
Chapter 775: Destroyer Force

A huge figure was projected in front of the Mie Weng troops, and the owner of the figure made the world go crazy.

Because, the huge figure was Long Fei wearing a black windbreaker suit, appearing in front of everyone.

While watching the live broadcast, Yelishaud hurriedly ordered his subordinates to go to his father\'s room to check whether his father was awake.

This time, the relevant forces who often pay attention to the movements of the Tianyi Mercenary Group now understand that all the actions of the Tianyi Mercenary Group, including the operation of the entire Tianyi Group and Tao Xiang\'s temporary position, are all planned by Long Fei.

Long Fei deliberately made everyone think that he was still unconscious, but actually hid himself behind the scenes and planned all the actions.

Xu Weiran couldn\'t help clapping his hands while watching the live broadcast, while Pope David smiled wryly while watching the live broadcast. They all had the same thought, that they were deceived by Long Fei.

Soon, all the channel lines on the scene were invaded by the Tianyi mercenary group\'s Mie Weng troops.

"The Tianyi mercenary group\'s operation this time is to eliminate the extreme thought of new humanism. The only way to eliminate the root of this extreme thought is to destroy the Dion Empire. This time our operation is called Operation Extermination."

After Long Fei finished announcing, the audience was in an uproar.

At this moment, the United Army and the leaders of all countries finally know that they have been completely played by Long Fei.

I thought that Long Fei was unconscious, and then some information received by various countries, I thought it was just his wife who used his technical reserves to develop new weapons, and the internal processing thought it was his wife who was trying to get rid of unstable factors and strengthen his own. right move.

It is only now that I understand that all of this was done by Long Fei to confuse them.

At this time, Victor and the top generals of various countries received orders from their countries, ordering them to lead the troops back home as soon as possible.

At first they didn\'t understand why the country urgently asked them to bring the troops back to the country.

When receiving the news, everyone was dumbfounded, because the troops of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps were conducting military exercises on the border of their country.

Moreover, live ammunition was used in these exercises, and God knows if the guns would suddenly be aimed at them halfway through the exercise.

Inside Torres 2, Rika sat in the cockpit of the heavily-armed Seraph Gundam and complained directly: "Brother-in-law is really, he deceived everyone around, sister is also true, so don\'t tell me."

Yue Yangchun passed by in front of the cockpit, heard his girlfriend say this, and complained: "If I tell you, isn\'t that the same as talking to a loudspeaker, won\'t the whole world know that your brother-in-law hides himself later?" gone."

"Yueyangchun, you are looking for death!" Li Xiang rushed out of the cockpit, trying to pinch Yueyangchun\'s waist. "

Yue Yangchun quickly ran away and shouted: "If you dare to pinch me, I\'ll tell Sister Taoxiang to teach you a lesson."

Li Xiang stopped immediately and stomped into the cockpit angrily.

Immediately after the death of Marnius, Julius took command and ordered the whole army to prepare for battle.

The Weng Destroyer troops launched mobile drill missiles and Minov particle missiles one after another.

There are very few mobile ballistic separation high-explosive missiles left on the Dion Army\'s side, and they cannot resist the continuous mobile drill missiles and Minov particle missiles.

In addition to resisting with point defense beams, you can only use Ms and mobile fortresses for point defense.

One of the two destroying warships was swallowed by the previous photon ring Lei Yin and turned into cosmic dust together with the satellite cannon.

Julius immediately ordered the entire ship to fly out all the existing anti-Minov particle devices.

Countless mobile drill missiles broke through the defense line of mobile ballistic separation high-explosive missiles, and the first wave of mobile drill missiles attacked Ms and the mobile fortress first.

Moreover, the number of mobile ballistic separation high-explosive missiles is not large, only about 10,000, and they have been exhausted in the first wave of mobile drill missiles.

Although there was a collision between the war cone and the mobile drill missile, as more and more Minov particle missiles exploded and the Minov particles became more and more dense, the war cone almost formed a crash state.

The anti-Minov particle device is first connected to Ms first.

Moreover, the mobile drill missile has set up a priority lock on the anti-Minov particle device.

Many anti-Minov particle devices were directly destroyed by a mobile drill missile.

This caused many unmanned bodies to be directly paralyzed due to the relationship between the Minov particles after losing the connection of the anti-Minov particle device.

This will affect the effect of point defense.

Not only did the mobile drill missile group break through the defense lines of Ms and the mobile fortress, but even the Minov particle missiles broke through.

All the war reporters from various countries at the scene did not leave the battlefield with the United Army, but stayed at the scene and continued to film the live broadcast, filming the battlefield where the Tianyi mercenary group joined.

All the war reporters commented that if the weakened Dion army had no other trump card, it would basically be unable to resist the attack of the Tianyi mercenary group.

The supreme commander of the Weng Slayer Troop is Lieutenant General Shrek, and he is currently conducting the next wave of operations.

Shrek looked at the remaining two factory warships of Dion\'s army, which were similar in function to the mobile fortress Downs Workers but even bigger. Lieutenant General Shrek thought it was necessary to capture them for research.

Long Fei also felt that it was really necessary to capture it for research reference.

Shrek looked at the huge three-dimensional battlefield situation map in front of him.

At present, more than 80% of the anti-Minov particle devices released by the Dion Army have been destroyed.

The defense line formed by Ms and the mobile fortress gradually became weaker and weaker.

Airframes, whether manned or unmanned, can be targeted by mobile drill missiles.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres. www.yeguoyuedu.com can be used for Android and Apple. 】

Many mobile drill missile groups that broke through the defense line of Ms and the mobile fortress locked on the battleship under the command of the command room of the Mie Weng force.

Compared with nuclear warhead missiles, mobile drill missiles make Dion\'s army more scruples.

Because, the warhead missiles only hit the same battleship with the energy shield turned on several times, and it is basically impossible for the energy shield to exceed the tolerance threshold in a short time.

But as long as a few mobile drill missiles can directly make the energy shield of the battleship exceed the withstand threshold in just a few seconds.

Although the battleship group has quite a few MS and mobile fortress guards, there are still countless mobile drill missiles breaking through their defenses.

In just one minute, more than ten warships of various types in Dion\'s army were destroyed by mobile drill missiles.

In the next three minutes, nearly 100 warships of various types were destroyed.

In the battle to defend the Mars Circle, the Dion Army and the United Army fought for so long, and even the Allied Army did not shoot down more than 50 warships of the Dion Army.

Originally, the Dion Army defending the Martian sphere still has more than 3,500 ships to this day.

As a result, Lei Yin of the photon ring directly took away more than 300 warships of various types from the Dion Army.

With 5 waves of mobile drill missile groups, more than 1,000 warships of various types were directly destroyed by the Dion Army.

Such a result directly made the retreating joint army marshal and the generals of various countries feel very ashamed.

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