roguish hands of mine. There, I punished them??Are you happy now, wifey?"

"Now you are just silly!" Darlene giggled.

Leon observed her with a slight smile.

Seeing that she was relaxed in both and mind, he began to instruct her, "Alright, no more nonsense. Close your eyes and empty your mind. Don\'t think about anything and just listen to my voice while feeling the changes to your body."

"Apart from the cultivation of the body, there is the cultivation of the energy, the soul, and the law. What you will be learning is the cultivation of the law, called awakening cultivation. To cultivate the law, you must first sense the element most intimate and close to you, which we already happen to know is the spatial element. Can you feel them around you?"

With her eyes close, Darlene only saw the dark expanse that exists inside her mind when her sense of sight is shut.

She was not sure how she was supposed to feel the spatial element surrounding her, causing her expression to crumple slightly.

"The spatial element may feel very indistinct and sparse as it is hidden among the various other elements that surround us. Don\'t try to feel it with your body. Feel it with your mind, but not so much as to feel as it is to know it."

While Leon instructed, he expanded his senses and used Divine Will to gather the surrounding spatial elements hidden in the surrounding for Darlene to feel.

"I think I feel something. It feels familiar, but I\'m not sure if these things are the spatial elements you are talking about, hubby." Darlene softly stated while her eyes remained closed, and her expression slightly eased.

At the same time, Leon also felt a slight tug on the spatial elements he gathered towards her. He nodded approvingly and said, "That\'s it, those are the spatial elements… Focus your mind on them and pull them in like your mind is forming ropes to catch them."

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