
Chapter 250 - Gavrael (Part VII)

Chapter 250 - Gavrael (Part VII)

Time passed as he sat there unmoving, looking on the sleeping figure on the bed. Even after such a long time, the sleeping girl did not seem to be waking up anytime soon.

Gavrael was about to reach out to wake her up when he heard footsteps approaching the room. He waited and was on full alert as he listened if the footsteps would just walk past the room, or it was actually headed into this room. When he saw the doorknob turn slowly, Gavrael quietly disappeared from sight. He did not leave the place though. He just stood quietly outside the window, hiding himself from being seen using his dark fae magic.

He saw two human ladies entering into the room and they seemed to be checking up on the girl.

"Thank god the moon is not out tonight." One of them said as she approached the window and shut it close as she saw it was slightly opened. She should close it in case the young lady catches a cold from the chilly night air.

"Yeah, we can finally sleep tonight." The other one sighed.

"Right. Did you hear any explanation from the Madam on what exactly is going on with the young lady? Why is she even glowing and growing wings every time the moon is out now?" The younger of the two maids asked the other in a lowered voice.

"You know the madam will never say anything regarding her daughter. And don't forget we're just servants here. They don't owe us any explanations." The older of the two answered in a strict tone, giving the younger maid a quick glance of warning. Gavrael assumed that this was the one in charge between the two of them.

"I know but –" The younger maid tried to explain herself but got cut off.

"That's enough. Let's go." The senior maid was brisk in her tone and quickly moved to the door, effectively ending the conversation that most probably was a taboo among them servants.

As soon as the door was closed, Gavrael appeared again. He easily unlatched the window using his magic and vaulted back into the room before closing the window panels again. He then looked outside the window. They maids were right. The moon was not out this time. When he thought back to the last time he was here on the surface, the moon was out and bright. He specifically remembered because he had compared her long tresses to the colour of the moonlight.

Quietly, he approached the girl again, looking down at her still peacefully sleeping face. "So, you only change in appearance and grow your wings if that round thing in the sky appear huh?" He said in a whisper when he saw her brows crease in her sleep.

And her eyes suddenly flew wide open. She gasped as soon as her eyes met his. She nearly yelped but Gavrael was quick to cover her mouth with his hand. However, he was careful not to press down too hard. She was so delicate that he felt as though she would break if he exerted too much pressure.

"Hush…" he whispered as he put one finger on his mouth to indicate her to keep quiet. "Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you." He tried his best to soften his voice, but the girl just looked at him with her eyes still wide opened with fear. Gavrael realized she was truly afraid of him, terrified in fact. And he could not help but feel anger rise within him.

Gavrael grew up in world where he was the only one who was different from the rest – other than his queen mother of course. He was also unable to use dark magic when he was younger. The other dark faes had looked down on him and made fun of him for being weak, only acting friendly and nice with him when the king and queen were around. It was then that he had understood he was different, and the worse thing was when he overheard the adult faes' honest view about him. They never acknowledged him as their prince because to them, he was not a creature of the dark like them. Not to mention that he was weak as well. To them, he was not worthy of being called the prince of the dark faes. And that was why, he did not have any friends in the Under Land, just servants who also do not genuinely respect and acknowledge him.

He heard the other dark faes saying all sorts of things behind his back but since he heard the officials of the court talking about him himself, Gavrael's attitude had changed since then. He began to grow more rebellious. Unbeknownst to his mother, he had turned into an outcast ever since. Gavrael knew his father was aware of this, but his father had never said anything, which was something Gavrael was thankful for. He would hate it even more if the king had intervened on his behalf and the dark faes were forced to get along with him. That would have caused him to lose more face.

Due to that, he grew up a loner and violent. He also began to turn his focus fully into training himself. He trained harder than anyone else. He never complained when his father trained him using the cruellest way. The dark faes even thought that the king hated his son too because of how cruel he was to him but only Gavrael knew that his father deliberately made him suffer the most because he wanted him to grow stronger.

And within a few years of harsh training daily, Gavrael had grown so strong. In fact, he grew too strong that his peers, who were laughing at him in the beginning, began to fear him. His power even surpassed his father's when the king was around his age. He was a weak prince no more, and Gavrael thought that the dark faes will begin to acknowledge him. However, they still did not.

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