
Chapter 472: Libro colony terror impact

On March 27th, Colonial Area No. 2 was attacked, and Libro Country, the outermost part of Colonial Area No. 2, was attacked.

The stealth function activated by the third expeditionary force went to Liblo country in a mighty way.

Christopher divided a large army into 7 army-level fleets to attack the 7 colonial satellites of the Libro Kingdom.

On the 29th, seven military fleets attacked the target at the same time.

The national strength of the Libro country is not strong, some troops have joined the ranks of the coalition army, and the rest of the troops can only reluctantly carry out patrols and defenses.

If it was attacked by troops from other countries around, the army left behind by the Libro country would be able to resist, but it was the Dion army who attacked them.

Although the first time to ask for help.

All countries know that the third expeditionary force of the Dion Army is attacking the No. 2 colonial area, but they have no way of knowing the whereabouts of the expeditionary force that has turned on the stealth function.

When the Liblo country was attacked and asked for help from the outside world, all countries were beyond their reach.

Although the Garth Empire and the countries in the No. 2 colonial area rushed to the rescue, the national strength of the Libro country was not strong. In less than a day, all seven colonial satellites fell.

Christopher directly ordered the massacre and cleansing of most of the people of the Libro country, and the remaining few were **** somewhere else.

In addition to plundering the colonial satellites, they directly destroyed the colonial satellites, and then installed giant rocket propellers on these destroyed civil satellites.

7 destroyed colonies sailing in different directions.

Brado, the country closest to the Liblo country, was also the first colony satellite discovered by the United Army that was destroyed but installed a giant rocket propulsion unit.

The United Army even discovered that this colonial satellite was followed by a brigade-level fleet-sized force.

However, the Dion Army did not launch any attack, but instead informed the United Army that there were still some hostages in the colonial satellite, and told the United Army to play a game.

Whether to rescue the hostages inside the colony, or destroy this damaged colony that is about to crash into another colony.

The commander of the Dion Army also stated that the rules of the game do not actively attack the Dion Army, do not destroy the rocket propulsion, and the Dion Army will not launch an attack.

The coalition army that came to the rescue had only two regiment-level fleets, and they could not beat the Dion Army with a brigade-level fleet.

The Rescue United Army calculated from the computer that the damaged colonial satellite would hit the No. 5 colonial satellite of the Brado Kingdom.

The Rescue United Army can only immediately notify the superiors and Brado, and let Brado quickly take away the people of the No. 5 colonial satellite.

While on alert, the Rescue Alliance sent troops into the damaged colonial satellite to search and rescue.

Dion Jun maintained the mentality of watching a movie.

Rescue forces found some scattered civilians inside the colony.

I also learned from the rescued people that the Dion Army even dispersed them and their relatives in different places.

The troops in charge of the rescue greeted the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the Dion army in their hearts.

Because such search and rescue operations have increased their difficulty.

Moreover, many search and rescue teams also found countless massacred civilian corpses, even wreckage and severed limbs, and countless blood floating in the entire colonial satellite.

This scene was also filmed by the following war reporters.

The scene that made the search and rescue team feel extremely angry was that the inhumane Dion army tied some innocent children around the corpses, leaving an indelible shadow on those children.

Some poor children were even hanged and stabbed to death.

Some of the team members in charge of the search and rescue saw this scene and cried while holding the child's body. Many team members cursed the Dion Army as a group of beasts.

Moreover, the rescued children were already blind-eyed and severely frightened. Even if some of the children were brought in front of their parents, the children would not be able to recognize their parents.

Another rescue 2nd joint army wants to go to the rescue team, and let them deal with Dion's army.

As a result, another Dion army with the size of a brigade-level fleet suddenly appeared.

This Dion Army also gave the Rescue 2nd Coalition Army the same rules. It also does not actively attack the Dion Army, does not destroy the rocket propulsion, and the Dion Army will not launch an attack.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

Then, the 2nd Brigade Dion Army released the 2nd Rescue Coalition Army to the destination, and the 2nd Brigade Dion Army kept a distance, followed and monitored the 2nd Rescue Coalition Army.

The 2nd Rescue Army communicated this to their superiors, while the 2nd Brigade-level Dion Army was able to monitor the opponent's communication, but did not take any interception actions, allowing the opponent to communicate to its superiors.

The superiors of the United Army can only dispatch a unit of the United Army closest to the No. 5 colonial satellite of the Brado Kingdom, and order this unit to help the authorities of the Brado Kingdom take away the people from the local colonial satellite.

After taking away all the civilians in the damaged colonial satellite, the 2 rescue coalition forces are preparing to destroy the damaged colonial satellite.

Dion's army told them that they could attack and damage the colony's sanitation, but they were not allowed to hit the rocket propellers, otherwise don't blame them for doing it.

The 2 rescue coalition forces blasted all the beam cannons, missiles, etc. to destroy the colonial satellites.

However, no matter how hard the two rescue coalitions try, they cannot effectively destroy the damaged colonial satellites.

On March 31, many civilians in the No. 5 colonial satellite of Brado were unable to evacuate.

However, the damaged colonial satellite still rushed to the No. 5 colonial satellite of the Brado Kingdom. Although the local Brado defenders and the United Army also tried their best to bomb the damaged colonial satellite.

After more than a day of bombing, the damaged colonial satellite has been broken into several sections, and the last section is still 2 kilometers long.

The giant rocket booster separated, and the last piece of the damaged colony satellite directly hit the No. 5 colony satellite of the Brado Kingdom.

The collision with Brado's No. 5 colonial satellite directly opened a huge pothole, and countless vehicles, buildings, and civilians flew out of space.

The instigator of all this, the Dion Army, after achieving its goal, turned on the stealth function and left the scene.

This event has also become a tragic event recorded in later generations. On March 31, 124, the first year of the universe, the [Libro Colonial Satellite Terrorist Impact] event.

In the next few days, Libro's other colonies collided with the colonies of other countries.

Although two damaged colonial satellites were blasted into cosmic debris, the tragedy caused by the remaining five damaged colonial satellites really shocked the entire world.

Created pressure on the entire international humanitarian relief.

In the ranks of the United Army, the Libro soldiers watched their country perish, and their compatriots suffered heavy casualties, which dealt an incomparable blow to them.

The tragedy in the No. 2 colonial area even aroused the hatred of the entire colonial circle against the Dion Empire, because sooner or later the actions of the Dion Army would land in other colonial areas.

Even at this moment, the Earth Sphere is worried whether the Dion Army will directly throw the colonial satellites to the Earth Sphere.

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