
Volume 2, Four - Fall - The price for power-

Volume 2, Chapter Four - Fall – The price for power-

Part 1

(Caught you......)

With absolute confidence in himself, Kazuma firmly believes that he has already won.

He has complete grasp over the scent of the enemy. And to add onto that, the enemy has not realized this yet.

Certain victory------ No, a sure kill situation. Because the only difficult part of this job is merely “how to find the enemy”.

From the way he gathers energy, the act of sucking the vigor of humans can be considered the last resort. Despite how efficient this method may be, the risk is great in comparison.

Killing this many people, it is impossible to keep the operation hidden, and the number of people investigating this will naturally increase. If it is a clever jutsushi, he will probably try to avoid having meaningless conflicts with these people, and in turn use a safer method.

This enemy conducts such a large scale operation, from that it is easily seen how crude his technique is. It is just like a normal human being who by some chance obtained power, and making trouble from his arrogance.

(Even though it is possible that this is just a farce------ Who cares, it shouldn’t matter once I found him. Besides, I already prepared a “safety precaution” here.)

Ayano will definitely chase after him. Regarding this, Kazuma has no doubts at all. As long as she follows the route signs I left------ situated at every junction, the guiding winds that points in the right direction, she should be able to reach me in the shortest distance.

“So, let’s just go at it!”

Kazuma murmurs, and then he steps out from “there”. Below him, there is nothing in contact with his legs or body, and at the same time he felt the chains of gravity pulling him mercilessly.

From the rooftop of a sixty stories tall building------ SUNSHINE60, Kazuma drops down as if committing suicide.

Raging strong winds constantly trample upon Kazuma’s body, yet Kazuma still carries a fearless smile on his face.

He controls the speed and direction of his fall, and flies to the side of Ikebukuro central park. He lowers his speed, adjusting it to approximately the speed of a fall from the second story and lands gradually.

Right before the “enemy”.

“...... Kazuma-san......?”

The girl sitting on the bench looks dumbly at Kazuma who came from the skies.


Kazuma tilts his head downwards to look at her with a shocked expression. After a long stare, he gives a deep sigh.

“...... I had considered that it might be you...... But I never expected you to go to such an extent.”

The girl did not reply, and only continues to smile.

This girl seems to be the only one in the park. There is no kekkai set up here, merely just that an average person would not be able to bear the youki she releases.

Even without spiritual eyes, normal instincts of living things will automatically reject abnormal presences. The youki that lingers in the park is that dense.

At the girl’s feet, a smooth clear substance wriggles continuously. Despite her feet being tangled by goo that Kazuma has gotten so familiar with these few days------ A youma that can consume human vigor, her expression still does not show any sign of being in pain.

This is unquestionably an obvious proof. She is the “enemy” that Kazuma has been seeking.

Kazuma looks at the girl with painful eyes, and says bitterly:

“To go to such an extent, you really want to kill me that much------ Misao?”

“Of course.”

Ogami Misao------ A girl who is supposed to manipulate the purifying flames, yet at this moment even though youki is being released from all parts of her body, she is using an innocent smile to nod in reply.

“I never dreamt that you would find this place, the searching capabilities of a Fuu-jutsushi are really impressive.”

As if chatting casually, Misao smiles at Kazuma. Maybe because she is at ease in her heart, causing her to seem as though she has no intentions of getting up from that bench. Or maybe she already saw that Kazuma has no intentions of fighting.

In fact, it is very rare to see Kazuma being unable to decide what actions to take like now.

He must not kill her. Yet, he must not let her escape.

Misao is walking onto a wrong path. If left unattended, she would fall into a deep abyss, and perhaps destroy herself in the end! Kazuma cannot watch this happen idly.

(But, what should I do?)

Frankly speaking, he is out of ideas now. He has absolutely no idea how to stop Misao without killing her.

There is nothing left to be said between the two, and so the two stare at each other silently------ Alas, the still tension in the area was broken immediately.

“Is this the place!?”

A loud and clear voice sounded off in the area, together with a crimson red divine aura announcing the arrival of a divine descendent of flames. An astonishing power like the sun swept away all the youki in the park.

Kazuma turns his head slightly, and uses one corner of his eye to look at her valiant appearance. She------ Ayano Kannagi seems more courageous than usual, it makes one want to clap to praise her.

“...... She came.”

But at this moment in time, she is but a pesky little girl. Kazuma can’t help but click his tongue, mainly displeased with his own miscalculations.

(Darn------ I forgot to take back all the route signs.)

It is probably due to his wavering heart, to commit such a dumb mistake. He knew that members of the Kannagi must not see Misao now, yet he led the way for them------


Ayano swallowed her words back as she tried to call out to Kazuma. That is because she has noticed Misao’s presence, and her eyes of shock reflected the image of someone who “was” in her clan, so much so that it made her forget to blink.


“Yes------ Is anything the matter?”

Misao answers calmly, and then stands up.

An image of her wearing silk kimono and standing there quietly and vacantly entered her view. From the outside, this can be said to be more like Misao compared to a few days back!


Ayano saw a change at a much deeper level instantly.

That is but of course.

That is because as a Jutsushi, they exist to destroy “That thing”.

Her entire family has been training hard to improve their technique for the past thousand years just for that purpose.

“How...... How can this......”

Ayano’s eyes stare hard at Misao as she shakes her head weakly.

To her, this is perhaps the worst situation, much worse than any nightmare. As a member of a clan that does exorcising as an occupation, an En-jutsushi that manipulates the purifying flames, Misao ironically became the youma that they must defeat.

On the other hand, Misao no longer takes note of this newly arrived character after a few seconds. She let Ayano who has yet to recover from the shock become part of the background, and focuses on Kazuma.

A never-changing smile. Looking clear and pure, a simple smile that bears only one emotion.

That is like pure water that contains no impurities, impossible to exist naturally, normal people will definitely not be able to give off such a smile.

Bearing an obvious expression of detest, Misao declares:

“Yagami Kazuma------ The hateful man that killed my brother. I have sworn, no matter the price or sacrifice, I will defeat you.”


This sentence sounds highly unreasonable. The one who killed Takeya is Ryuya, and Hyoue who was manipulating Ryuya amidst the shadows. Kazuma was just being made the scapegoat.

To be killed because of Kazuma------ This is probably the explanation of only those who hate Kazuma would have. But, Kazuma ignores the irony within, and asks calmly:

“Do you think that you can defeat me?”


Misao answers confidently:

”No matter how powerful you may be, you are still only a human. As long as I continue taking in the vigor of hundreds or thousands of people, my power will definitely surpass yours.”

“......Doesn’t matter, as long as you can not control it.”

“I can. I only need to take in enough to defeat you. After this is over, it doesn’t matter what I become.”

This is not the encouraging tone that one would have when making a declaration. Even though she challenged Kazuma, such a powerful Jutsushi, Misao does not seem agitated at all.

But, can this really be considered a clear and still state of mind? After draining the life of others to obtain power, can she really laugh it out?

Even if she has fallen down the demonic path, her heart still retained that innocent smile. A pure smile that is stained with blood all over.

People call that “Madness”.

“Hey------ Is that all you want to say?”

The suppressed voice finally bursts out at one go. Ayano takes a step forward, Enraiha in her hand since long ago.

“Ayano-san, this has nothing to do with you.”

“Move to one side.”

“Shut up!”

Ayano refutes the request made by both parties.

“If you want to kill Kazuma, I will not stop you. But, I will never forgive you for degenerating into a youma, and the act of harming innocent civilians. No matter the reason, things that are not meant to be done are not to be done. This is something you should know very well. Misao!”

“------ So?”

Faced with Ayano’s reprimanding, that cold smile shows no indication of wavering. Hearing Misao’s reply, Ayano declares coldly:

“I have nothing else to say------ Begone, Misao!”

The glow of Enraiha becomes more glaring. Before that powerful golden power, Misao’s powers have no way of resisting.

If she really swung that blade down that is.

“Stop, Ayano!”

“What are you talking about!”

Ayano refuses the request for her to stop without even turning her head around.

“This is the duty of the Kannagi main family, don’t interfere.”

She ignores Kazuma, and raises Enraiha high up, but she just could not swing it down.

Because before she can strike off a plasma shot strong enough to vaporize Misao in one shot, Kazuma’s hands held Ayano back.

“I told you to stop.”


Ayano did not say a word. She maintains that posture with Enraiha high up, and she lowers her head down.

In terms of physical techniques, the difference in strength between the two is also as great as heaven and Earth. Ayano is unable to escape Kazuma’s binds based on physical techniques alone.

Indeed, based on physical techniques alone.

Kazuma’s mistake, lies in him underestimating Ayano’s fury.

Seeing that Kazuma only cares for Misao, and is completely ignoring her, Ayano’s fury has slowly risen to the level filled with killing intent.

This kind of emotion, she has not realized it at all. And because of that, she cannot control herself, plus, Ayano’s greatest strong point lies at how straightforward she is, she will not hesitate at anything.


“------ What did you say?”

Kazuma, who did not catch her words, leans towards Ayano.

“Let go of me!!”


Flames burst out from Ayano’s entire body.


Even though he was not burnt by it, but Kazuma in his shock released Ayano’s hands slightly.

Grabbing this chance, Ayano leaps at Misao.

It is said that an expert in Jigen-Ryu can travel a distance of about nine meters in every step. And Ayano’s strength is not below this standard.

In the blink of an eye, Ayano has already closed in before Misao.


Kazuma manipulates the wind instantly, intending to blow Ayano away. Yet at this point in time, it is perhaps a little too much to handle with his power.

(Will I make it in time------?)

Kazuma is very anxious, yet the movement of a shadow is even swifter than Kazuma.

It is a shadow indeed.

Misao’s shadow begins to extend, and inflates into a three-dimensional state. A huge pitch black face lies right before Misao.


That gigantic face opens its mouth wide, and Ayano raises the Enraiha at the same moment. There is no way to stop them now.

As if she jumped into it herself, Ayano gets swallowed by the mouth of that gigantic face.


Kazuma does not know how to express his feelings now. He exaggeratedly swallows his saliva, and looks at the big face that swallowed Ayano up.

Because it was too spectacular, he was unable to say anything at all. This kamikaze attack style is just like Ayano. Maybe he should worry about her, but with things having become the way they are, it is very comical------ In fact, he can only laugh.

But, laughing will not solve all the problems at hand. Kazuma gives a dry laugh for a while, and then leisurely begins to summon the wind.

“Gee------ What a troublemaker------“

As he is about to release wind blades, Misao halts Kazuma softly.

“It is best you do not do that.”

“------Ah ah?”

“If you kill it, Ayano-san will forever be lost amidst the gaps in time.”

Kazuma maintains that posture with his right hand raised up and stopped his actions.

Misao reaches out to cover her mouth, and finally broke into laughter.

“Despite how heartless you sound, you still treasure Ayano-san. Won’t it be better to just say so frankly to her face?”

“What will telling her do? She will only go overboard. By the way, what do you intend to do with Ayano?”

Misao laughs even more happily.

“Don’t worry, I only intend to send her away slightly. Even though I can use her as a hostage, you probably won't trade your life for hers, right?”

“Of course.”

Kazuma says without hesitation:

“Even if she is the daughter of Soushu, I have no reason to go to such an extent.”

“The daughter of Soushu? Is that the only reason?”

Misao laughs with some deep meaning. To that, Kazuma answers clearly:

“What other reason would there be?”

“...... So be it, this is of no relevance to the two of us.”

“Indeed. So, what do you plan to do next?”

“I will be going off soon, because my power is insufficient to defeat you now.”

As she says this, Misao’s shadow becomes a cone shape and surrounds her. As Ayano is now her hostage, Kazuma is unable to attack that thing.

“Take care.”

Before Kazuma who is unable to do anything, Misao disappears as if swallowed up by the shadow, leaving no trace behind. Up against this kind of movement that travels beyond space, even Kazuma cannot ask the wind to follow them.


Kazuma grumbles in a tired voice, and sat down at a bench nearby.

At the same time, Ayano’s scent suddenly appeared. The distance is a little far------ But, Kazuma has no intention of travelling specially to welcome her.

(Anyway she will definitely be angry again.)

If possible, he does not intend to meet her until she is no longer angry. Even if he knows that that would be impossible.

He takes out a cigarette from his bosom and nibbles on it. After drawing in the smoke to fill his entire lung area and letting his mood settle down, Kazuma takes a relaxed position as he waits for the return of the girl.

After about ten minutes.

Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta!!

Sounds of bold footsteps as if planning to break the surface of the ground appeared. Kazuma, who is leisurely sitting on the bench, turns his head around, biting the cigarette, and praising the return of Ayano.

The place Ayano was thrown off, is on the other side of the station. Even though the direct distance is not even three kilometers, with confusing paths and many traffic lights, it is not that easy to pass through.

Yet Ayano reached here in less than ten minutes. From this it is easy to see that, be it the question of her physical fitness or traffic morals, she had tossed them to the far ends of her mind.

Seeing Ayano who is panting continuously, Kazuma says in his regular tone:

“Not bad. You wanna participate in mid-distance Olympics?”

“Where is Misao!?”

Cutting short Kazuma’s joke, Ayano questions with a scary look on her face.


“Escaped------!? Why!?”

“How should I say this......”

Kazuma hesitates on how to explain, thinking back on what happened a few minutes ago.

(So, how should I explain this......)

Thinking and thinking about it, he just could not find a suitable way of phrasing it, and so in the end he decided to choose a way of expressing it that sounds very superficial.

“Basically, a lot happened.”

This is the excuse he tried his best to come up with. But before that, he could have perhaps considered the way he looks, as he spits out smoke rings, he does not seem convincing at all.

“Oh------? “A lot happened”? Just what happened?”

This reason naturally is unable to make Ayano submit. Ayano stares at Kazuma with eyes of high suspicion, as if saying “don’t tell me you were seduced by her”.

Kazuma just gives a bitter smile, and does not rebut in any way.

Indeed, he can hardly say he tried his best. Other than ensuring Ayano’s safety, he must nab Misao at the same time------ This was not impossible for him.


(I am still too naïve......)

He sighs out as if mocking himself. What point is there being bothered by something that the person concerned has long forgotten......

Under Ayano’s blaming eyes, Kazuma stands up.

“------Where are you going?”

“Home. She will probably not come out again today.”

Against the back of that man leaving as if nothing happened, Ayano uses a nervous voice to declare:

“Let me remind you, I will report everything today as it is. The Kannagi will go full force at eliminating Misao. If you dare to obstruct us------“

“Who are you talking to, girl?”

A cold voice interrupted Ayano’s words. Kazuma turns around, and the cold smile on his face sends a chill down her spine.

“If you want to stop me, then don’t just talk, tell me with your strength! If you are mentally prepared------ I will take you on anytime.”

Ayano almost forgot to breathe, and just watched Kazuma who stepped out once more. When the shadow had disappeared down the stairs, she fell to her knees.

Her entire body could not stop trembling. Once again she has experienced first-hand, that she must never become the enemy of this man, Kazuma.

Even so, she must still eliminate Misao. If she didn’t, then the Kannagi clan would lose the meaning of their existence.

“Just what do you expect me to do......”

She can’t help but begin to complain.

Part 2

“Ta...... Takeshi!?”

Seeing the blood-stained youth in Masayuki’s arms, Takeya’s expression changes greatly, and runs to his father immediately.

“Father! What are you thinking------“

Masayuki walks past Takeya at his own pace, and places Takeshi down before Misao who was stunned by the scene.

“Treat him.”

After giving that order, Masayuki turns around as if it is nothing.

“...... Wait.”

Takeya uses a suppressed voice to stop Masayuki who is about to walk out of the room.

“Tell me, why did you cause Takeshi to be in such a state------“


“Don’t joke around with me!”

Hearing his father’s straight reply, Takeya shouts out immediately to scold:

“This is an illegal punishment! Why must you go to such an extent!?”

“Takeshi did not get enough practice, that is why he is injured.”

“Takeshi is only ten!”

“So what?”

Masayuki questions back with an emotionless look on his face:

“This has nothing to do with age. Since he is born in the Ogami family, then it is his duty to become strong. If you have time to complain, why don’t you use that time to train.”

“You asshole......”

Takeya’s eyes are filled with hatred, totally unlike the attitude one would normally have towards his own family. However, a slight mockery was shown in those eyes unintentionally.

“Did you think such superficial efforts would actually be of use?”

“......What do you mean?”

“You are just trying to get back at uncle aren’t you? That uncle that took the title of chief away from you without so much of an effort!”

After such a taunting speech was said, the originally emotionless Masayuki’s expression changes entirely.

“Damn...... Damn you!”

Bearing a black face, he hits his son’s face forcefully.

This is a strike when he is truly angry. Takeya’s whole body was sent flying instantly, and aftering breaking the paper door, he rolled onto the corridor.


“......I am fine.”

Replying to Misao’s cry, Takeya moves the remains of the paper door away and stands up. He spit out his saliva with blood mixed within, and looks at Masayuki with extremely belittling eyes.

“I was right, wasn’t I?”

“...... Shut it!”

“If you want to beat uncle, then do it yourself------ You already became a loser the moment you decided to push everything on to your son!”

“I told you to shut it!!”

“Stop this!”

Misao hugs Masayuki who intends to beat up Takeya again tightly, and tries her best to cry out to stop them:

“Please stop this...... Don’t do this anymore......”


Masayuki does not seem willing to go to the extent of using violence on Misao. He forcefully flings off Misao, who was hugging his right arm, and leaves the room with irregular footsteps.

“Hehe, I finally said it.”

“Are you alright, onii-san?”

Seeing Misao, who is looking very worried, Takeya waves at her with a smile.

“This is nothing, don’t worry. By the way, you better hurry and take a look at Takeshi’s injuries. When that is over, then help me over here.”

“------ Okay.” Misao takes out the first-aid kit hurriedly, and begins to treat Takeshi who is covered with injuries all over his body.

“------ Let me tell you this, Misao.”


“That ass of a father only treats us as tools of revenge.”

“Onii-san, about that------“

Takeya, with a solemn expression, stops Misao who intends to try to cover up for their father.

“This is what it is, just accept this reality. It is the same for mum, she has no intentions of raising us. So, we must become strong, so as to be able to live independently without them.”


“You must be strong too, Misao. You must become strong enough to live on alone.”

Hearing her beloved brother say this, Misao shakes her head hard in denial:

“No, I am not alone. I have onii-san with me, Takeshi as well.”


“Takeshi? You shouldn’t get up yet......”

Takeshi who is supposed to be still unconscious, woke up without them realizing it. He pushes away the hand that intends to make him lie down on the bed once more, and slowly lifts his upper body up.

“Onee-san will be alone. Because------“

Suddenly, Takeshi’s head began swaying. His entire head tilts to an angle where his neckbone obviously came off, and pa-chunk, drops off.

“------ Ah!”

Takeshi’s head kept on rolling, and in the end it stopped right before Misao, upside down.

“Because, we are already dead.”

(------ We?)

Misao turns her head around hurriedly.

(......Onii...... Onii-san......)

The connecting part of Takeya’s body is entirely cut off. Becoming a lower half that lies facing down, and an upper half that lies facing upwards. The open empty eyes stare into the ceiling.

“We were both killed by Kazuma.”

Misao turns her head around once more. The upside down head uses a clear voice to say:

“How I wish to become strong, and protect onee-san.”

There was not a single drop of blood flowing out from the upwards cut. That abnormally smooth surface looks just like a computed tomography scan.

“But, I can’t do it. Because I have already been killed------ Like this!”

A shadow appears suddenly without warning, and places his foot on Takeshi’s head, stepping on it just like that.


Her cute younger brother, his head shatters like a fragile glass art piece.


A hearty laugher came into her ears. Lifting her head, a man came into the center of her view, mocking them.

Yagami Kazuma------ That is the name of her hateful enemy, the person who took everything away from her.

This is the first time Ogami Misao has hated someone so much, so much so that she hopes for him to die. Fantasizing herself stained with Kazuma's spilt blood made her feel joy.

“Ah...... Ah...... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!”

Her burning hatred became red lotus flames, locking Kazuma in a scorching jail.

(I succeeded------!)

Yet, the joy of victory lasts but a moment. After the flames disappeared, there lies Kazuma, uninjured.

“Too weak.”

He says so coldly, and reaches his hand to point at Misao. Raging winds released from his fingertip blows Misao out of the residence.

(This place is......?)

Gradually and unknowingly, Misao realizes that she is floating amidst the darkness. Unable to see anything, nor feel anything. Her five senses are not functional.

(Am I...... Dead......?)

The dreadful enemy that killed my brothers are right before me, yet I cannot even avenge them------

Too weak------

Kazuma’s mockery rings in her ears, even if she goes full force, she cannot fight against him. The difference in power is just too great.

(I don’t want to lose like this...... If only I had more power...... For power, I am willing to do anything, it doesn’t matter no matter what I will have to lose......)

In the darkness, Misao even hoped for a devil to come. If she can use her soul to trade for power, she will do so without hesitation.

“Hoho, you seem to have had a good dream, Misao.”

The youth shows an innocent smile, looking by his feet.

Just from the fact that he can smile looking at that scene, perhaps people would consider him as one of the bad guys?

In the holy space that was originally meant for praying to God, it is now filled with glue-like monsters.

The monster that covers the entire floor were completely packed up to two meters in height, forming an area that could be called a sea of goo.

The slime that stretches out from within like tentacles are tangling on a statue of Jesus pinned on a cross. This scene is so disrespectful to God that it would make a faithful believer faint upon seeing it.

At the bottom of this sea of goo, Misao is floating within, naked. Maybe because she is still dreaming, her expression is distorted by sadness from time to time.

It has been over a week since this kind of dream begin. A dream mixed with both fantasies and reality, is slowly and gradually invading Misao’s consciousness.

Which part is real, which part is but a fantasy, Misao cannot differentiate clearly anymore. She only hates Kazuma, the Kazuma who took away her precious family members from her------

(I want power...... A power that can defeat that man......)

“Then use all the power that is flooding this place!”

The youth solemnly commands her. Hearing a reply, which should have been impossible, Misao’s body shook. In those wide empty eyes, a youth that gives off a brilliant glow is reflected within.

(...... You are......?)

“I am an angel. As a servant to the one absolute God, I will grant your wish.”


“Let me bestow strength upon you! Because your wish is justified. Justified wishes will get justified rewards------ This is what it means to have “Justice”.”

(Give me...... Strength......?)


In her misty consciousness came a weak voice of refutation.

An angel means a messenger of God, a representative of absolute justice. Such an existence will never bestow power upon her.

But at this moment, the voice appeared once more.

That voice said, "this is but of course".

Misao who is unable to find an answer, lifts her head and uses begging eyes to look at the youth.

Before her eyes lie a being beyond any, giving off a holy glow from all around his body. Despite how young he seems to be from the outside, the wisdom hidden within his eyes are beyond measure, showing a dignified figure worshipped by thousands.

Just questioning whether his words are true seems like a disrespectful act.

There was no need to consider, as he is an existence that stands above all man. That absolute will of heaven allows no arguments, Man should just blindly follow the orders------

Misao does not know at all, that this is not the first time she has met this youth, nor the fact that her memories has been changed countless times already.

Every time this “first meeting” is repeated, Misao’s consciousness is changed little by little. The cold eyes that she placed upon the youth who claimed to be an angel, in their “real” first meeting, are no more.

Now, the way Misao looks at the youth, within her eyes, she is almost worshipping him. With an expression like forgetting oneself when having high fever, there is no reason left within her.

“To obtain power, are you prepared to sacrifice, Misao?”

To the question from the youth, Misao nods without hesitation.

(No matter what happens, I will not hesitate...... Angel-sama.)

“Good girl.”

The youth waves his right hand like a conductor waving his stick. Following his movements, the grossly wriggling sea of goo begins to give off a faint phosphorescent glow.

One, two------ The phosphorescence being made consistently gathers around Misao, shining upon her naked body.

(This is...... Power......?)

Misao reaches out to the gentle phosphorescence uneasily with her hand, and a passionate and uplifting power flows into her body from her fingertips. Following that------

“Nooooooooooooooo!! Somebody......Somebody save me ahhhhh!!”

Dying screams rings in Misao’s head. As the power flows in, the hatred that comes along made her realize what these phosphorescences really are.

That is the light of life. Just like picking the most matured fruit, the essence of life that is harvested at the most fulfilling moments of these people.


Misao is unable to withstand such a horrifying feeling, her entire body resists the power that is flowing in. The phosphorescence released dims slightly, then as if being squeezed back by something, returns to under Misao’s feet.

“What is the matter, Misao? Don’t you want power?”

The youth continues to wear a kind and loving smile, constantly seducing her with the forbidden method of consuming her own kind. Misao lifts her head to look at the youth, her eyes were those of fear.

(B...... But...... This is......)

”Don’t worry, this is not a crime. Because your wish is justified, and as long as your wish is justified, anything you do for it will also be justified. Right?”

This means, that the end justifies the means? This is not called quibbling, this is a ridiculous logic.


Faced with the phosphorescence that come forth upon being released, Misao reaches out to grab them once more. Ignoring the bone-chilling screams, she squeezes the light in her hand till they are shattered. A fulfilling feeling surges out from her body, and she can clearly sense that the power that flowed in has become hers.

“That is the way, keep absorbing!”

Hearing the youth’s hush, Misao nods in response. She has been acknowledged by God------ This “fact” made Misao’s guilt instantly disappear without a trace.

The phosphorescence floating around flies into her body continuously. Where did they come from, who do they belong to, these questions are not important. The fact that her heart bears a strong desire to kill Kazuma causes her to greedily take in the power.

(Power...... I need even more power!)

Her hatred for Kazuma grows and inflates consistently, logic and views being ripped off entirely. Massive power continues flowing into that unstable mind.

If it was an average person, he would have had a mental breakdown long ago, and be unable to even maintain the shape of a human. Even Misao, who is merely using her desire for revenge against Kazuma to support her, is barely able to maintain consciousness.

“Not bad, to actually not breakdown yet. The Kannagi bloodline is really not to be underestimated.”

Lowering his head to look at that scene, the youth gives off a sigh.

“I had intended to just play a little...... But I guess I should get serious!”

His large eyes squint to a line, from those eyes, a glow similar to that of a carnivore was reflected within.

But that was just for an instant, those green eyes returned to their original shine instantly. Those eyes are just that of a kid that knows not of the suffering of others, with innocence and cruelty mixed together at the same time.

“Misao------ Since your child wants to take revenge, as parents you should help out too. Don’t you think so?”

Looking at the girl who is single-mindedly and greedily seeking move vigor, the youth asks happily from deep within his heart.

Part 3

Seeing the shadow of Kazuma, Ayano shrinks her body at that moment.

Juugo thinks it to be very strange and looks at her with eerie eyes, but looks back at Kazuma after that.

Kazuma’s attitude is the same as always. Regarding Ayano who seems unsettled, he does not even bother to look at her, his eyes looking directly at Juugo.

“Sorry, to call you over suddenly.”

“It’s nothing------ What is the matter?”

Looking at Kazuma who has sat down, Juugo goes straight to the point and declares:

“I would like to cancel my previous request.”

“Of course. To not do anything and hope to get money, how can there be such a good thing in this world.”

Ayano suddenly smiles, her attitude becoming abnormally taunting.

(......Did something happen again?)

Juugo feels worried about his emotionally unstable daughter, but on the surface he still maintains his calm attitude.

He orders the arrogant Ayano:

“You too, you are not to interfere with this from now on.”

“------Huh? W......Why?”

“Misao’s punishment, will be conducted with the leadership of the Ogami. This has been decided.”

Juugo disregards all objections with a tone that does not allow any doubt.

Ayano, who is at a loss, lifts her head to look at her father, but her father seems to have no intentions of continuing to explain.

She looks at Kazuma. The usual satirizing smile is not on his face, in replacement, it is an expression of mockery, insult------ and anger.

“------That is enough. Just because he intends to finish his daughter with his own hands, he hopes that this ugly news will be forgotten? And you accepted this proposal?”

“------ There is no choice, we cannot just cut our relations with the Ogami.”

(...... So that is what is going on.)

Hearing the two’s straight conversation, Ayano finally understood the situation now.

What Misao has done is clearly unforgivable. That is not to say that taking a gun to start a terrorist attack can be forgiven, but that is just a normal crime, and can be settled just by the police.

But, as a Jutsushi who is meant to exorcise youma, to degenerate into a youma herself. The seriousness of this matter is something the previous example cannot be compared with, as this is a grave matter that can lead to the life or death of a clan.

Even if Ayano or Kazuma were to punish Misao, this responsibility is not to be on Misao’s alone. The Ogami family will definitely be dragged in as well!

Ogami Masayuki intends to punish his daughter who has committed a forbidden and grave mistake by his very own hands, so as to clear the name of the Ogami.

This may be his wishful thinking, but logically it makes sense. As long as he brings up the excuse that “it is the duty of her parents”, there is probably no one who can refuse him.

(So in this case...... Kazuma must be very angry......)

Ayano even thinks that he would be so angry he would want to go and kill Masayuki this instant. But surprisingly, Kazuma looks very calm.

“So be it, since you are the one who requested for my help, you can do as you wish to terminate your request, but I have my way of doing things as well.”

Seeing that Kazuma insists on not letting the matter off, Juugo frowns.

“You will take part in this no matter what?”


“...... So that is the case.”

Knowing that he cannot persuade Kazuma out of this, Juugo sighs heavily.

“By the way.”

Kazuma asks out of curiousity:

“You said that the Ogami will lead this, but is there any fighting power left in the Ogami now? Or maybe I should say, since Misao has become like that, then won’t there be no descendents left in the Ogami family?”

From what Kazuma knows, the children of Masayuki are only Takeya, Misao and Takeshi. Masato was not even married.

So assuming that they did not find any illegitimate children within these four years, there is no one to take up the title of the next head of the Ogami.

However, Ayano toppled such a mindset.

“There is still Takeya’s son.”

“Huh? He is married?”

“He has been married two years ago. Just half a year ago, a pair of male twins were born.”

“Oh------ That is really......”

Maybe he felt that he was getting old, that is why Kazuma had such an emotional reply.

“Maybe I should have sent his wife a bouquet of flowers?”

“------ Don’t mention that, be careful that you don’t get stabbed with a knife again.”

Hearing Kazuma’s lame joke, Ayano rebuts him, looking as though she has a painful headache.

“But, their fighting power is still not enough! What can the head and his wife do with just their daughter-in-law?”

“I never said that the Ogami will be doing this alone. The Kuga and Shijou families have agreed to help.”

Just to mention, both these families are branch families of the Kannagi. Especially the Kuga, as Takeya’s wife, Sei, is from the Kuga, so their relationship is very close.

“------Hmm. Even though I don’t really think that those people in the branch families can be of much help, but they still have to try whatever they can do!”

Kazuma says coldly, and then stands up.

“So, I will be going back now. Call me again when there is a job.”

“W...... Wait a minute!”

The foot that is just about to step out of the room stopped. Ayano directs the question that she keep in her heart for a long time at the back of that person who did not even turn his head back:

“Why...... Why are you so concerned about Misao? Is it because...... You like her?”

Her usual imposing tone is not there at all. Even though she does not wish to have to open her mouth to ask this question, yet at the same time she must. This dilemma is reflected in her tone, so she seems to be hesitating as she asked.

However, Kazuma’s attitude is the same as always.

“It doesn’t concern you.”

A very cold reply. The paper door, as if to obstruct further questions, closes coldly.

Hearing the footsteps that leave gradually, Ayano curses softly:


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