
Chapter 258: Execution

Vines crawled all across the walls, and leaves had started to sprout along these vines. The entire wall was lined with greenery with faint red petals from other flowers blossoming alongside these. Birds were attracted to these red petals as well as the fruits around it.

An oxcart had arrived on the front porch, as the servants rushed out to welcome the visitor and led him into the mansion. When he entered, he saw guards posted in all directions, as they stood upright and unmoving. When he entered the compound, he saw that all the maids were extremely busy and uptight, moving around as they collected his luggages and belongings from the oxcarts.

The butler arranged for men to fill the other oxcarts with more luggages.

Within the study room, a middle aged man was sipping tea talking to the Governor. The aroma of sweet tea filled the entire room, as the both of them sat up straight and spoke to each other comfortably.

This was the newly appointed Governor, Gong Yun who sat across the previous Governor. The both of them were extremely polite to each other. The reason for this was because the Governor had done extremely well in his position. He had opened up sea trade, helping the dynasty flourish and earn a great deal in income. He’d gotten rid of the pirates in the sea. Above all, he had found the killer responsible for the deaths General You Ji, since it was under his jurisdiction. Promotion and even conferment of noble titles awaited him.

Despite the fact that Gong Yun was the newly appointed Governor, he wouldn’t rush the Governor to leave, or be discourteous in anyway.

"Brother gong, since you’ve come to replace me, I should instruct my servants to speed up so that we can vacate the premises for you. I shouldn’t impose on the Governor’s mansions any further." The Governor smiled, as he took a sip of tea.

Gong Yun took a sip of tea as well, "Brother Li, there’s no need to stand on ceremony. It\'s obvious that you’re going to be promoted to higher stations, and thus wouldn’t want to linger here in the Governor’s Mansion for any longer than required."

"Looks like brother Gong knows me." The Governor didn’t deny this as he smiled, before asling, "I wonder what are the latest news within the capital city, tell me more."

Gong Yun then hushed his voice to a whisper, "The Grand Princess’ daughter just played a Qin piece for the Emperor, who was very impressed. After that one event, he’s been calling her regularly to play the Qin for him."

"Why is that?" The Governor was in an extremely good mood since he’d completed his Governor tour and done many great deeds worthy of praise.

"One reason is because the little Canton Princess has improved tremendously at such a frightening pace. I’ve gotten the chance to hear her play before, and she’s truly gifted, and has far surpassed her tutor."

"The other reason was because King Lu left the capital city crying and wailing. This caused the Emperor to worry for his well being. Ai!" Gong Yun sighed as he spoke.

When the Governor heard this, he looked at him as though a thought was forming in his head, "That is to say, the Crown Prince’s position has stabilized."

"That is right. King Lu has already left for the minor prefectures. Looks like the heir apparent to the throne has finally stabilized his position. Although the Emperor has another son, he’s never been outstanding or prominent. The Crown Prince is stable."

The both of them then fell deep in thought. After this matter had been discussed, there wasn’t a need for further talk.

A butler then stepped in. He looked to be around forty years of age, and was well groomed and tidy. He then whispered, "Your excellency, your things have all been packed. Only several study rooms have been left as they were, would you like to take a look?"

"You guys, you guys, have always been wanting to return to the capital city. We’ve only been out here for several years, and now you can’t wait to be back." The Governor laughed as he spoke out. "Alright then brother Gong. We shall go out for a walk, so that you won’t miss the auspicious timing to take office."

Gong Yun stood up and laughed, "When I heard brother Li scolding your servants about being too eager to return, I couldn’t help but laugh out. I never expected that brother Li was more eager to be back. Come, let’s take a walk together and admire the scenery then."

The both of them left the compounds and walked around the corridor, where a man made mountain was in place, next the pond. They were discussing about recent events when someone rushed up to them, "Your excellency, an imperial edict is here."

"Imperial edict?" The Governor was stumped but he hurriedly regained his composure and instructed, "Everyone should stop moving. There shouldn\'t be any unnecessary noise or movements. Prepare the incense and get ready to receive the edict."

"Yes!" At this point, several servants stepped forward to tide the mansion and clean up. The Governor and new Governor ensured that their attire was presentable before they went out to receive the edict.

The eunuch nodded his head before he unravelled the scrolls and stood before the incense and spoke to the Governor, "Official Li Min and Official Dai Yun, receive the edict!"

"The edict!" The eunuch shouted out loudly before reading out, "The Emperor’s words : An Jie Prefecture’s magistrate Bai Yun acted out of evilness and killed a general. There’s no need for a trial. His rank shall be stripped and he shall be put to death. Please see to the execution!"

"Receive the edict!" As soon as the edict was read out, the Governor stepped forward to receive it. The eunuch then laughed out, "I’ve brought two edicts. This one\'s for yourself. The other edict was to expedite General You Ji’s promotion to the fourth rank. This humble subject shall now take his leave."

"Please suit yourself eunuch."

Seeing that the eunuch has left, Li Min then sighed out, "In the blink of an eye, the magistrate has become a criminal on death row. Regretful."

As he spoke, he handed the edict to Gong Yun, who had been a high flying academic since his youth. Thus, he had never witnessed an execution in his life, and seemed rather afraid as he received the edict. He trembled faintly before speaking, "You haven’t completely relinquished your appointment to me brother Li. I think it’s better if you preside over the execution."

Hearing these words, Li Min laughed out. He knew that Gong Yun had been a scholar since his younger days. The thought of bearing witness to such brutal execution scared him. Li Min then spoke, "It’s correct that we should do things properly, and with every start there has to be an end. But brother Gong, do you know the difference between an official here and an official in the capital city?"

"Oh? Please enlighten me brother Li!" Gong Yun paused before clasping his hands in salute.

Li Min took several paces forward and continued strolling, while Gong Yun followed close behind. The pair of them reached the edge of the railings as Li Min looked down at the spring colours around the pond before sighing, "The key to being a good official here is to wield your authority, and the second point is to be strict."

"Authority will move you further up, and strictness would mean executing men who deserve it. If I were to preside over this execution, it won’t do much for me. But if brother Gong were to preside over the execution of this magistrate, it would send fear around, and nobody would dare to offend you recklessly."

"Before I leave, I would do what I can help, and this is it." The Governor laughed out.

"Many thanks brother Li. It was truly my good fortunes to have met such a good friend as yourself." Gong Yun paused as he saluted before continuing, "I’ve truly learnt. I never imagined that the first task I would have to do as Governor would be to kill someone. Since everyone has their eyes on us now, let’s set a precedence. Forget the outer counties. But every official higher than the ninth rank of this prefecture has to attend this execution. What do you think?"

Seeing that Gong Yun has decided to approach this matter with a certain order, Li Min laughed out, "Great!"

Gong Yun didn’t hesitate further and decided to send the instructions along, to which the men below shouted out in acknowledgement before passing the word.

Same day, Execution Grounds

There were seldom any execution held during spring, and yet when one came it was that of the magistrate. The entire Ying Prefecture which governed An Jie Prefecture was rocked by this affair. After all, the first thing which the new magistrate did was to execute him. This was a serious matter, and thus he personally presided over the execution, since he didn’t want anything to go wrong. Since the magistrate’s family wasn’t implicated, he allowed them to take his body once the deed was done. In fact, there were many officials around, all who were made to attend this if their ranks were higher than the ninth rank. At this point, they all sat around.

Gong Yun handled everything before walking over to the execution stage, where there were a pair of wooden blocks atop. Li Min scanned his surroundings and noticed that more than a dozen officials had arrived. Even Pei Zi Yun had come. He then pointed, "That’s him, Pei Zi Yun, who found the necessary evidence to charge Yue Bai. He’s amazing."

Gong Yue listened and looked up to Pei Zi Yun, and saw that he was drinking tea at the reception for seventh ranked officials and above. He wasn’t even twenty years old this year, but already wore his robes, looking very scholarly. It was not hard to imagine that he was very close to the Crown Prince. His unspoken authority was such that if he wanted to condemn a magistrate, it wouldn’t be difficult.

Gong Yun looked up and stilled his heart.

"The criminal official arrives!" Someone announced as the atmosphere tensed up and the people started speaking.

At this point, Yue Bai was dragged down from a cage brought along by an oxcart. He was dressed in the prisoner’s outfit, and was extremely filthy. When he was being dragged along, he bore little semblances to the official he once was, and looked pathetic.

The executioner wore a red band around his head, and was of a tall and sturdy frame. He walked towards the prisoner and brought a bowl of wine to feed him, but Bai Yue refused to drink it. He shook his head so violently that it hit the bowl and caused it to shatter on the ground. The executioner was experienced and had seen many of such situations. He didn’t bother pouring another bowl and just laughed coldly before raising his blade as he stood beside the convict. As soon as the order was given, he would decapitate Bai Yue.

"Bai Yue has committed a great treasonous act against the state, and this is the result of his own deeds. However, on most days, he was a country loving and upright man. He was well known for his agricultural efforts for the state, and has done well in that regard. He is thus allowed a bowl of wine before his death." Li Min spoke out atop the stage as he received another bowl of wine. When he looked at Bai Yue, he saw Bai Yue sighing. "Bai Yue, I’ve come to send you off. This is an order from the Emperor, and nobody must refuse."

"Drink it up. You will feel much better. You shouldn’t have offended those you couldn’t afford to offend."

Hearing these words, Bai Yu raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot as he drank his wine in one gulp before shouting, "I’m full of hatred!"

Li MIn returned to his original place as Gong Yun slammed a wooden tile on the table, as he shouted out, "An Jie Prefecture’s Magistrate Yue Bai doesn’t deserve a trial for his treasonous acts. His titles and ranks have been stripped and faces death immediately."

When he finished reading, he then threw the red wooden tile up into the air before it landed on the ground. As soon as the block touched the ground, the executioner swung his sword.

"Pu!" The officials around inhaled a deep breath of air, as they watched blood soaring into the air. A head flew up high before landing on the ground, rolling some distance before reaching to a halt. His eyes were still open wide, as though he wanted to say something.

The new Governor had an expressionless, but it almost seemed like he didn’t dare to watch as he looked towards Pei Zi Yun and sighed, "Indeed, he is very cunning."

After the man was killed, Li Min didn’t hesitate and started making his departure.


A large boat was waiting, with several armed guards within the boat. Many officials had escorted him to the gates of the city, but Li MIn refused to let them send him off all the way. Before he boarded the boat he turned around and looked at the city, and was filled with sadness at having to leave.

Pei Zi Yun had alighted from his oxcart to send him off as well.

Li Min caressed his bear and laughed, "You’ve finally come. I’ve waited a long time. Do you have any poems to give me as a farewell gift?"

"Your excellency, have you forgotten something?" Pei Zi Yun was laughing as well.

"What?" Li Min paused as he fell deep in thought before breaking out in laughter, "Oh, I have it ready. Men, where’s the quality wine."

Several moments later, someone delivered a flagon of wine as Li Min poured seven cups and sighed, "To recognize a talent, I shall drink seven cups. Since we part, it shall be another seven cups."

Pei Zi Yun didn’t mind as he drank seven cups consecutively before reciting.

"Ferry crosses the willow streams, not a person is in sight

The only thought in his head was that of spring colours, as the gentleman slowly made his way home"

"What a good poem!"

Li Min laughed out gleefully before turning around to board the boat. Seeing that the Govenor was leaving, Pei Zi Yun was rather sad as well. He turned around and spoke to the Sect Leader, who was still wearing a veil, "With such a strict new Governor, our sects no longer have to worry about anything. I have to go now as well. If there’s any news of Ye’er, please contact me!"

"Right, this is a new story which I’ve written. The lead protagonist is General You Ji, along with the magistrate, River Deity and our sects. Since we’ve accomplished all this with the help of the River Deity, we should help to spread his name around."

When the Sect Leader received this, she nodded her head, "I shall start printing copies immediately."

Pei Zi Yun laughed out as he boarded another boat and ordered, "Wait a little while before we set off!"

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