
Chapter 394 – Cubicar And Expedition

Chapter 394 - Cubicar And Expedition

"Alright. We have a new route and everyone will be briefed on their new jobs on the way." Alea commanded out loud. "Move out."

Because they were trying to reserve their strength, Theo and Agata had the chance to enter the vehicle called Cubicar, which was the simplified version of a cube and a car.

It floated a few inches above the ground, so even if they faced extreme terrain, they could still follow the group.

When he entered the Cubicar, Theo found four pairs of bunk beds on the opposite side with a small room to store their supply on the right side. The rest was filled with the handle to operate the cubicar and an open area.

"Hmm… It's quite spacious." Theo muttered while looking at the blonde-haired man who seemed to be driving the cubicar.

"Hello, I'm Marcell." He waved his hand. "I have heard a lot of things about you and even watched your videos in the competition. I admire you a lot because when I was your age, I couldn't act or do everything like you. And more importantly, I couldn't even have a girlfriend because I was unpopular."

"…" Theo's eyebrows twitched. "Was the last one necessary?"

Marcell chuckled before returning to his serious expression. "No."

"Anyway, nice to meet you." Theo nodded and shook his hand.

"Is me being this casual bothering you? I mean, you are among the top of your generations if we put miss Alea aside. I'm sure you will be at the top sooner or later." He asked with a smile.

"No, it's fine. I was lucky in the competition and I have no experience in a big expedition like this." Theo smiled and remained humble.

Agata rolled her eyes as those who understood Theo's role like Nella, Enrica, Ignazio and the others would deny it immediately.

"That's great. If you have any questions, you can ask me. Although I don't have much experience, I have gone on an expedition like this four times. I can give you some tips." He nodded while glancing back and forth, making sure the cubicar didn't hit the other one. "Anyway, it won't take us four days even with the new route. I just hope we won't meet an anomaly like what you described."

"Ahaha, I hope so." Theo chuckled before turning around to Agata, "Why don't you have some rest first? After two hours, we will come out and guard this cubicar."

"Sure." Agata nodded and sat on the floor since no one had dirtied it yet with their shoes.

"By the way, I am wondering if there is no rule in this cubicar? I mean, we have girls here," asked Theo with a curious expression.

"Ah, there are some conservative countries that gather all the women in one place and the men in the other, but we're a quite open country, so as long as they don't mind, it's fine. Also, they are going to keep the order among us since men will accommodate women and vice versa. This will improve the balance between the same sex since they can't go wild with the opposite gender watching them."

"I see." Theo nodded.

"Though, there are many types of vehicles. I believe there is one like a bus or a truck, transporting more people and resources. There are even planes and drones, but we can't fly too high to avoid being targeted," Agata added with a calm expression as if she had experienced them.

Marcell only pointed his finger at her while winking his eyes, supporting her point.

"Anyway, the usual formation will be half outside and half inside and we will switch every two hours." He pointed at the green screen next to him. "Look at this, we are using radar to make sure nothing goes past us. When we are closer, the scout will confirm the monsters and the guards will hunt them before we even pass.

"Also, we have a short-range communication device to check their movements. Though, using this radar has its advantages and disadvantages. There are a few types of monsters more sensitive to the sound wave. There is also a monster that can use EMP, so before the departure, we scout the route first and create a plan to avoid those monsters.

"This is why it's hard for us to change our route and an anomaly is the worst nightmare for us because the mission can be interrupted. I know that this is dangerous, but if you take a look at these four vehicles alone, they are worth hundreds of millions of Zils. Even if we rent the cubicar, the entire plan alone can cost us more than a hundred million. Base reward is included.

"Moreover, we need to consider other members' schedules and other things. It's annoying if there is a willful member who makes trouble for us because of the change of plan. Luckily, this one is salvageable.

"I know that you are warning us in a good way, but we also have our own circumstances. Since you are new in a big expedition like this, I can teach you, so you can understand what you can do and you can't do in an expedition, including all the details." Marcell explained everything with a calm tone.

"I see. Thank you for teaching me all this." Theo nodded in understanding and asked, "Still, I do think life is more important."

"Yes. That's why we classify the threat level first. There are three levels: Red, Yellow, and Green. Red means cancel the mission, yellow means proceed with caution, and green means just kill them all. This one is yellow for the time being."

Theo nodded a few times. If he visited another country, he was bound to experience an expedition like this, so he needed to learn everything now rather than later.

Curious, Theo looked at the windows and saw a few people running next to the cubicar. They often moved ahead when the scout found a group of monsters and eliminated them in an instant so the car wouldn't be targeted.

When he saw all this, he couldn't help but think of a certain scene. It was him driving this cubicar. Normally, a single person wouldn't venture with this vehicle because they couldn't protect this cubicar, but Theo could use his clone to protect his car.


Suddenly, someone opened the door, shattering the image in Theo's head.

Theo and Agata glanced at the person entering the cubicar and were slightly surprised when it turned out to be Alea.

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