
Chapter 359 - Purpose

Chapter 359 - Purpose

Turning to the situation inside of the barrier, there it was like a completely different world from what was happening on the outside. Dark magic released by the two people in there was so strong that it collected and whirled around like a tornado as it escaped from the crystal, seemingly beyond eager to move into their new vessel.

Gavrael roared loudly as he continued to devour the dark magic that was being poured out by Galleous. He had no choice. This was the only way he could forge ahead. He needed to find a way to kill Galleous once and for all. Killing his vessel alone was not enough as it would only be a temporary solution because as long as Galleous himself remained alive inside the crystal, he would continue accumulating dark magic as time goes by and only the devil knows how much strength and magic would add up to his already overwhelming amount of magic if this continues. He would remain a threat to Evie. If he allowed Galleous to run free, he would then pose more than a threat to her. And that was what scared Gavrael more. And Gavrael would never let any danger that threatens the ones he loves – be it small or large – to keep existing like this. They needed to be eradicated. Completely and without mercy.

He was now certain on the hows and whys Evie was killed before he turned back time. It was all because of this evil doer. She was killed in order that her blood could flow to free Galleous from this crystal. Even if Evie was no longer the weak and fragile butterfly he knew from his past, Gavrael would never relax until this enemy has been eradicated and is gone forever from the face of this earth. As long as Galleous was still alive, Gavrael would keep on fearing that moment where he would find Evie's dead body would eventually arrive – sprawled in an awkward angle on the ground and skin cold and clammy to the touch. Just remembering how her skin, once pink and glowing with health had turned pale and almost paper white in death, brought on violent shivers wrecking his frame. He swore to himself again that never would he allow that scene to be repeated in this current timeline.

That was why he was going to do this. He had to do it! He had decided this was the sole purpose of his existence now. When he found out the whole truth about himself, about Gavriel, about what he did and the price he had to pay, and about the fact that he was someone who was no longer supposed to exist in this time and space anymore, Gavrael had decided on this one last thing. That he was going to disappear and let Gavriel and his memories return to this body once his purpose was finally accomplished.

At first, he was filled with hesitation and unwillingness. Especially when Evie came to him and made love with him. When she had held him that day and kissed him, greed bloomed and filled his heart. He wanted to be with her… to hold her… to be able to give her love and receive her love in return… forever. He did not want to disappear, only to be a part of her sweet memories and let Gavriel return to her. He had wanted her to be his, despite knowing this Evie belongs to Gavriel and that the Evie he had known and loved many years ago no longer existed in this time anymore. In fact, she never actually existed the moment he had turned back time.

No matter how his mind tells him she was still the same person, he knew clearly in his heart that it was not as simple as that. The Evie he had first met in that forest… his little timid butterfly… all their memories, they no longer exist in this timeline. He too, was not supposed to exist anymore and he knew it. That was why he was aware that he should not let his greed overpower him to desire and covet over this current Evie for himself now, much less forever. But it was not as easy as it appeared as planned in his mind. No matter who or what Evie would or had become, he would still fall impossibly and hopelessly in love with her. She will always be his one and only. She is his heart and his life.

He had even thought of never letting go anymore, telling himself that he fully deserved to be with her, and his darkness had even approved of his desire to take her for himself and to keep her with him forever. That was until Evie started to do her best to bring the memories of her Gavriel back. He had seen how desperate she was, how she longed for him to return to her. It had ripped his heart to shreds no matter how many times he told himself that Gavriel was still him and that his jealousy was ridiculous. But it was just impossible for him not to feel hurt and jealous to death.

Every time she tried something to make Gavriel return and then looked at him with so much hope and anticipation for the colours of his eyes to change, Gavrael felt utterly miserable. It was as though he were keeping her with him forcefully and was purposefully holding her back from the one that she truly loves. He realized then, how much Evie wanted her Gavriel back. How much she loves him, and he had seen to what extent she would go to do anything and everything for him.

He was seeing himself in her, as he was exactly the same. His desire to be with her and her desire to bring Gavriel back was the same. And it was that realization which had made him finally realise and decide to let her go. It was time for him to accept the cruel and hard fact that he does not belong in this timeline any longer. Whatever chance he did have had long since slipped past his fingers when he had reversed time back, so far to the point until when they were back as children. A wry and pain-filled smile hung across his lips.

A/N: We fell from the rank guys and we are now rank 2 in golden ranking. If we get back to top 1 again before reset (6 hrs from this moment this chapter is updated), I will deliver the promised 10 chapters mass release. ^^

P.s. second chap will come later.

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