
Chapter 613: Presence

Vera took a couple of deep breaths and looked up from where she had fallen. Worry was etched on Gideon's face still while he held onto her, but Vera's first reaction was to laugh.

She chuckled as if something so incredibly amazing had just happened, leaving Gideon a little dumbstruck at her reactions. He had thought that she would be so terrified she would have either burst into tears or curl up and shiver within his embrace. However, nothing of the sort happened to his surprise. She, a wingless human, had fallen through the air for goodness' sake and was about to…

"That was so amazing Gid!" she exclaimed with a rush. Her eyes that were turned to him were sparkling with such thrill.

"You just fell Vera –" Gideon barely managed to choke out.

"But you caught me, didn't you? I knew you definitely would. No doubt about it." She grinned at him so confidently and then wiggled around so Gideon would have no choice but to put her down. Looking at how she just behaved like a three-year-old, Gideon did not know whether to laugh or cry. "I'm gonna practice more. Oh… and thanks for the great save!" She told him, tip toed and kissed his cheek before she energetically ran off towards Evie again. Now he realized that his dearest mate had found a brand new fascination – dragons.

Time passed and finally, Vera was able to make a dragon land on the ground without any untoward incidents. Her training was getting harder, but she was beyond determined and it was obvious that she was also enjoying what she was doing though she had her work cut out for her!

And thus, that night, during dinner, Vera spoke to Gideon. She told him that it was now alright for Evie and Gavrael to return without them.

Gideon had agreed with her suggestions as well. So she told Evie her decision while they were having their meal together.

"I think it will take me a little while longer before being able to make the dragon spit ice. But I will make sure that I can make that happen without fail. That's why I will need to stay back a little longer to practice and perfect this move." Vera said enthusiastically.

"Of course, Vera." Evie smiled at her, looking proud of her latest student. "You will definitely be able to control them. I am confident that you can. You just need a little more time." Evie further boosted Vera's confidence. She knew how important positive reinforcements are now at the stage where mental stability also plays a role in perfecting the control over the dragons.

"Yes, that's why… you and Prince Gavrael can return to the palace first, Evie. Gideon said it's alright if you both go back to the Great City now. The two of us can handle this here on our own. I know you have more important matters to deal with there as well."

Evie looked at Gideon and when the man nodded his head with approval, Evie looked back at Gav. She knew that this was the best move for them right now too. Vera does not need any more instructions and advice from her anymore. All she needed was more time to train.

Gav was also confident that the two of them would be just fine. Thus, the four of them decided to part ways that night itself. They saw no reason to delay their actions as things have already been decided.

Vera promised Evie that she and Gideon will arrive back in the Great City with not only one dragon but at least a handful. Evie hugged her, whispering into her ears and telling her she would be waiting for her and her dragons.

The couple stopped at an inn in Rhodoa, a duchy with beautiful crystal decorations in pinkish and reddish hues.

"This is impressive! The inn's lovely." Evie said as the two of them soaked themselves in a big tub filled with warm water. "Ah, this water feels so good!" she sighed out deeply and sunk into the relaxing warm and aqua blue water. The steam rising from it made their private bath looked so very romantic and it reminded Evie of the warm and small lagoon she had bathed in back when they were still in Crescia.

"Gav, why are you looking away?" she lifted a brow at the sight of her husband's eyes moving elsewhere but on her.

"I don't want to disrupt your relaxation time, Evie." He replied and threw his head back and closed his eyes. He knew that if he ogled her openly, there was no way they would be getting a relaxing time. It would most probably be a more vigorous and action-packed time.

She pressed her lips tight together, but then, she licked it as she raked her eyes over her husband's mouth-watering torso.

With a naughty, almost bordering on a wicked smile, Evie moved towards him.

Gav's eyes flew wide open at the feel of her coming closer to him.

"Don't Evie. You need to rest toni –" He had started his rejection speech only to be cut off at the end.

She was standing right before him, her legs spread wide and her… lovely triangle was placed right over his very face. He swallowed. Hard.

He had difficulty lifting his gaze and looking up at her. When he saw the naughty look in her eyes, he groaned. And in the very next moment, his head had already moved on its own and his mouth was already latched onto her sex.

That night, the couple made love in the tub twice before finally retiring to bed for the rest of the night.

It was still dawn when Evie felt Gav rose from their bed after successfully untangling her limbs that were curled around him. "Where are you going?" she asked, feeling a little dizzy.

"Sleep, Evie. I'll just need to go out for a bit." He informed her and Evie just moaned her assent, barely opening her eyes. She was still so very sleepy and did not want to wake up just yet!

"Hmm… okay…"

"I will be back quickly."


After kissing her head, Gav stepped out of the room but only after putting up a strong protective barrier around himself. He was awakened by something strange that he had sensed. Something was lurking around on the outside.

Gav was on high alert as he stepped outside the inn, trying to sense what that strange darkness that disrupted his sleep a while ago was. The dark presence was now gone. He could not even sense a single trace of it now. Could that have been a dream? How was it that he could not sense the trails of it at all? It was as if it never existed in this first place.

His eyes slowly turned wide as if finally realizing something vital. Horror flashed in them as he disappeared in a whiff of smoke.

When he materialized back inside their room, Evie was already gone.

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