
Chapter 1137: 2 Years, The War of 2 Worlds

Chapter 1137: 2 Years, The War of 2 Worlds

Whether it was the sunny human world or the Demon Realm with 2 moons. Whether it was singing and dancing, or chaos and turmoil, they were always busy and common.

Few people know that, for the sake of this common and busy world, as well as to protect those in his hearts, there was a man who looked as common as ordinary people was using his feet to try to find a way in the fog.

Crossing the sea closest to death, traversing the desolate desert, walking through the nightmarish volcano… His footsteps still did not stop.

Perhaps there was no end. He was just looking for the direction of the heart.

Time was like water. Before one realized it, 2 years had passed.

Under the bright sunlight, the reflection was blood color.

The originally warm radiance turned cold.

“Bang bang bang…”

The long black tube was quickly shooting the light of death, harvesting one after another life.

Magic gun.

Compared with 2 years ago, the magic gun was much more advanced now. This kind of powerful killing weapon that could fire in rapid bursts had been widely used. It had greatly changed the form of combat. Even people without magic and long-range talent could use firearms to carry out powerful long-range strikes. Of course, firearms were also limited by ammunition, range, accuracy, and their own firepower. For powerhouses above a certain level, they could not pose a real threat.

The popularity of magic guns had a great impact on traditional archers who were responsible for long-range attacks. Many archers had ‘switched careers’ to become magic gunners. Even the elf tribe, who was famous for their archery, was no exception. Of course, this referred to the general shooters. As far as firearms were concerned at this stage, they were only dead objects after all. It could not exert power other than the firearm itself.

For those high-level elf magic archers who could combine their own power to launch various fancy attacks, there was no such concern. Moreover, the magic gun was originally an invention of the elf tribe, and the elf far surpassed ordinary races in terms of vision, hearing and sense of the natural environment, so the magic gun could exert more power in the hands of the elf.

In contrast, the magician profession was much less affected. On the one hand, magic gun was more effective in killing magicians, especially sniping; on the other hand, magicians who mastered firearms also made up for personal shortcomings to a certain extent. For instance, being able to use a short gun to shoot or delay the enemy after getting closer, still threatening after the magic power was exhausted, and so on.

Even those civilians who had no fighting talent could use firearms to compete with people of certain levels. It could be said that the emergence of the magic gun had improved everyone’s combat power and changed the pattern of many things.

The most obvious was war.

For example, the current crusade of the Thunder Empire against the White Ride Empire.

The reason was that Diwa, the 7th prince of the Thunder Empire, admired Royal Princess Meijing of the White Ride Empire and went to propose marriage. After being rejected, he died out of accident in the White Ride Empire, and it caused a war. In fact, everyone with a discerning eye knew that the 7th prince of the Thunder Empire was a child of a concubine and was very unloved. Meanwhile, the royal princess of White Ride Empire was the apple of the king’s eyes. From the perspective of marriage proposals alone, the success rate was almost zero.

As everyone knew, the Thunder Empire had coveted the territory of the White Ride Empire for a long time. This marriage proposal was likely to be a good play directed and performed by the Thunder Empire. Poor Diwa was just an abandoned child. It could be seen from the Thunder Empire’s quick victory over 7 cities in the White Ride Empire after declaring war, that this was a military aggression with premeditations. After the high level powerhouses were restricted, the magic gun almost dominated the entire war.

The White Ride Empire was relatively remote and rich in mineral resources, and the Thunder Empire was 1 of the vassal states of the Dragon Bright Empire. This invasion was likely to be inspired and secretly supported by the Dragon Bright Empire. The target was naturally the resources of the White Ride Empire.

There was almost no suspense. With the fall of the White Ride Capital, the name the ‘White Ride Empire’ was completely relegated to history.

This was not the first victim of greed and ambition, nor would it be the last.

The sun shone on the blood and flames all over the place. Behind the cheers of the victors were the laments and whinings of countless souls. No matter what excuses were used to whitewash it, the essence of war was the cruelest.

Demon Realm.

It was also a huge war, and it was also 1 of the stages where magic guns shone.

But there was no real blood and death.

The magic game ‘Infinite Warrior OL’ weekly super monster siege event.

The cities where the players were located would be attacked by a large number of dungeon monsters. These monsters that usually appeared in dungeons were quite fierce. The most terrifying thing was the endless number. There were also many leader-level and elite-level bosses among them. It looked like an endless sea, which could be called a nightmare for all players.

The ballistae on the city wall fired the explosively poisonous bolts one after another, the magic crystal cannon shot the light of the destruction, and there was a strong ejection sound from the rear as the boulders engulfed in flames were thrown out. Various gaps continued to appear in the sea of monsters.

However, the monsters were not affected in the slightest, and the gaps were quickly filled as they went on and on. The wave at the forefront was inexhaustible and became more and more crazy.

Due to the cooling time, the magic crystal cannons’ light gradually dimmed, and the attack frequency of catapults and ballistae could not prevent the arrival of the monster wave. The monsters had quickly shortened the distance between the city wall.

The magic crystal cannons, catapults, and crossbows were all used by Chen Rui in wars with Prince Obsidian and the Bloody Empire. They were once flamboyant and had excellent results, even the most powerful of the Bloody Empire Army suffered a lot.

Today, when facing these numerous monsters who were not afraid of them at all, they seemed powerless.

If this kind of situation happened a few years ago, the player team would have been in chaos, but now every player seemed very calm. In the past few years, players had experienced this kind of siege battle hundreds of times. They had accumulated a wealth of experience in confrontation, whether it was tactics, cooperation, psychology, and others to a considerable extent.

On the parapet wall, there were rows of gun barrels. On those main shooting platforms, a special kind of firearm had been erected. The structure of this kind of firearm was more complicated than the general one. The most obvious was that there were 6 barrels. It was a long row of blue bullets connected in parallel, like some kind of chain.

None of the guns were fired early though. They all were waiting.

Waiting for an opportunity.

Dozens of flying figures appeared in the sky and went into the monster sea. They were the assemble puppets..

Assemble puppets were different from ordinary machines or firearms. They could combine the pilot’s spirit power and soul power to burst out strong lethality. As long as they had the corresponding talent and ability, even the originally weak race could freely pilot the battle puppet to unleash the power no less than a penance powerhouse.

Since the Fallen Angel Empire’s military parade that shocked the Demon Realm, the puppet pilot had become an official fighting profession. At present, the 3 empires had an astonishing number of assemble puppet legions, and the puppet pilots who were outstanding in the game were all elites in the legions. The same was true for the emerging professional, ‘magic gunner’ – The connection between virtual and reality was the greatest charm of the ‘Infinite Warrior OL’.

For the entire sea of monsters, these assemble puppets were just a drop in the bucket, but the purpose of the war puppets was not to attack directly, but to fly in the air according to a certain trajectory and sprinkle some strange things.

The monsters did not hesitate because of the actions of the assemble puppets. In fact, nothing could stop their berserk attack, including the death of their kind.

The monsters did not lack long-range attack capabilities. Although they didn’t have the range and power of magic crystal cannons and guns, they were enough to force the assemble puppets in mid-air into a desperate situation. In the interwoven energy, the number of assemble puppets was rapidly decreasing.

“Fei Fei! Ah Han was shot down! He didn’t finish the mission yet!” In the assemble puppet, an anxious voice came from the communicator.

“Damn it! Just a little bit!” Fei Fei was a dark goblin. When it came to his own combat power, he was not worth mentioning at all. In the past, Fei Fei was often bullied and had to rely on stealing and doing chores to make a living. The introduction of the ‘Infinite Warrior OL’ and assemble puppets changed all that. As the first lucky winner of the free lottery promotion by magic game, Fei Fei got the magic game helmet and magic television. Since then, there was 1 less insignificant thief on the corner of the street, and 1 more famous ace pilot in the magic game and assemble puppet legion.

“Ditus! Cover me!” Fei Fei’s assemble puppet made an incredible dodging movement in the air, causing those densely interlaced flames and acid attacks to miss one by one. In the blink of an eye, they had arrived at the position where Ah Han was shot down.

While dodging the attack, Ditus’ war puppet shot at the moving position of Fei Fei. He was slightly distracted and was hit by a long whip containing a strong flame. Large cracks appeared on the assemble puppet’s armor. Before Ditus could react, he was drowned in the energy that followed.

After a while, only the dark goblin Fei Fei was left in the dozens of assemble puppets dispatched. The flame whip that defeated Ditus reappeared in Feifei’s visual sense device. Fei Fei hurriedly pilot the battle puppet and turned around, narrowly dodging this powerful attack.

The creature holding the long whip was a woman with a hot body and wearing strange battle armor. Her body was surrounded by green flames. It was the elite boss ghost witch that could only be seen in the dungeon. Not only she had amazing strength, but she also had a special flame ability.

Under normal circumstances, if it was not the kind of manic super player, a team must cooperate to slowly exhaust her to death.

“There’s not enough time!” Fei Fei looked at the position behind the ghost witch, gritted his teeth, and actually rushed over. The ghost witch’s whip hit the assemble puppet’s head accurately, but then the fearless assemble puppet also hit the ghost witch’s body.

The ghost witch was not a whip queen who could only play SM. With a roar, she withstood the huge assemble puppet. Her hands emitted terrifying flames, and the alarm sounded in the cockpit of the war puppet. Fei Fei felt like his body was about to be melted by the terrifying heat.

The ‘Infinite Warrior OL’ had been upgraded through several versions until the current version, ‘Blade of Destiny’, where all aspects had been improved. The player’s senses were quite close to reality, and physical damage, pain, mental fear, and so on could all be manifested. The combat power would change accordingly with these factors, including the loss of combat consciousness, serious injury judgment, death, and so on. If there was no corresponding medicine or healing, the injury would affect the combat power until it fully healed. Meanwhile, death would take a day to revive again.

“The timing is just right…” Facing the battle puppet that was about to collapse and be destroyed, he was not panicking but smiled instead. The reason was that he had successfully used this collision to spill something into the corresponding area.

“Boom!” The last of the assemble puppets exploded, bursting into a gorgeous bloom in the air.


The ghost witch’s armor had been twisted and deformed. Although the wounds all over her body were not fatal, it had also given her a considerable blow.

The monster tide had not stopped because of this little interlude; it was getting closer and closer.

The monsters didn’t expect the entire battle situation to be changed by this neglected interlude. After a while, the ground trembled violently, and countless thick vines emerged. The general layout of these vines was quite ingenious. It was not a simple barrier, but it divided the entire monster army into several groups like a wall. The vines covered with thorns were extremely tough and had a special paralyzing effect, The raging monster tide was immediately delayed.

Guardian vines – It appeared in both the Fallen Angel Empire and the Warlock Fortress. It was now a special game item.

At the same time, the magic guns on the city wall fired in unison with terrifying flames, especially the multi-barreled firearms on the main shooting platform. The monsters collapsed to the ground.

The division of firepower of the firearms was quite particular. They focused on the enemies in their respective areas, which could maximize the killing effect. The small boss-level monster was about to rush up to the city wall, but it was shot in the forehead before falling down.

The damage of this kind of bullet was much more powerful than the ordinary type, but it did not kill the small boss. However, before it could move again, its vital part was accurately hit by the special bullets in succession. It finally collapsed unwillingly.

“Target No. 1 eliminated.”

“Prepare to concentrate firepower to attack the No. 2 target Longhorn, located at point 35 in the X area.”

Somewhere on the city wall, a dark elf wearing a special helmet listened to the communication command and aimed at another small boss in the area.


1 of the special occupations of the magic gunner was not only a sharpshooter who mastered precise shooting skills, but also various assassin skills such as camouflage, reconnaissance, concealment, and so on. Whether it was a game or in reality, it was a popular career.

The multi-barrel guns were strafing tirelessly. After a few rounds of salvos from the ordinary magic guns on the city wall, they began to load the ammunition and use special equipment to cool the guns. The back line immediately filled in the gap. As this went on, even those tenacious monsters were unable to withstand this uninterrupted hail of bullets; they fell to the ground one after another.

The number of monsters in the divided area began to decrease sharply, but the defensive power of the guardian vines was limited after all. Soon, the green wall of thorns was submerged in the monster tide one after another.

The monster army quickly broke through the magic traps along the way and came under the city wall.

The simulation degree of the game was extremely high. Under the spirit power effect of some kind of intelligent system, everyone’s soul could feel the creepy sense of oppression.

At this moment, many people even actually entered the war; not just a virtual game, but a real battle.

In the face of an irresistible enemy and a fate that was almost certain to be defeated, the people all clenched the weapons in their hands with fighting spirit and determination flashing in the gaze.

Countless rays of light flashed. The scene seemed to freeze.

The victory or defeat of war was no longer important, what mattered was the courage to fight against fate.

Just like grasping the blade of destiny in one’s own hands.

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