
Chapter 369 It is time- Part 4

369 It is time- Part 4

The servant vampire, looked back and forth, walking only to stop when he came to stand in front of the grave named Alan Hawthrone. He raised his hand, touching the lid of the cemented coffin, "Huh, this one seems different." Confirming the person inside with his eyes wide, and he turned himself to a bat before flying away from there to inform his Master.

"Master!" Odin cried, reaching the tower that was connected through the caves, "Master!" Entering the large room that had minimal furniture with a few things like a coffin to sleep, mirror and table. Odin noticed his Master being dressed by another servant. He wore a black coat with the fabric inside that was red, "Master, I found Lady Constance."

"Hopefully alive," replied Vladimir, who fixed his sleeves around his wrists.

Odin, who was going to speak, closed his mouth. His Master was being adamant in saying he wanted her to be alive, but the lady had passed away. A few nights ago when they had been to the village where Lady Constance used to live, the man who was in charge of the village had no idea about whom they were speaking about as he was newly appointed. Apparently, the previous magistrate had been found dead and torn into pieces.

Vladimir turned around, walking towards Odin who stood near the door. The older vampire walked past the servant, "Take me to her," and Odin quickly followed his Master.

It didn\'t take them too long to reach the graveyard. Vladimir went to the cemented grave that had a man\'s name. His thick eyebrows furrowed. He was the devil who had everything, yet here his daughter was lying in another person\'s coffin that was borrowed? All this while, he had done nothing but protect his dear daughter only to be shamed and used by other people. Just by that thought, his face hardened.

"Open the lid, Odin," ordered Vladimir, keeping a straight face. The servant went to the head side of the coffin and pushed the lid until it was left half open and half-close.

And finally, Vladimir caught sight of his daughter who was resting in the coffin. Even in death, she looked the same to him as if she was only sleeping. Her body continued to stay the same without decaying like it had been placed in here a minute ago. When he had left her, she was still young, growing—someone who didn\'t know how the world worked.

As Vladimir continued to look at his dead daughter in silence, he noticed a rose that was placed in her hand, petals that were black. "What did you find about the King who destroyed my daughter?" asked the older vampire.

"And you didn\'t hear a word about it when it happened?" questioned Vladimir.

Odin looked ashamed. His head bowed, he answered, "We didn\'t know where she was, Master. We looked for her everywhere for many years, but it never occurred to us...that she would be in the castle…" This received a glare from Vladimir and Odin shook out of nervousness. "It seems she lived in the castle for a few years. I heard the King is going to get married again."

"How dare he throws my daughter and decides to have a younger bride," Vladimir\'s voice shook the nearby graves, "He killed my daughter. I shall kill his bride," announced the older vampire.

"Yes, Master!" Odin was quick to jump on the boat to hurt the King, who was responsible for Lady Constance\'s misery.

"Good," murmured Vladimir while he continued to stare at his daughter, wondering why she hadn\'t aged.

Not too far away from the graveyard, in the neighbouring village of East Carswell, in an old house, some of the men and women sat at the table. The people there were a mix of vampires, fallen angels and demons. The room was filled with chatter until a man dropped his mug on the table with a loud thud to gain everyone\'s attention.

"Has anyone heard anything from Mary yet?" asked the man.

"Nothing as of yet. Mary said she would send a letter, but there has been not a word from her," answered a man from the table. There were totally twelve people in the room, and this included Samuel, Lilith and Luther.

Samuel said, "She said to us to wait until she confirms."

"If she\'s not sent out a letter, it means something has happened to her. It is possible that the King knows," commented Lilith.

"The King knows nothing," scoffed Samuel, "I was there for years, and he never found out that a demon was living right under his nose."

"You saw the girl Samuel. What do you think?" asked the older-looking man who had a beard.

"I don\'t see why we are waiting for Mary when the girl has been confirmed to have killed two people in the past. Not to forget, she has come out of the coffin twice," addressed a vampire who was sitting quietly until now.

"I agree with Walter," said Samuel, "We have enough people to take them down. All we need to do is distract the King and his assistant," he growled lightly remembering the punches that he received on his face. He was going to get even with Theodore for hitting him.

"How are things coming along with charging the King for his deeds so far?" asked one of the woman, looking in the direction of Lilith and Luther as they were the members of the High House.

"Nothing so far. Every time we try to push the issue of Calhoun for discussion, either Reginald or Helena push it aside as if they are barely bothered with it," answered Luther.

"It looks like having you both in the High House has been nothing but a waste of time," said the bearded man.

"But Grey-" started Lilith only to be interrupted by the bearded man.

"So many opportunities and still nothing. We cannot seek the girl right now, and it would be better to sacrifice her on the spot. The full moon day is nearby, we\'ll attack at that time," ordered the bearded man. "Walter, see what the Harris\' are up to." Walter bowed his head.

"I will send the letter to Harris to know what they are up to," answered Walter. The vampire wondered if the little girl still had her wings because years before, he was the one to burn it from her back.

Walter stepped out of the old house to leave to head for Carnival village. As he crossed a couple of houses, he walked past a person who wore a cassock and was sweeping the front of the house with a broom. The person stopped sweeping when Walter was out of sight.

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