
Chapter 568: F91VS Holy War Wolf

Moreover, in terms of quality, the Tianyi Mercenary Group is also better than the other side.

If it weren't for the howling wolf knights fighting hard, the number would reach 3,000, which is about double that of the bloodthirsty wolf squad.

Otherwise, the battle loss ratio may rise to 1:3.

Looking at the data report, Lamir muttered to himself: "After this battle is over, we will have to select elites from various bases, and the scale will be even larger than it is now."

Earlier, there were roughly 1,200 Ms drivers in the Bloodthirsty Wolf Regiment, and now it has reached 1,500.

La Mier felt that it should be expanded to 2,000 people, and said in her heart: "The boss will readily agree to the appropriation that is required at that time."

Ramir thought too much. The Tianyi Mercenary Corps now has a lot of money that can be described as an astronomical figure. Now it is not a question of money, but a question of the number of people. It will always take a long time to train excellent pilots.

"Money is one thing. Finding elites is the biggest headache. I have to compete with five other team members. Why is my life so hard?"

Combat airships began to dispatch.

Some warships of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps were accompanied by war reporters, who were shooting live broadcasts remotely.

In addition to dealing with the Bloodthirsty Wolf Squad, the Howling Wolf Knights also had to deal with other elites or special forces.

Once Wolfborough fights alone with Delta and Full Armor MkIII, it will be basically suppressed, even if the booster mode is turned on, it will still slightly lose to the opponent.

What's more, the opponent also has an increase mode.

At the scene, there were Warrior Gundam, Plague God Gundam, Forbidden Gundam, Invasion Gundam, and Super Hyperion Gundam.

These 5 Gundams can easily suppress the wolf hunting.

The Jihad Wolf is now dealing with Warrior Gundam.

The big and small dragoons of Warrior Gundam gave Osmane some headaches.

Osmane is right, it will be more difficult to call out to weapons such as dragoon floating cannons.

Suddenly, Osmane sensed a sense of crisis coming from above, and quickly retreated.

Two beams of light passed in front of him.

F91 just fired two VSBRs.

Ramir's communication to the Warriors Gundam pilot, Jihad Wolf will be resolved by her.

Warrior Gundam immediately withdrew from the scene.

Osmane learned from his own military intelligence that the F91 in front of him was the Gundam dedicated to the leader of the Bloodthirsty Wolf Squad.

F91 hacked into the opponent's channel.

"Ramiel, the leader of the Bloodthirsty Wolf Squad."

"Osmane, leader of the Howling Wolf Knights, nice to meet you, Ms. Ramir." Osmane greeted a gentleman.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Osmane."

"I don't know what I can do for Ms. Ramir?"

"I don't dare to serve you, so I want to invite Mr. Osmane to stay in my Tianyi mercenary regiment for a while."

"Then we have to see if Ms. Ramir has this ability." After Osmane finished speaking, the pair of pulsating electromagnetic guns on the waist of the Jihad Wolf fired.

F91 dodges immediately, then counterattacks with the beam launcher in his left hand.

Jihad Wolf dodged, and then attacked F91 with the beam cannon in his hand.

F91 blocked the beam cannon with the beam shield.

"It seems that the energy weapons of the Tianyi Mercenary Group are more advanced than our Dion Empire."

F91 uses the beam gun in his right hand and the beam launcher in his left hand to continuously attack the opponent.

Both are testing each other out.

The Bloodthirsty Wolf Squad and the Howling Wolf Knights also began to formally fight each other.

The two teams did not fight guerrilla warfare as they did before.

The two teams fought each other like two packs of wolves.

Close combat, beam shells staggered.

The two teams played extremely fiercely, and the Ms drivers of the two teams were all new humans.

Although the Howling Wolf Knights suffered greater losses in previous battles than the Bloodthirsty Wolf Squad, their number was still nearly double that of the Bloodthirsty Wolf Squad.

The mass-produced F91 of the bloodthirsty wolf group is more advanced than the wolfbori, but the number of opponents is still more than twice that of him, and both sides are new humans.

The two sides fought evenly.

The battle between the two forces also brought their colleagues into the field.

On one side is the Royal Knights, and on the other is the troops directly under the leader.

If one party loses, it will definitely affect the morale of its colleagues.

The beam shield on F91's left arm blocks Jihad Wolf's right beam claw, and the left beam claw blocks F91's beam saber.

Ramir looked at the data on the screen, showing that the thrust of the F91 was higher than that of the Jihad Wolf.

"Damn it, the thrust of the Jihad Wolf is completely suppressed." Osmane looked at the data display and listened to the siren from the cockpit.

The Jihad Wolf immediately launched the pulsating electromagnetic gun at his waist. Ramir felt the crisis, and the F91 immediately retreated.

F91 immediately counterattacked with the color VSBR high penetration mode.

Osmane rushed to the crisis and immediately backed away. His subordinates who were fighting not far behind were pierced through the fuselage by a high-penetrating beam cannon.

"The destructive power is really great." Osmane felt it, and then fired a pulsating electromagnetic gun to attack F91 one after another.

F91 did not use the beam shield to block it, but dodged directly.

It happened that a pulsating electromagnetic bomb hit a mass-produced F91. The mass-produced F91 had no time to dodge, and immediately activated the beam shield to block it, and a huge explosion of pyrotechnics exploded.

After the smoke dissipated, the mass-produced F91 turned on the beam shield with its right hand and it was blown to pieces in the explosion just now, and the entire left hand of the mass-produced F91 was directly blown off.

The mass-produced F91 immediately withdrew from the battlefield and hurried back to the automatic maintenance workshop at the rear for repairs.

"It seems that Dion Empire's live ammunition weapons are not bad, it seems a little inferior to them."

The two then fought.

"This knight leader is about the same strength as the Nadezhda I captured earlier, but the fighting styles of the two are different. Nadezhda is better at speed combat, and Osmane is better at mid-range combat. , especially in melee combat, this guy's movements are very sensitive, if it is not for the beam shield to resist, if I fight him with the two beam sabers in my hand, my fighting skills will not be as good as his, maybe Even if F91 was not destroyed by him, at least there were several claw marks on his body.

Jihad Wolf then fired the pulse rail cannon again, and Ramir switched the VSBR to the second mode, the high destructive power mode, the speed and penetration of the MEGA particle beam cannon are not as fast and powerful as the first mode, but the energy in the beam However, after hitting the target, the MEGA particles will change back to Minov particles, causing the beam to explode in the target.

F91 switches the VSBR back to the first mode and shoots at the opponent.

The holy war wolf dodged one after another.

The F91 fired VSBR continuously, causing the weapon and the body to heat up more and more, so the cooling device could only be turned on for heat dissipation.

Osmane found that he was suppressed by the opponent at the moment, so he could only turn on the synergy mode.

Ramir found that the other party had activated the synergistic mode, and the other party planned to make a quick decision. Ramir also began to use the biological computer to match her new human ability.

Greatly improved the performance of the body.

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