
Chapter 703: Family happiness is the greatest luxury in war

Brigadier General Amanda is now wearing a prisoner uniform, her hands are handcuffed in her own detention room, sitting on a chair, and in front of the table is a Tianyi mercenary general who is also a brigadier general.

Brigadier General Amanda only said her affiliation, her military rank and some of her personal information, and she didn\'t say anything about the important secrets in the army.

"If you want to get some information, I advise you to give up. If you think lynching can make me tell the information, you can try it."

"We didn\'t intend to force you to share information, but just to ask you some personal questions." At this time, an adjutant brought a glass of water and put it in front of the brigadier general.

The brigadier general took a sip and pushed the cup to front of brigadier general Amanda. Amanda looked at the brigadier general in front of him after drinking the water, and his whole face remained unchanged. Amanda took the cup with both hands and took a sip of water and asked: " What do you want to ask?"

"A group of child soldiers were captured. One child was named Miroslav. The child wanted to find his mother. His mother was Amanda, who was also a general." It\'s a little boy with red hair.

When Amanda saw Miroslav, although she remained calm, the brigadier general and adjutant had noticed the flash of excitement in her eyes.

The brigadier general said: "Don\'t be nervous, I will not use your son to threaten you for information. This child is like many child soldiers. After being captured, many of them are crying and wanting to find their parents. Some prisoners in the detention center also complained to us. Ask to check whether their children have been captured. Many parents and children were found to be prisoners. When we arranged a video for the children to meet their parents, they all cried into a ball. We are also going to share these The children were sent to detention centers to reunite them with their parents."

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Listening to what the brigadier general said, although Amanda remained calm on the surface, she was very excited inside.

It was Amanda who still asked in a flat tone: "You just said that most of the children started crying, so what about a small number of children?"

"These children were very excited when they saw us, and they called us the murderer. Some of these children\'s parents were in the detention center. We also arranged for them to meet via video. These children were not at all excited. They all hoped that we would take them to their parents. Of course, some of the mothers have no parents, so we will send them to the detention center to see which of the prisoners in the detention center is willing to take care of them or adopt them."

Amanda lowered her head in thought at this moment, holding the tablet and clicking on a file, which was a video record.

Then, push the tablet in front of Amanda.

Amanda looked up at the video on the tablet screen, her eyes filled with excitement.

Because the screen video shows her son Miroslav eating the cake with big mouthfuls, from eating the cake happily at the beginning to crying and eating the cake afterwards.

A mercenary wiped Miroslav\'s tears with a tissue and asked why Miroslav was crying while eating his favorite chocolate cake.

"I want my mother to accompany me on my 12th birthday, and I want my mother to eat cake with me." Miroslav cried after speaking, and the maid hugged him to comfort him.

Amanda listened to what her son said and watched her son cry. Amanda\'s tears kept rolling in her eyes.

The brigadier general said at this time: "We will send you and your son to the detention center, then you and your son can live a happy life as a mother and son."

Amanda asked: "I remember that all the captives in your detention center are used as your labor force. Do you want them to be your labor force too?"

"Don\'t worry about this. We just treat you adults as labor force. We will send prisoners under the age of 18 to the Kuri School. They will go to school like ordinary children and do what children of that age should do. And these children For those who have parents, we will arrange for them to live with their parents. Parents work and children go to school. Oh, yes, if you adults are prisoners, you can count points for work, and the points you get can be exchanged for what you want. If you want to exchange points for toys for children, it’s okay to make children happy.”

The brigadier general had just finished speaking when the adjutant whispered something in the brigadier general\'s ear.

"Your son wants to meet with you, do you want to video call your son?"

"Yes!" Amanda responded excitedly. At this moment, she no longer has the majesty of a general in the army, but the mood of a mother who wants to see her son.

The brigadier took back the tablet, and after the tablet turned on the communication video, he pushed the tablet back in front of Amanda.

"Mom, mom!" A little boy\'s excited voice came from the tablet.

"Miroslav..." Amanda couldn\'t help the tears streaming down her eyes at this moment. She was very excited at this moment, and she wanted to hug her only remaining son tightly.

"Mom, when are you coming?"

"Mom will be here soon, you have to be obedient there, don\'t make uncles and aunts angry."

"I will."

The two mother and son were chatting in the communication video, the brigadier general and the adjutant did not interrupt, but watched quietly.

About 20 minutes later, the mercenary on Miroslav\'s side informed him that it was the next child\'s turn.

The Brigadier General looked at Amanda at this time and said: "You rest here for a few hours first, we will arrange for you to meet your son, and then send you to the detention center."

After speaking, the brigadier general left the detention room with his adjutant.

At this time, Amanda covered her mouth with her hands, her shoulders began to shake constantly, tears and snot flowed from her eyes and nostrils, and Amanda cried.

During these years of war, Amanda lost her husband, her eldest son and her second son. When her youngest son was on his 12th birthday, Amanda was afraid to spend his birthday with him.

Because her son\'s 12-year-old birthday was forcibly taken away by the relevant departments of the state authorities, but she, Amanda, did not dare to resist and could not protect her son like a mother.

I could only cowardly hide from the top and watch my son being forcibly taken away, shouting mother, mother save me.

Amanda even hated her own weakness. She was once a supporter of His Majesty\'s new humanism.

But these years of wars have caused her to lose her love and flesh and blood, making her feel very confused, and she is very puzzled, is the new humanism really good?

Is it really possible to build a new human paradise as His Majesty the Emperor said?

Up to now, she has been very puzzled and confused, and even feels in her heart that this is wrong?

But she didn\'t dare to say it out. Seeing her youngest son being forcibly taken away and sent to the battlefield, she didn\'t even dare to resist.

Seeing that her youngest son is still alive, Amanda has already made a decision in her heart. Whether His Majesty\'s new humanism is right or wrong, it has nothing to do with her.

Because she lost too much, family members, comrades-in-arms, and subordinates left her one by one, and now she only wants to live with him and enjoy family happiness with the remaining youngest son.

Family happiness is already the greatest luxury in war, and it is also the greatest desire. This desire has come to her, and she must grasp it.

Once the war is over, she will resign as a general and leave the army to live a normal family life with her son.

Because family happiness is the greatest joy in life and the greatest happiness in life.

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