
Chapter 845 – Reaching The Peak

Chapter 845 - Reaching The Peak

Theo thought this punch was something useful, so he recorded everything in his mind, planning to replicate it as soon as he returned.

After that, Theo leaped to the seventh platform.

The seventh platform allowed him to prepare his strongest move. Hence, Theo took his time to calm his mind.

He had thought about how to open a path, so all he needed to do was play according to the script in his head.

The situation was calm for several minutes until Theo released his Death Avatar again.

Before equipping his Death Avatar with any weapon, Theo started using his Ascension Step.

The wind gathered right beneath the cloud, and the moment he utilized the fourth step, the wind pushed the cloud inside as if drilling a hole in the cloud.

5th Step.

6th Step.

7th Step.

Theo didn't waste any time using all the steps he had mastered, especially when he witnessed the cloud gradually recover.

Unlike the previous platform, Theo had prepared one last push necessary to open his path.

After all, when he looked upward, he found out that the cloud was so thick that despite creating a hole 300 feet long wasn't enough for him to see the sky.

Hence, Theo raised his foot one more time and released the one he had ever used.

Ascension Step, 8th Step.

The burst of wind flew upward and dispersed all the black clouds to the surroundings. The power from the 8th step boosted all the previous steps and drilled more than 200 feet long alone by itself.

Still, despite using such power, Theo had yet to penetrate the cloud. At the same time, the cloud closed itself at a rapid rate. He only had one chance, and there wasn't much time left.

Without hesitation, Theo formed a huge ball made of Magic Power on top of the Death Avatar's palms. It was pure Magic Power that had been enhanced by his Magic Augmentation.

"Ha… ha…" Theo clutched his heart, feeling a bit sick because he used most of his remaining Magic Power in this attack.

Before the cloud closed, he used his Telekinesis to fly upward, planning to go through even if it meant he would be in the middle of the cloud with no visibility.

The huge tunnel he had created with the Ascension Step had helped him dispersing all the lightning.

Still, the surrounding lightning seemed to be connected to each other and formed a small magnetic field that pulled Theo down.

Theo gritted his teeth and resisted this power even if it meant his speed decreased significantly. At the same time, his Death Avatar tossed the ball of Magic Power to the end of the tunnel.

"Go!" Theo shouted, pinning his last hope.

Unfortunately, due to the strong pulling force, the light ball couldn't reach the end and had to stop 50 feet below it.

Seeing there was no other way, Theo detonated the ball.


The Magic Power burst out of the light ball and generated a shock wave that pushed all the clouds away, creating a massive spherical hole inside the cloud.

But what made Theo happy was the dark sky on top of the cloud. He found the exit.

Theo used all his remaining strength to force his way up while resisting all the pain coming from the lightning. He even retracted his Death Avatar in order to conserve some power to go through this cloud.

"Kh…" Theo gritted his teeth as his Magic Power was almost empty. "Can I do it?"

A doubt arose in his heart, but Theo had sworn to meet the dragon, so he persisted and used the remaining Magic Power to create one last boost needed to launch him into the sky.

"Gooo!" Theo shouted, psyching up for this trial. He also saw that the tunnel was about to close, so he used that last boost now.

The boost threw him out of the tunnel, leaving him with nothing. He didn't even have any Magic Power to stabilize his posture.

While blown away, Theo saw the pointed peak below him, but with the momentum he had right now, it was impossible for him to reach that peak. He might even go back to the cloud at this rate.

'Is my effort going to be useless?' Theo thought while looking at the cloud. He looked at the sky and saw a black cloud forming and expanding as though it was alive.

In that instant, he came to a realization and shouted on top of his lungs. "I've come to seek guidance."

The cloud above him let out a thunderous sound as a light suddenly flashed behind it, revealing a giant shadow on top of the cloud.

The giant dragon gradually descended to the pointed mountain top while replying to Theo. He extended his tail and caught Theo gently. "Congratulations for finishing my trials, child."

"Kh." Theo gritted his teeth and started panting on top of his tail. He looked at the dragon and asked, "Since when…"

"It seems that my little trick has been discovered." The dragon chuckled.

"I've noticed that the difficulty from the fifth platform onward has risen drastically. Although I don't have any proof earlier, seeing you here is enough for me to realize…" Theo gritted his teeth.

"Haha, I apologize. I couldn't contain myself from testing your limit. It's rare to see someone as strong as you." The dragon smiled and looked Theo in the eyes. "Of course, since it's like this, I will give you something for this incident. I'm sure that you come here not only for the Orders, right?"

Theo fell silent. Although he hated to admit it, the dragon's wisdom was truly one of a kind.


"Then, let's hear it. I will listen to your request first before teaching you about Orders. However, there is one thing I need to ask… Why haven't you used your Illusion? Are you afraid that your illusion can't affect the cloud?"

"Huh, what are you saying? Illusion will only trick your senses." Theo frowned.

"Haha." The dragon chuckled. "You will understand it eventually, child… Anyway, let's move on to your request first."

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