
Chapter 206: Flame-Rain

“... Was this your decision? Choi Hyuk.”

Flame-Rain knew everything when she saw Alliance City, which was now a mountain of corpses.


Her transparent flames burned the bodies. Not even a speck of ash remained.

In front of the corpses burning from her transparent flames, she looked up at the sky. She looked for the section of Earth’s sky in Alliance City’s sky, which was a plethora of skies from various species’ homelands.

“I won’t resent you for this, but, Choi Hyuk, why did you go so far...? Huh? Choi Hyuk...”

Her voice was weak as though she was pleading for a response.


Shiro, the battle puppet who chased Flame-Rain around, begging her to save Chu Youngjin, had also figured everything out as she stood next to Flame-Rain in front of the blazing flames.

Chu Youngjin had assassinated Exalted Wing Dark-Sound.

She felt like all the stars in her universe were being sucked into a gigantic black hole.

Her expression gradually blanked as she collected herself. Her eyes were the eyes of an emotionless machine. Even her gear heart, which had malfunctioned ever since she became close to Chu Youngjin, recovered its steady beat.

No, it occasionally stopped with a clunk.


The news of the deaths of the 13 Exalted Wings and the extinction of the monsters’ universe was spread throughout the great universe. Choi Hyuk was the one who killed the 13 Exalted Wings and the one who slew the monster queen. Also, Choi Hyuk was likely dead.

Flame-Rain moved quickly as she arrested the Berserkers, Kundle Tribe members, and the glass crabs who joined Choi Hyuk in his plan. A trial was held, and she invited those with a grudge against them to act as jurors.

Esteemed families of the Flame Wing Tribe, Armored Soul Tribe, Speckled Light Tribe, and the dragon race gathered. Their rage was fierce and heightened.

Lee Jinhee, Bae Jinman, Baek Seoin, Leah, Handke, Moonmoon, and Fragile were tied up and kneeling in the middle of the courtroom. Flame-Rain watched as curses rained down on them. As she tolerated their criticisms, they became even fiercer and relentless. There were even strong opinions that they needed to punish the rebellious species, the earthlings, as a whole instead of just Choi Hyuk’s accomplices.

The mood changed when transcendent warrior Mack, who attended as a representative of the dragon race, spoke. She had also been caught up in the disaster when she attended Dark-Sound’s funeral and had subsequently become a transcendent warrior.

Her rage was chilling, and she swore at Choi Hyuk’s kneeling accomplices.

“Even... Even though Choi Hyuk is a hero for ending our war against the monsters, we cannot forgive him for killing Exalted Wing Leviathan.”

All the species attending agreed with her.

They were like Choi Hyuk in some ways. Though they acknowledged that his contributions were enormous, at the same time, they couldn’t pardon the fact that he had killed those dear to them. As a member of the dragon race, who were known for greatly cherishing members of their race, there was nothing more to say.

However, Mack’s speech continued.

“But, our dragon race owed him a great debt. Also, Choi Hyuk, the person responsible for this situation, has died in battle. Following this, the dragon race will offset our debt and resentment with his death... and forget about this. The earthlings, Kundle Tribe members, and glass crabs will, like before, interact with us as friends. This unforgivable resentment...”

She tightly closed her eyes before opening them calmly and declaring,

“I will consider the curses and reproach spoken today in this courtroom as repayment. This is our dragon race’s will. Then...”

The courtroom bustled with murmurs.

After concluding her speech, Mack stood up and was about to make her leave. Flame-Rain’s hand gesture, however, sat her back down.

“I heard you clear. I think your heated heads have cooled down a bit now... I will now listen to other suggestions besides curses and criticism.”

“But! He killed Exalted Wing Flame-Hell, Flame-Thorn, Flame-Fog, and Flame-Wind! He is the enemy of our species!”

Dissatisfaction erupted from a section of the Flame Wing Tribe.

However, the other Flame Wing Tribe nobles who noticed the change in mood kept their lips firmly shut.

“However, he saved the alliance. He accomplished something those 13 Exalted Wings couldn’t. He was a great warrior.”

The one who said this was a noble who had been in the Flame Army led by Choi Hyuk.

“You! You dishonorable, traitorous-!”

There was an intense reaction, but his voice was soon buried under the shouts of smaller species, who had been silent until now.

“The war has ended! Is there anything more important than that? They committed sins, but they made an even larger contribution!”

“Hasn’t the alliance always made sacrifices for the great cause?! Are some sacrifices okay but others not?!”

Their voices erupted like a storm.


The representatives of the noble families expressed their anger at the trivial warriors’ opposition. Yet, voices even they couldn’t disregard joined the fray.

“From the beginning, the alliance’s goal was for our survival and freedom in the war against the monsters. They have achieved this goal. Who can punish them?”

They were transcendent warriors from minor tribes.

They accounted for roughly 30% of the approximately 100 transcendent warriors, but as the majority of the transcendent warriors from the noble tribes had died during the funeral, they were currently a force to be reckoned with.

“... I agree. He had cleared his sins before he died.”

On top of that, the warriors from the noble tribes who had reached the transcendent level after surviving through the funeral also joined in. Since they had fought side-by-side in the end, there was a strange comradery between them.

When the strong ones joined in, no one opposed anymore. A dissatisfied silence hung in the air.

Flame-Rain stood up. She gazed at the few Flame Wing Tribe nobles who couldn’t contain their rage and blazed with flames and the other members of the noble tribes who felt the same way.

“I heard all your opinions. But, I didn’t simply gather you all here today for this trial. Rather, the trial was an excuse.”

The crowd was taken aback.

Flame-Rain stood on the platform and arrogantly looked around her.

“First, I will introduce myself again. I am the queen of the Flame Wing Tribe, Flame-Rain.”

She referred to herself as the queen. Even dissatisfied figures were shocked as they looked up at her.

Transparent flame wings spread out behind her back. Flames that could purify all evil quietly blazed.

At her terrifyingly brazen words,

Jolt! Drrk!

A commotion arose in the courtroom. All the Flame Wing Tribe members present stood up, even the ones who had expressed their dissatisfaction before. An endless sense of awe and emotion overwhelmed them.

Cheers erupted in the courtroom.

Glory to the queen who has returned!

To other tribes, this was a ridiculous change in attitude, but this was natural for the Flame Wing Tribe.

Born with the birth of the universe, the Flame Wing Tribe’s monarchy wasn’t simply a product of culture. It was something engraved in their very souls. The one who possessed the most pure and beautiful flames was the queen they would lay their lives down for, and Flame-Rain was undoubtedly a queen, whether they looked at it from her origin or her current flames. No, she was the queen. Flame-Hell had hidden this fact. To this tribe who had only now realized this, this trial no longer held much importance.

The other tribes felt left out and tense as they faced this moment of endless grandeur and exclusivity.

An uproar erupted from all sides.

Flame-Rain had traversed from frontline to frontline throughout the great universe because of Flame-Hell’s wicked schemes. She was a friend and a hero to all the tribes in the alliance. She, who had always been ‘our Flame-Rain’, suddenly felt unfamiliar to them.

Flame-Rain calmly said,

“Also... The alliance hasn’t dispersed yet. Currently, at this moment, I declare, as the only living Exalted Wing, that the alliance will cancel out the crimes and contributions committed by Choi Hyuk and his subordinates. I will consider that the traitor, Choi Hyuk, has already served their punishment. The trial ends with this.”

Those who had been kneeling were brought to a stand and their chains burned and disappeared. Although there were many who were still dissatisfied, they kept their mouths firmly shut, perhaps because they saw the power of those siding for their acquittal.

“Finally... the alliance, having reached the end of its reason for existence, will be disbanded. The war has ended. I respect all of you who have worked hard for the alliance and pray that those who laid down their lives may rest in peace.”

She bowed her head in silent tribute.

The crowd, perplexed by the sweep of decisions, bowed their heads and participated in the silent tribute without realizing it.

‘Really? So easily?’

Though some people thought this, who could say otherwise when the only Exalted Wing said so?

Raising their heads after the silent tribute, they still felt perplexed.

While they had expected it, they couldn’t help but be in disorder after actually hearing about it. What was the point of their acquittal if the alliance no longer existed? People would personally attempt to get revenge, and the universe would be in anarchy.

What would happen to the universe?

Was Flame-Rain acting for the benefit of the Flame Wing Tribe?

Flame-Rain opened her mouth as if to comfort those in a state of confusion and fear.

“Now, let me, Flame-Rain propose something as the queen of the Flame Wing Tribe. While the war with the monsters has ended, our survival and freedom are still at risk. Knowing each other’s existence, species may start killing and enslaving each other. Which is why I am proposing a new species coalition. The coalition will mediate conflicts between species and will work for the prosperity of the universe as a whole. We will take measures so that we can be prepared for invasions from other dimensions, which may occur at some point. However, this coalition will be completely different from the alliance. First, we will not interfere with the internal affairs of species’. More people will also participate in the making decisions. There will be no discrimination between tribes, and most importantly, there will be no such thing as ‘Consumables’.”

As expected, she hadn’t changed. It felt like her each and every word was being nailed into their minds.

“Who will join?”

She asked.

“I will join.”

“I offer my sword.”

The transcendent warriors who had sided with Choi Hyuk’s party scrambled to show their intentions of joining.

“The dragon race will join you as well.”

“The 104-quasarlings will also join.”

“... I’ll return to the Dark Tribe and review this optimistically.”

Species with a clear system of command decided to join on the spot while species that didn’t promised to discuss it. The number of species joining this coalition would undoubtedly increase in the end. With Flame-Rain at the helm, no one could disregard the coalition’s influence. Also, she mentioned the possibility of an invasion from other dimensions.

Everything proceeded smoothly like a script.

The dissatisfied group understood they were an absolute minority.

She was the strongest warrior in the universe. A queen who had proved her purity through Flame-Hell’s trials.

The universe was on her side.

Flame-Rain’s gaze landed on Lee Jinhee, Baek Seoin, Bae Jinman, Leah, Handke, Moonmoon, and Fragile, who all stood in the middle of the courtroom.

“And what about you?”

The current mood made it difficult to refuse. They bowed slightly and replied,

“We will join.”

Handke then bitterly added,

“If you pay well...”

Flame-Rain nodded and then closed her eyes.

‘This is something I’ve been dreaming about my whole life... But it’s so easy. Choi Hyuk. Did you think it was fine if you just paved the way for me and disappeared?’

She suppressed her surging emotions.

‘Like how you achieved your goal in life, I will too. Even without you.’

She recalled her dream she had even before meeting Choi Hyuk. A universe where all species coexisted peacefully and prosperously.

Opening her eyes, she took her first step.

“With this, I officially declare the establishment of the Great Universe Coalition.”

This was the moment the Flame Wing Alliance ceased to exist and the Great Universe Coalition was born.

Lee Jinhee was appointed as the commander of the knight squad, which represented the coalition’s military strength, and Baek Seoin became her vice-commander out of his own will.

Bae Jinman traveled throughout the universe as a healer of the coalition and saved those who were dying.

Leah became a diplomat in charge of trade in technology between species and contributed to the prosperity of earthlings.

Handke became a researcher organizing the coalition’s karma skills for a while before quickly resigning. He later returned to the restored Earth and lived happily as a local influence.

Moonmoon and Fragile raised the statuses of their species as members of the coalition.

Though conflicts arose everywhere, no one crossed the line.

When conflicts couldn’t be easily resolved, duels were used to settle grudged under the coalition’s approval. Duels could only be requested by those who insisted they were victims, and as even weaker forces won a significant number of duels, it was difficult to act unjustly without care.

Even Lee Jinhee, who held a public position, received a few duel requests, but she won every one of them and left her challengers alive.

Some called these duels ‘Choi Hyuk’s Rule’.

Earthlings from the past might see this as uncivilized, but this was civilized for the universe, which had experienced an even more uncivilized era.

Later, people would call the period of time Flame-Rain was the first chairman of the coalition as the ‘Era of Glory’.

{Epilogue – Flame-Rain End}

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