
Chapter 698: TR Gundam Heathersley-Lach and Gaplan

The Black Rabbit Troop has so much budget every year, why is it not as large as the directly subordinate troop.

The main reason is that more than 70% of the budget is invested in the research and development of the tr series, etc., and even the development of some assassination weapons used by the black rabbit troops.

This is why the Black Rabbit Troop receives so much funding every year, but there is no way to expand its scale beyond the size of the Shadow Mad Dogs and other troops.

However, in recent years, many technologies, weapons, etc. have been successfully developed, and the appropriation budget has been gradually reduced, and the reduced part is mainly allocated to other research and development groups.

But now more than 40% of the appropriation budget obtained can be used on the entire force, and it can even expand its scale.

Moreover, the Black Rabbit Troop is among Long Fei's dark side organizations, and it is the strongest dark side organization in ms, battlefield operations, assassination and intelligence collection of foreign enemies.

"Gundam TR-1 Heathersleigh, Gaplan TR-5 including other series, Gundam TR-6 Heathersleigh 2, Gundam TR-6 Kunlin, Gundam TR-6 Hazel 2 and Gundam TR-6 Kihar 2, let these Gundams play, not only to win this battle, but also to perform well, and to test all the performance of these Gundams to see if they are as good as they say in theory." The mother rabbit gave the order.

The female rabbit thought: "Tr series Gundam, Hezler, Gaplan, etc., although the ratio of the number of production is almost the same as that of the Zplus and Delta modifications of the Sword and Shield Army's Dire Hounds, but The most expensive part is their assembly parts, which is the main reason why the Black Rabbit Force has not been able to expand in size until last year."

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A Gundam TR-1 Heizler II is pushing in with a shield for sprinting, holding a multi-function launcher in its left hand and a long-bladed rifle in its right hand.

The multifunctional launcher in the left hand was switched to the shotgun function, and one shot shot a blood red to be riddled with holes. The long-bladed rifle in the right hand pierced the body of a salamander with the blade, and then the barrel fired one after another. The salamander dissolves into a cloud of fireworks.

Other tr-1·Hazel series Osla giant arm component equipment type, Yin Carlos component equipment type, etc. have undergone countless actual combat verifications. Up to this time, the final improved and enhanced version has performed very well on the battlefield.

The tr-1 Hazel Osla giant arm assembly can not only suppress emerald and blue, but the floating cannon can be easily destroyed by the mega particle cannon and the giant arm assembly (including the five-unit beam cannon).

There is no pressure to deal with Fenrir and Typhon.

Gundam TR-1 Heathersley-Lach is assembled with 4 Fudods, and coupled with two composite shield thrusters, it has a speed that surpasses many models on the battlefield.

Holding a folding compound firearm (grenade gun form), a conical bullet is mounted on the muzzle, aiming at a wolf-shaped Fenrir.

When the conical bullet was fired less than 50 meters away from the target, the conical bullet exploded, and countless **** sprinkled on Fenrir's energy shield.

When the ball touched the energy shield, it exploded and countless electromagnetic lightning turned into a violent resonance, and the energy shield was instantly overloaded and paralyzed.

The moment Heathersley-Lah fired the cone bullet before, he took out a sharp cone bullet and put it in the muzzle of the gun, and shot it towards Fenrir who had lost his energy shield.

After the pointed bullet penetrated into Fenrir's body, the pointed bullet opened in Fenrir's body, instantly blasting and destroying all the instruments in the body, exploding successively from the inside to the outside, and Fenrir's driver could not escape.

Because the internal equipment was damaged, the escape system collapsed, and the escape capsule could not escape.

"This weapon is really not bad. It can be loaded with different bullets, can switch the function of the live ammunition system and the energy system, and can change into other forms." Driver Heather Sley-Lach commented on the developed weapon.

Then, the form of the folding composite firearm grenade gun is switched to the shotgun mode, and the magazine is assembled under the gun body.

The moment it got close to the target, a beam of bullets blasted a blue machine, blasting it into a thousand holes.

"Wow, the power is not bad."

Another Gaplan tr-5, flying in the form of a fighter plane, locked onto a winged bird in the form of a bird, and a beam cannon penetrated the target group.

Gaplan then transformed from fighter plane form into mobile suit form, holding a beam cannon in his right hand and a long-bladed rifle in his left hand.

After Gaplan shot down several targets, the combination unit Gaplan flew in.

Gaplan is combined with combination unit to form Gaplan tr-5 Faber.

Gaplan tr-5 Faber in ma form, relying on the mobility and speed of ballistic missiles, made it impossible for countless airframes to lock on.

Moreover, the Gaplan tr-5 Faber has undergone countless improvements by the research team. The unit uses the third-generation Minovs super-energy thermonuclear reactor, which provides more than enough energy for the i position, and the diffuse beam gun does not need to rely on energy packs. to supply.

Numerous enemy MS including Mobile Fortress fired at the fast-flying Gaplan TR-5 Faber.

A lot of light beams hit Gaplan TR-5 Faber's I position, and the light beams were like water, hitting the wall and spreading away.

The driver of Gaplan TR-5 Faber looked at the target locked by the instrument, and the diffuse beam cannon launched an all-round attack.

The diffuse beam cannon was fired while flying, and countless mobile suits were shot down at once. Most of the mass-produced holy planes were saved from death by relying on the pilot's relatively good skills to dodge the attack.

The mobile fortress relies on the energy shield to block the beam cannon.

The Gaplan tr-5 Faber is fast, and there are basically not many MSs that can catch up. A Typhon holds a claw launcher and locks on the Gaplan tr-5 Faber.

In addition to relying on the powerful ejection force of the launcher, the claws rely on the ballistic propeller to quickly hook the Gaplan tr-5 Faber who is turning.

The speed of Gaplan tr-5 Faber slowed down a bit, Typhon was pulled away directly, and Typhon used the thruster and Gaplan tr-5 Faber to push.

This slowed down Gaplan tr-5 Faber even more, and the other ms rushed towards Gaplan tr-5 Faber.

"Cut, got hooked."

The inner core of Gaplan tr-5 Faber held a long-bladed rifle and broke the steel claw rope.

The Gaplan TR-5 Faber that released the steel claws did not fly again, but changed into a standing form, and fired the diffuse beam cannon at the MS group that was coming towards it.

After killing many ms in one wave, Gaplan tr-5 Faber changed into ma form again and moved towards the next target.

Another Gaplan tr-5 Heriot, holding a long-bladed rifle with both hands, split a soft-shelled turtle in half.

A pair of double-mounted beam cannons with arm strengthening components of firepower-enhanced equipment shot down a Azure and a Salamander.

Then, switch to the diffuse beam cannon and fire at the enemy ms team on the other side.

The driver of Gaplan tr-5 Heriot looked at his masterpiece and blew his whistle, "It's worthy of being replaced with the third-generation Minovs super-energy thermonuclear reactor Standard 4 (4200kw).

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