
Chapter 639 This is war

Chapter 639 This is war

This chapter is dedicated to @_Basia_! Thank you so very much for the supergift!

The light fae cursed as he saw that, immediately realizing that the giants had the ability to jump pretty high and far as well. He quickly made Vermillion flew up higher into the sky, barely missing the giants' outstretched claws that were clearly aiming to slice the dragon and hopefully make a killing at the same time. Seeing that it had missed, the giant bellowed out an angry roar as it fell heavily to the ground, at the same time missing its prey.

"F*ck! That's a close call!" Zolan was hanging on tightly behind Zirrus, gripping onto the dragon's spikes for dear life. "Slow down, will you?!"

Irked, Zirrus glared at him as he slowed the dragon down.

"Enough aiding this army, there are others who also need your help!" Zolan ignored the light fae's sour expression. He was long used to Zirrus' not so friendly treatment over them, the vampires. It was as though he still could not quite let go of the long-time grudge between the light faes and the vampires. "Go aid the ones by the king's left. The army that is led by Lord Cadmus!" Zolan quickly fired out his instructions.

"No! I must go inform Zanya and Kariza first about this matter. They must know that the monsters can jump and travel for quite far distances." Zirrus rebutted and without waiting for Zolan's response, he made Virmillion swerve and flew off to the other side of the abyss where Zanya and Kariza were currently stationed. Though Zolan was miffed at how Zirrus just brushed off his instructions, he did think that informing Zanya and Kariza was not a bad thing as they do need to know about this development on their enemies' side.

To their relief, the ladies were cautious and maintained a safer distance from the ground as compared to Zirrus earlier. Still Zirrus went on ahead and informed them.

Zolan's eyes turned to the ground, scouring the land for hints of where Leon and Samuel might be. After searching for a bit, Zolan saw that they were still there. But they had already moved up to the very front of the line, fighting alongside the other lords next to Azrael's army. How the hell did they end arriving way up there?!

Did Azrael send them to the other army? That could be it! Zolan focused his eyes and saw that the lord leading the army Leon and Samuel were fighting in answered to Lord Kione.

He had overheard a while ago that some dark faes were worrying about Lord Kione and his army. He heard that Lord Kione's army or the Lord himself was one of the weakest in terms of combat powers. However, from what Zolan was seeing, Kione and his army were not losing their ground. They seemed to be holding their own just fine.

Did Kione ask for Leon and Samuel to aid him at the front lines? As he watched them, Zolan did not feel nervous or worried. Because he was seeing something in Kione's army that he had not seen in others. Kione might not be as brutally strong as the others, but what he lacked in brawn more than made up with the brain that he had. He was like himself, a strategist.

Zirrus made the dragon turn back too soon after informing the other light faes but Zolan was nonetheless, relieved. After having a glimpse of the battle over here, he was certain that those two would be totally fine.

Upon reaching the other side of the abyss, Zolan gritted his teeth at the sight that welcomed them. It was only a few moments that they had left, but everything had gotten bad quite fast.

The dark walls were already pushing Cadmus' army far back. It could not be that their Lord was already dead, couldn't it?!

Zolan saw that almost half of the king's army had already joined Cadmus' even though the king had the smallest number of soldiers in his army. The king must have sent his men over to aid Cadmus after finally realizing the seriousness of the situation.

No, something was off here. The monsters on the side of the king were somehow different. It was like the biggest, most dangerous ones were drawn towards him. And that was why the two armies flanking his sides could not bear to keep up. They needed to stop the abyss from further expanding on the king's both sides or the king might end up getting trapped. Could the king be asked to retreat? Zolan could not help but think of that option.

"Go for the one on the left!" Zolan said to Zirrus.

And Vermillion attacked, shooting out fire, burning the monsters that were pouring out from the wall of darkness.

Zirrus did not stop in his attacks. Going all out once again, he did not let more monsters reach the soldiers.

But Zolan was continuously feeling as though something was off. He could not see any of the monsters try to aim for the dragons and that was why Zirrus was being quite reckless again. He was once again going down a bit too low and too close to the wall of darkness.

"Don't get too close, Zirrus!" Zolan could not help but shout out a warning to him, earning himself a glare from the irritated light fae. They did not know what was inside those walls of darkness!

"This is war, vampire. This is not the time for any of us to chicken out and play it safe!" Zirrus shot back at Zolan's warning.

Zolan shook his head, speechless at how reckless Zirrus seemed to be. He was about to retort when a monster suddenly emerged from the wall of darkness as Vermillion made a U-turn near it.

The monster reached out its curved talons to the dragon, and its long, and strong hand that was made of nothing but three fang-like nails slammed against the dragon's side.


The impact was so strong and so abrupt that Zolan lost his grip on the dragon's spike and fell off his perch.

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