
Chapter 848 - Gambler King of the Dragon Island Vs Gambler King of the Demon Realm

“You seem to be more reserve than I expect. It can be seen that you really want the thunder nitrate mine, but you did not choose to bet everything even if I let you choose the bet method first.” The mustached flat-chested loli speculated with a smart expression, “‘Best of 3’ means you have at least 3 skills that you are good at. I heard Olypheus say that you used some kind of contract power to defeat Ukleus in the alchemist master contest, so you must be trying to bet on alchemy, Hmph! Not so easy!”

Chen Rui finally understood. The mustached flat-chested loli deliberately let me choose the bet method first, but she was actually setting up a trick, or a psychological tactic. It seems that she is a veteran.

The actual age in this world cannot be judged by appearance, especially the dragons with long lifespan. The appearance of this female dragon which looked like a loli, is able to train to the terrifying realm of the peak stage of the kingdom level and outperform the Elder Blue Dragon who is also at the kingdom level. Her actual age is definitely above Paglio or Zola. She is definitely not easy to deal with.

“Then how do you want to bet?”

This question was obviously expected by the flat-chested loli. There was a smug smile on her face as she took out a dice, “Just do as you said, best of 3. This is a magic dice, we each fill in the item we want to bet on. Each person can input a maximum of 6 items. The item is determined randomly. This dice also has a feature. When the items selected by both parties are the same or similar, the item will be more likely to be selected. Once it’s selected, it won’t appear again. To be fair, we will ask His Majesty Auglas to test this dice.”

“No need.” Auglas spoke up, “I know that magic dice not only made Sorian lose the Wind Dragon Island, but it also almost made him lose all his property. As far as the item itself is concerned, there is no problem. However, Lalaria, I remember Sorian, who almost lost his underwear, seemed to have a special prophecy for you.”

“Hmph, how is that a ‘prophecy’? Saying that I will lose everything in the hands of a man is clearly a curse! That old guy can only bluff me. If his prophecy is really effective, why did he lose so badly? I shouldn’t even leave him an underwear!” The flat-chested loli lightly stroked her mustache, “The old guy recently got a daughter. When she grows up, I will take his daughter and make the old guy pissed to death! “

The last sentence of the declaration made everyone sweat. Lalaria’s gambling method was very special. Luck played a big factor. If one was unlucky, he would not be able to get the item that he specialized in and fail miserably.

Chen Rui and Lalaria each wrote down the categories they wanted to bet on the note and handed it to Auglas. When Auglas mirrored the note against the magic dice, the texts on the note were immediately absorbed by the dice and turned into 2 blank sheets of paper.

“You first.” The mustached flat-chested loli waved to Chen Rui nonchalantly, “The loser can keep throwing.”

Chen Rui took the magic dice and looked at it. Although it had absorbed the texts just now, it still looked like an ordinary dice on the surface with no special display. He threw the dice casually. It fell to the ground, began to glow and projected a light beam upward. 2 words were written on the light beam: Memory Contest – The person who wrote down the most contents of the ‘Shifting Magic Dictionary’ within the specified time wins.

“Hohoho...” The mustached flat-chested loli let out a strange laugh, and her gaze couldn’t hide the smugness, “It is actually this? Your luck is really bad!”

Chen Rui asked, “What is ‘Shifting Magic Dictionary’?”

The mustached flat-chested loli had 2 thick books in her hand, “All the texts in the 2 magic dictionaries can be automatically mixed for random rearrangement and sorting. It rejects all imprint or copy magic, so one can only use real memory. Whoever can remember the most correct content within the specified time is the winner.”

Kia on the side asked curiously, “Why is there such a weird item?”

“I specially requested the Great Elder Lesgrand.” The mustached flat-chested loli threw a dictionary, “It’s also one of my, Lalaria. Tostanofamiat, trump cards! Just blame this guy’s hands for being so stinky that he actually rolled on my strength!”

“Specially ‘requested’ ?” Auglas laughed, “That old guy doesn’t have the time to spare. It was you who threatened to marry Lesgrand’s daughter, so the poor great elder was forced to do this for you, right?”

“Hohoho...” The loli’s strange laughter sounded again, and the fake mustache almost fell off, “Your Majesty Auglas, don’t mention this glorious past; I will be embarrassed.”

This loli is obviously a major scourge on Dragon Island... Chen Rui was dumbfounded, “Uh, Lalaria, I think we can start.”

“Don’t you want to drink some Spirit Potion or something?” The mustached flat-chested loli glanced at him, “The gap between us is too big. I don’t mind your little tricks.”

In fact, Lalaria had won against a lot of people with this dictionary. Even if the dictionary was arranged randomly every time, she was already very familiar with the words, fonts, and sizes in it. If she encountered an evenly matched opponent, these details could often become the key to victory. What’s more, Lalaria possessed kingdom level spirit power and soul power, which was an absolute advantage over Chen Rui. Even that kind of deliberately indifferent generosity was a means of psychological pressure.

Even with absolute advantage, she still bet with all her strength. The mustached flat-chested loli was more serious than anyone else when it came to gambling.

“No need. In the face of an absolute strength gap, little tricks are meaningless.” Chen Rui smiled lightly.

Chen Rui’s composure made the mustached flat-chested loli’s eyes flicker, “This composure, even if it’s intentional, is enough to make me look at you seriously. Okay, 3 minutes of reading time, then we recite what we remember. Once 1 item is wrong, it will automatically terminate. In the end, whoever recites the most correct content wins.”

Therefore, after the arbitrator, Auglas, verified that the items of both parties were correct, they each held a ‘Mobile Magic Dictionary’. After the automatic reordering of the dictionary was completed, the memory contest began. The mustached flat-chested loli was a veteran who was accustomed to this way. As soon as she got the dictionary, she immediately started flipping the pages quickly. Her eyes moved at a high speed, obviously concentrating the spirit power of the kingdom level to perform speedy memorization.

The functions of these 2 magic dictionaries were amazing. After 3 minutes, the words in the 2 magic dictionaries disappeared at the same time. Then, the 2 began to quickly recite what they remembered from the dictionary. The dictionary glowed strangely, and lines of texts were quickly displayed.

Lalaria quickly spat out syllables from the tip of her tongue. The light of the magic dictionary continued to flicker. The flickering speed was proportional to the input. At first, her speed was fast, and later on, it slowed down because as long as there was 1 wrong word, the dictionary would automatically terminate and end it.

Finally, Lalaria’s dictionary stopped flickering. She recorded about 1/5 of this large dictionary of 3,000 pages without any error, which broke her previous best score. After all, only 3 minutes of reading and memorizing time.

Lalaria closed the dictionary with satisfaction, then she glanced at Chen Rui next to her. Her proud expression suddenly solidified on her face.

The dictionary in Chen Rui’s hand was still flashing, and it always maintained a relatively uniform high speed. Although this frequency was slightly lower than Lalaria’s fastest input speed, the terrifying thing was ‘uniform speed’. If he had recorded at this terrifying speed from the beginning, then the amount of input must have surpassed her.

What made Lalaria even more horrified was that Chen Rui actually turned his head to look at her with a smile while he was still reciting. The flashing speed of ‘Mobile Magic Dictionary’ did not stop. It still maintained that incredible high speed frequency.

It was no longer simply a super memory or the ability to multitask. When the mustached flat-chested loli was almost numb from waiting, the dictionary finally stopped flickering.

Auglas made a move, and the 2 dictionaries flew into his hands. A surprised expression flashed past as he glanced at them. He announced the result, “Lalaria 610 pages, Chen Rui... 3,000 pages. Chen Rui wins!”

“3,000 pages!” This overwhelming victory completely shocked the mustached flat-chested loli – In 3 minutes, even if he simply turned the pages at a high speed, at most he had just finished turning the pages, let alone memorizing. He actually...

‘Shifting Magic Dictionary’ was Lalaria’s own magic item. Therefore, she was very clear that there was no room for cheating. She was even more aware of the difficulty of memory. 3 minutes to memorize all of them without errors. It is simply impossible to complete. Yet, he did it unbelievably.

I am actually defeated in my best item... The mustached flat-chested loli’s hand trembled slightly.

“Lalaria, are you ready? It’s time for you to roll the dice.” Chen Rui’s indifferent voice sounded. For him with [Deep Analysis] and super memory, this kind of memory competition was simply a free win.

“Damn it!” The mustached flat-chested loli’s eyes burned with raging fighting intent, “It must be a special memory talent! Don’t be overconfident just because you won one by luck! Since this memory competition has been selected once, it will never appear again!”

“Oh? It’s 1-0 now. I just need to win 1 more match to win, and you have no way out.”

“Lousy mind game!” The mustached flat-chested loli said disdainfully, then she threw the dice. This time, the projected light beam had 2 words: Dragon Inscription.

“It seems that the god of luck has favored the believer of the Dragon God this time. I have to say that luck is also an indispensable strength.” Loli looked elated, “See how I make a comeback!”

Chen Rui sighed, “I want to remind you that...”

“Cut the nonsense! Let’s start!”

After half an hour.

Lalaria screamed in disbelief, “Impossible, how can you win? Not even the Great Elder Lesgrand didn’t have your attainment! Are you a demon or dragon?”

“Actually, what I want to say at the beginning is that Dragon Inscription is also the item I wrote.” Chen Rui shrugged innocently. This was the feature of magic dice. When the 2 wrote the same category, they were more likely to be chosen.

“In this way, I won. The thunder nitrate mine is very important to me, so I will accept the bet on the Wind Dragon Island. As for the large amount of wealth, you give Olypheus some dividends, and I do not need the rest. I only have 1 small request, my real name and identity... must be kept secret.”

“Hmph! I will do as I said! I’m willing to accept defeat!” The enraged loli ripped off her fake mustache, “Now the entire Wind Dragon Island and that large sum of money belong to you! However, I will never keep your secret. On the contrary, I will spread it all around! Unless... you and I continue to bet until I lose it all or give up completely! How can I, a dignified Gambler King of the Dragon Island, lose in the hands of a guy like you? I must win back all that I have lost!”

Olypheus asked Isabella curiously, “Sister, what is Gambler King of the Dragon Island? It sounds amazing, can I eat it?”

“It’s not edible for the time being,” Isabella fondly patted the chick’s head, “But, your boss is more cunning and more amazing. I have been fooled by him countless times before. Not only me, from a certain point of view, but the entire Demon Realm has also been deceived by him. Perhaps you can call him... the Gambler King of the Demon Realm.”

Facing the challenge of the flat-chested loli without a mustache, Chen Rui glanced at the calm Auglas, thought for a moment, and nodded, “Yes, but I have the Wind Dragon Island and a lot of wealth on hand. If you only keep this little secret, your stake is too small!”

“Then add 1/20 of my property.” The flat-chested loli who lost the mustache still maintained the pride of a dragon, “Don’t underestimate the wealth owned by a giant dragon, especially the Dragon Island’s gambler king. 1/20 of the property has far surpassed the Wind Dragon Island, and your secret has little value in comparison.”

With that said, the flat-chested loli rolled the dice again, and the result was pharmaceutic. The flat-chested loli gave up this round, and Chen Rui won directly. After the third roll of the dice, the flat-chested loli finally showed a successful smile. She had been waiting for this item to appear. Apart from fighting and picking up girls, this was what she was best at.

It could be said that she had no opponent across the entire Dragon Island, even Dragon Emperor Auglas.

“I’m a little surprised.” The flat-chested loli asked nonchalantly, “Have you ever played this old game before?”

Chen Rui looked at a few texts on the light beam with a strange expression, “I came across it a few years ago, and I have quite a bit of experience.”

“A few years ago? Quite a bit of experience?” The flat-chested loli narrowed her eyes slightly and habitually licked her mouth like an old fox; only to realize that her mustache had just been removed off by herself, “So we have the same hobby? Then let’s use this to decide the outcome, there is no limit to the number of rounds until... you lose to the point where you have no chips, how about that?”

“Are you sure?” Chen Rui asked rhetorically, “My level... may be much higher than you think.”

“Then, I’m looking forward to your performance. I may consider leaving you a pair of underwear at the end.” The flat-chested loli sneered secretly. This is a highly technical ancient game. It cannot be simply played by talent. No matter what kind of talent the other party has, there is absolutely no chance of luck in this kind of competition. I believe that I will win back all the chips soon. Not only that, as long as I do a little trick to make him keep playing, not only Olypheus, but he will also bet on Isabella, Kia and Helen.

If Octopus King Red Pipit or Dark Elemental King Hegel were here, they would have observed a moment of silence for the flat-chested loli when they saw the words on the magic dice because the words on it were: Magic Card Game ‘Fate Showdown’.

TL: Maybe she can really put him down on this? By the way, if she loses everything to Chen Rui, wouldn’t he own the Dragon Island? Hmmm, maybe that’s what his father-in-law wants. Otherwise, Dragon Island will be the biggest casino in the Demon Realm soon...

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