
Chapter 624 - The True Identity of the Dark Dragon Emperor

Chapter 624: The True Identity of the Dark Dragon Emperor

This bizarre pair of golden and silver eyes were snake-shaped vertical pupils which should be the eyes of a giant dragon in this world. The faint coercion exuded a penetrating power that seemed to see through one’s mind. It was like the entire silent space had opened up its sleepy eyes. Traces of destructive breath gradually appeared in the void kingdom.

“Inheritor with the Dragon Eye Ring, you finally came here under the guidance of destiny.”

A deep voice sounded. It had no special deterrence, but it gave people a feeling of heart throbbing. There was no doubt that it should be the legendary Dark Dragon Emperor.

Dragon Eye Ring? Chen Rui was startled as he subconsciously glanced at the “infatuation ring” in his hand. It turns out that its real name is “Dragon Eye Ring”, but forget about the “guidance of destiny”. It’s more like the guidance of the treasure.

“You have passed the test of courage, will and intellect and successfully arrived at [Destructive Kingdom]. As you have seen before, my kingdom has experienced an inevitable process of rise and fall. You can choose to inherit my legacy or wealth. Tell me, what do you want most? Wealth? Power? Or something else?”

The test of courage should refer to King Octopus, the test of will was the mirage, and the test of intellect was Lich King. Although there were many accidents in the process, he finally passed all of them.

As soon as this sentence came out, Dodo’s eyes suddenly flashed a sparkling gem. Chen Rui also felt tempted as if he was about to blurt out a strong desire, but the Super System immediately prompted a warning.

This was by no means a simple question. It contained strange spiritual confusion.

The Dark Elemental King sneered coldly, “Put away these little tricks that confuse the senses. I only need 1 thing, and I can clearly feel it is here.”

The Dark Dragon Emperor cast his gaze on Chen Rui without answering Hegel, “So, what is your wish?”

Chen Rui had gotten rid of the mental confusion, and he glanced at Hegel, “His wish is my wish. I wonder if Sir Dark Dragon Emperor can satisfy it?”

“Oh?” The Dark Dragon Emperor seemed a little surprised, “You are willing to abandon infinite wealth and power just to satisfy his wish? Are you sure you want to do that?”

“I’m sure.” Chen Rui shrugged. He was not short of wealth. There was also no lack of ways to make money. Similarly, he had his own way of power. The most critical matter was that he needed Hegel to save Isabella’s life. This was his most important purpose in coming to the Dead Sea.

“Amazing friendship.” The Dark Dragon Emperor’s words caused the Dark Elemental King to sneer coldly, but his sight was immediately attracted by something.

A black diamond-shaped crystal appeared in the void ahead.

“So, both of your unanimous wish... is this?”

Hegel’s eyes were blazing red. His figure flickered, and a wisp of black smoke flew toward the crystal. However, no matter how fast the black smoke was, he always kept the same distance from the diamond crystal as if he was standing still.

“Any reward must be paid.” The Dark Dragon Emperor’s voice sounded, “If you want to get the drak origin fragment, you must stay in my kingdom and become my believer.”

“You want an Elemental King to become a believer?” Hegel sneered, “A ridiculous delusion. Do you think you are an Elemental God?”

“Since you have entered my kingdom, this has become your only choice.” The Dark Dragon Emperor’s voice became a little more irresistible and majestic. Chen Rui had a bad omen.

“Shameless boasting! Your kingdom has collapsed and annihilated. You are just a trace of remnant soul.” The black gas in Hegel’s body began to surge, “I admit that you are very powerful. Although I can’t defeat you, with my most quintessential dark origin power, any dark creatures in the Demon Realm can’t be exempted. At least, I can die together with your last trace of soul!”

“Die together? Are you showing the ignorance of a foolish person?” When the Dark Dragon Emperor blinked, the destructive breath in the entire space suddenly increased. Just this breath made Chen Rui suffocate.

A completely different level! A power that cannot be resisted at all! This kind of strength is far superior to King Octopus or Lich King. No wonder even the Dark Elemental King can’t defeat this “trace” of remnant soul.

Even if Chen Rui could activate the [Royal Star Transformation] now, he would definitely not be able to compete with such a powerful power which had far exceeded the limitation of “kingdomized”. So is the Dark Dragon Emperor’s power at Demi-God level during his lifetime? Or even stronger ...

“Sir Dark Dragon Emperor,” Chen Rui quickly said, “We can try to help you rebuild the kingdom and restore the power. How about this as the reward in exchange for the origin fragment of the dark element?”

“As I said, you have no choice, let alone mentioning the word ‘reward’ to the god who you are about to worship.” The voice of the Dark Dragon Emperor was full of disdain, “I have to say that your arrival actually made me very disappointed. The Dragon Eye Ring holder who has passed the 3 major tests, the inheritor I have been waiting for many years, is not a dragon! My original plan was to find an excellent soul carrier, but it was screwed up by your arrival! Now I can only compromise to let you become the first batch of believers in the resurrection of the kingdom.”

Chen Rui finally understood. Perhaps the Tower of Destruction actually does have a huge amount of wealth, but the true face of this treasure is a trap similar to body possession. The real purpose is to attract the treasure hunting dragons to come so that the Dark Dragon Emperor can seize the body to rebirth. The so-called 3 major tests are nothing more than screening out the strongest candidates for the body possession.

The inheritance of the ancient alchemy civilization that I encountered was the same. No wonder the legendary treasures often coexist with danger. None of these ancient souls or wills are easy opponents.

The Dark Dragon Emperor did countless calculations. He did not hesitate to disintegrate the treasure map, pass the Dragon Eye Ring out, and set 3 major tests, but it was a miscalculation in the end— The one who arrived at Tower of Destruction was not the dragon as he imagined. At most, it was just a slime who had a little Dragon Power Essence. Such a lowly creature naturally couldn’t be the body chosen by Sir Dark Dragon Emperor.

“However, the arrival of the Dark Elemental King is an unexpected surprise. He can become a source of faith and energy for the dark side of the kingdom, allowing the kingdom and my soul power to recover faster.” The Dark Dragon Emperor’s voice was full of enchanting power. “And you can become the highest spokesperson of my faith. I will give you the strongest faith suit to dominate all believers and enjoy supreme power, authority and wealth.”

Chen Rui was of course not tempted at all, but it was obvious that he couldn’t defeat the opponent at the moment, so he immediately used a delay strategy, “Sir Dark Dragon Emperor, please allow me to consider it.”

The huge eyes gradually shrank and solidified into a human form which was the image of a tall man with his eyes closed. He was wearing a green and gold full-body armor with a simple and elegant appearance.

Chen Rui felt the Dragon Eye Ring on his fingers trembled slightly. It seemed to echo with the armor.

At this time, [Analytical Eyes] finally showed the [Analysis] data.

Race: Soul body (Dragon soul).

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: Unable to determine!

Attribute: Extremely dangerous!

The man extended his hand and showed the origin fragment of the dark element floating in his palm. He shook his head and said, “In front of absolute power, any flattery words or trick is futile. Since it is my bestow, you must accept it whether you want it or not...”

As soon as he finished speaking, the terrifying breath immediately wrapped Chen Rui and the others. There was a huge gap in power between the 2 parties. Even if the Dark Dragon Emperor was just a trace of remnant soul, he was definitely not what Chen Rui’s current level could contend with. Chen Rui was immediately restrained by this breath. No matter whether it was his body or will, he had no power to resist.

The same happened to the slime who tried to turn into a pool of water and pretended to be dead. The only exception was the Dark Elemental King. Hegel’s body emitted a black flame-like gas, and his eyes burned with a bloody light. His whole body changed quickly to become a long sword wrapped in dark flame that slashed toward the Dark Dragon Emperor.

This time, the “long sword” was not restricted by distance as if it had surpassed the rule of the kingdom space. It approached the man in the blink of an eye. By now, there was no room for the slightest change, so the Dark Elemental King did not hesitate to use the biggest trump card. He paid a great price to launch this attack that contained the strongest origin power.

The Demon Realm was the world with the strongest dark elements. The lives that grew under the 2 moons were basically dark attribute creatures. The origin power of the dark elements could restrain the existence of the soul power, so Lich King Glorios was very careful with Hegel previously.

Although Hegel risked everything, he had absolute confidence to severely injure or kill the remnant soul of the Dark Dragon Emperor. Then, he would use the seized origin fragment of the dark element to repair the huge origin power he had lost.

However, something that Hegel didn’t expect happened. A shield with the head of a giant dragon appeared on the man’s left arm. When the long sword slashed on that shield, sparks splashed everywhere. It actually couldn’t break through the shield’s defense.

“The defensive power of this dragon shield is comparable to the Illusive Demon Shield of the Demon Realm’s 7 artifacts. Now you are only the power of the Demon Overlord. You can’t destroy its protection at all.”

“Don’t underestimate the origin power of the Elemental King! As I said, all dark creatures can’t be exempted from this kind of power damage! Even if you are a black dragon immune to elemental damage!” Hegel’s cold voice sounded from the long sword. The flame on the long sword gradually penetrated into the dragon shield. Although the dragon shield could withstand the physical slash of the long sword, it could not stop the penetration of this flame.

Immediately afterward, the hands of the Dark Dragon Emperor behind the dragon shield began to burn. Not only his hands, but his entire body in the armor burned.

Seeing that the soul was about to be burned out, the eyes of the Dark Dragon Emperor opened suddenly. The right eye was an empty black hole, and the left eye suddenly radiated a dazzling and hot light which was as hot as the sun.

The dazzling light quickly wrapped the whole body of the Dark Dragon Emperor. Under the effect of this light, the origin dark flame of the dark elements became thinner and thinner. Hegel, who turned into the long sword, shouted in shock, “What is this? Could it be... the origin fragment of the light element! Impossible! What kind of Dragon Emperor are you! You actually...”

Hegel’s voice quickly became weak. He could no longer maintain the shape of the long sword, and he returned to his original human form, but a black crystal on the surface of his body began to spread rapidly. His body that was sealed in the blink of an eye could no longer move.

Light and darkness were opposites that restrained each other, and the damage they dealt to each other would be doubled. For example, given that both were basic magics, the damage of fire bombs to dark elementals was 2, then the damage of light bombs to dark elementals was 4. Hegel’s current state was not only restrained by the origin fragment of the light element, but it was also the cost of burning his own origin power.

“Who said that the Dark Dragon Emperor must be a black dragon?” The Dark Dragon Emperor burst into laughter as he looked at the Dark Elemental King who was in disbelief. His laughter was full of unconcealable pride.

“Holy dragon...” Hegel only had time to say 2 words before his face was completely covered by crystals. He became an ice statue. Although he did not die, he had completely lost his combat power.

Holy dragon! Chen Rui was shocked. He had heard Paglio and Zola say that the holy dragon was the most powerful and rare type of dragon. It possessed incomparable vitality as well as the best offensive and defensive capabilities among all dragons. It could be immune to the low and medium level magic of all elements. Some mutated ones also had the characteristics of [Regeneration].

The most critical issue was that the holy dragons were of light attribute and were enshrined as glorious dragons by the human world.

In addition to the black dragon, which was a naturally dark attribute, many dragons also chose the Demon Realm as their place of residence or came to the Demon Realm for various reasons. For example, Zola came to the Demon Realm to study magic 100,000 years ago. On the other hand, Paglio was born in the Demon Realm, which was considered the aboriginals.

The dragons in the Demon Realm are depicted as fallen dragons by the human world. In fact, they just chose different places. Dragons rarely participate in the war of demons and humans. However, who would have thought that the Dark Dragon Emperor of the Demon Realm is actually a glorious dragon completely repelled by the dark elemental power!

“Are you surprised? I, Rodriguez, is one of elite holy dragons. I was once known as the wing of light, but no one knows that I also have the strongest mutated bloodline that is compatible with the existence of dark elements! After getting the origin fragment of the light element back then, I almost got a glimpse of the shortcut to the highest level. If it weren’t for the damn Raphael...”

When the name “Raphael” was mentioned, Rodriguez’s voice was intertwined with hatred and fear. He actually inserted the origin fragment of the dark element into his right eye, turning it into a silver eye, “Fortunately, after I fled to the Demon Realm, I got the origin fragment of the dark element which brought me 1 step closer to the highest goal. Unfortunately, before my old injury was healed, I encountered a new powerful enemy which caused my body and kingdom to be destroyed beyond repair. Therefore, I can only leave clues to the treasure to attract the body of a dark attribute dragon with excellent power and will in order to resurrect, completely control the origin fragment of the dark element, and then understand the highest secret of light and darkness. I didn’t expect that after waiting for so many years, it is actually ants like you all! To become a believer of Rodriguez, you should feel the supreme honor. Now, I will give you the most pious baptism of faith!”

With that said, the left golden eyes glowed like the sun that covered Chen Rui and Dodo in it.

TL: Can he pull out the Super System’s trick and consume the soul again?

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