
Chapter 125 - Why Not?

Chapter 125 - Why Not?

Gavriel immediately walked over to Zolan. "Did you find out anything on the necklace?" he asked curiously as he took the necklace back from him.

"First things first," Zolan replied as he brought out two more necklaces and one ring – all of them having a similar feature – with the same black stone, "I need Her Highness to put these on."

Hearing Zolan's words, Evie quickly made her way to Gavriel's side and stared at the jewelleries in Zolan's hands. The two necklaces have an even larger black gem set in them compared to the necklace that they had bought from the jewellery shop back in the town.

"These are the only items with the same jewels from the forbidden land that I could find in the entire city. This largest one is owned by the duchess and these other two are from two other noble women. I'd like you to try them on, Your Highness." Zolan said.

Evie looked at Gavriel and though she saw a hint of hesitation flashed across his eyes, he eventually nodded. He took the duchess' necklace and put it on Evie.

Everyone watched in curiosity. To their wonder, the duchess' necklace also reacted the same way it did with her own necklace. The gemstone changed its colour into a vivid amber. Evie could not quite see the changes in the necklace but watching the faces of others around her looking that way, she could only guess that most likely the results are the same as her own necklace.

Gavriel's brows were creased into tight knots as he immediately took the necklace off her and put on the other one. And as expected, the same thing happened with this one as well and when they repeated it with the ring, the same reaction happened.

Awe and questions shone in everyone's eyes just like the first time they saw this happened last night.

"It seems all the black gems that came from the forbidden land is reacting to you, Your Highness," Zolan said. "These three jewels are quite old compared to the necklace His Highness just bought for you. The duchess' necklace is even more than three hundred years old. So, my conclusion is all gems that are from the forbidden land, regardless of their age and which part of the land they got the jewel from, will still react the same way when you put them on. And you are the first creature to ever cause this strange reaction from just wearing the gems on your person."

"B-but… why?" Evie's eyes were filled with questions and confusion. Why? Why are these gems reacting on her? She remembered the lake in the forbidden land as well and her gaze flew at Gavriel.

"I couldn't find any relevant information on this. This gem has no magical powers whatsoever. It has been a normal precious stone that only reacts with the moonlight since the day the vampires found them and brought them to the vampire empire. This is truly the very first time this happened." Zolan explained, causing Evie to tear her eyes off her husband and looked at Zolan. "What I suspect is… perhaps it's related to the fact that you are the daughter of the guardian. As the guardian has the power to summon a dragon, and this dragon is from the forbidden land. This is the only explanation that makes sense right now. Because you and your family have a connection not only with the dragon but perhaps with the forbidden land itself. Though I could be wrong since I don't know if this gem will also react to your father. If this gem reacts to the guardian as well, then my theory might be right. But if it only reacts on you…" Zolan paused and glanced at Gavriel for a moment, "the only explanation I could think about is that there must be something special about you."

Evie blinked. "Me? There's something special about me? But I'm just a human. Yes, I am part of the Ylvia family but I'm a girl. Girls don't inherit any powers to summon a dragon. I don't think I feel anything strange in me as well."

"Well, I guess for now, this will remain a mystery to us. But I strongly believe that there must be a reason behind this strange occurrence. Humans always believe that everything happens for a reason, isn't that right princess?"

When Evie reluctantly nodded, Zolan smiled confidently. "I believe it too. There is always a reason behind every change. And on what that reason is, I believe we will be able to find out whatever it is in the near future. Don't you think so as well, Your Highness?" Zolan shifted his gaze to Gavriel, seeking his affirmation too. However, the lines on the prince's forehead simply deepened. It could be seen that Gavriel was also concerned with how the gem is reacting specifically only to his wife, though it seems his worry was still stronger.

"For now, I'll take these gems with me. I have already asked the owners to lend them to me, so I won't need your necklace anymore Princess." He added as he put the other jewels back into his pocket for safekeeping. "Anyway, I suggest that we put this aside for now as we have a much bigger problem to settle right now." Zolan directed all their attention back onto the matter at hand – regarding the upcoming arrival of the emperor, the dragon guardian, and their armies.

When the men finally stepped out of the quarters, Gavriel and Evie stayed back.

Knowing that the time they have together was now running on short supply, Evie threw herself onto him and hugged him tight.

Gavriel hugged her back, kissing her head again as his grip on her tightened.

"I want the necklace Gavriel." She whispered to him when Gavriel pulled away and stared into her eyes. "It will be a momento of us and the memorable times we spent together."

He lifted his hand and stared at the gem for a moment. "Alright, you can keep it. But I don't want you wearing it, okay?"

Evie slightly tilted her head at what he said. "Why not?"

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