
Chapter 77

Delilah stood up, walking to the window.

Roy’s head turned to the side, his eyes landing on her back, only to notice that she was no longer in a maid’s costume.

She was wearing her assassin’s outfit.

And… her melons and hips had also decreased in thickness.

So… she was cross-dressing as a male again.

“Where are you going?”

Standing close to the window, she leaned sideways, landing her awfully serious glance on Roy. “To bring you good news.”

Just as she left, a system’s notification rang in his mind.

『Ding! Congratulation. You’ve changed the Fate of the character “Swift Death” in such a way that the possibility of the character “Teleporter” has decreased to 0. You’ve nipped a major villain in the bud. You get the Passive Title “The Cruelest Hidden Sword of the Sun!”. You’ll be able to “see” what can’t be seen.』

『Ding! Congratulation. You’ve eliminated the Shadow of Death that would’ve extinguished the Glorious Sun two years later! You have been bestowed the first shard of Ninam’s First Song: A Deceitful Heaven.』

Right then, Roy felt tremendous pressure acting on him.

He did feel uncomfortable, but that pressure wasn’t harming him and instead comforting him.

So he eased down, relaxing his tensed nerves.

『You’ve entered the eyes of the Far West’s awakened soul.』

Roy rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Not killing Swift Death was the right idea. He had gained three things out of it. The most important was naturally the incomplete version of Ninam’s First song. He couldn’t sing it now as it required him to be a mage. But once he does sing it, he would be able to create a doppelganger. The process would be painful, but he was willing to endure all pain to give a second life. The attention of the world was no less important than this. If he gained its acknowledgement, he would earn a nice power-up. The Passive Title was something he couldn’t understand. Even inspecting him provided him with the same information. It allowed him to see what couldn’t be seen. That’s it.

He looked around but didn’t notice anything extra.

Amelia returned with Alberto by her side. He had come to give Baldwin’s third-grade medallion to the new maid, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Alberto looked around, not finding Delilah.

So, he turned to the only person who could know of her whereabouts. “Where is she?”

With a straight-faced, Roy uttered, “Crying in the bathroom.”

Alberto’s eyebrows jumped.

What kind of sick reply was that?

Was this guy really his third young master, who was as gullible as a sheep?

“O-oh… she must be feeling homesick.” Alberto coughed, wondering why Roy had narrowed his eyes at him.

Roy pointed at the thing in his hand, saying, “Leave that with me; I will give it to her.”

Alberto handed it over to him without a second thought. “Then… I will entrust you with this matter.”

Immediately after, he made him leave.

“Where had she gone?”

When he was gone, Amelia asked for Delilah’s whereabouts from her master.

“To do dirty work for me.” Roy gave her an honest reply as he did not feel the need to hide things from his trusted subordinate.


Suddenly, the door was smashed open by Alberto, and he dashed toward Roy with a desperate look on his face.

He was so incredibly fast that he was standing with his back to him in the time it took for Roy to blink his eye.

“What’s wrong?” Roy could tell he didn’t intend to harm him.

He was here to protect him.

But from what?

He signaled Amelia to come closer, and she walked up to him.

“A storm is coming. I can sense it.” He was sweating profusely, his hands shaking.

If possible, he didn’t want to face that “storm.”

But it was his duty not to let the seeds of his Lord be harmed.

He couldn’t turn his back on his responsibility at this critical juncture.

Suspiciously, he stared at thin air.

Roy and Amelia followed his gaze, looking at the opposite end of the room.

Right there, a portal opened up. It was blue in color and looked more like mana swirling around.

They were only able to catch a glimpse of it before it disappeared.

Left behind was an upside-down bald man

They recognized this man at first glance. He was too unique to be mistaken for someone else.


The upside-down Arlo waved his hand at Roy. “Yeah, it’s me. How you doing?”

“Fine. But… W-where did you drop out from?”

Arlo didn’t have a reply prepared for that.

Arlo stood up like Jackie Chan and rubbed his head.

“That damn stingy pig… couldn’t he prepare a stable portal for me?”

Only curses could be heard coming out of his mouth.

“Your entrance is as heroic as ever, Thi-… Second Lord.” Alberto praised Arlo.

Roy really started considering whether he was blind.

“That was the only way for me to urgently return to see my little nephew.” Arlo grinned at the startled three.

Roy eyed him suspiciously. “Why are you here?”

Arlo took a wooden box out of thin air and tossed it to Roy, saying, “To give you this. You don’t know the amount of trouble I had to go through to get them. Sleepless nights, fighting mages and knights, dancing in daylight; you name it, I’ve done it all for you.”

It landed on his bed and, with a garish noise, opened up.

Several rare herbs were revealed to him!

Seeing them, Amelia’s eyes widened, and Alberto’s mouth watered.

She didn’t know what they were, but because they were glittering like gold and carried a smell more pleasant than a rose, she determined them to be worth tens of thousands of gold.

Alberto, who knew what they were, couldn’t help but keep his eyes on them.

“How did you get them to fork these out in merely days?” Roy wondered.

“It’s a long story….” Arlo looked out the window thoughtfully, remembering the things that had transpired not long ago.

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