
Chapter 385: Get rid of arrogance and stubbornness

Pero told Long Fei about the matter.

"Then I have to go and have a look."

Alexandre overturned his food on the ground.

"Is this pig food! You are abusing me! Take the best red wine, the best bull\'s eye, and how can you sleep on this hard bed! Neglect my prince, when the time comes, I will kill you. "

The mercenaries who were in charge of delivering the food were a little dumbfounded. Did the prince think about his current situation? He is already a prisoner, and he still maintains that superior attitude. Is this looking for **** in the toilet?

Besides, if it is not for the sake of you being the prince of a country, let you use the cell alone, or you and your subordinates will be squeezed into the same cell.

At this time, the door of the cell opened, and Long Fei brought Salamanda and several mercenaries in, one of them was still holding a tray, and there were several plates of leftovers on the tray.

"Your Highness, Third Prince, we have indeed neglected you. We are bringing you delicious food now. I hope you will forgive me."

Alexandre looked at the leftovers on a tray held by a mercenary, and he was so angry that he said angrily: "You are humiliating the prince!"

Long Fei made a gesture, a mercenary was in charge of shooting with a camera, and Salamanda punched Alexandre directly in the stomach.

"Wow!" Alexandre screamed in pain and knelt on the ground covering his stomach with his hands.

Then, Salamanda grabbed the food that Alexandre overthrew on the ground and stuffed it into Alexandre\'s mouth.

"Bah, cough, cough..." Alexandre spat out the food stuffed into his mouth.

Long Fei clapped his hands and said: "Your Highness, the third prince, you are indeed noble, this kind of ordinary food really can\'t be stuffed into your mouth, but well, we don\'t have high-end ingredients here, so we can\'t let you eat delicious food I can only treat you with this kind of ordinary food, but if you don’t eat it, I’m afraid you will starve to death, it’s hard for me to explain to your emperor, so please forgive us for treating you roughly.” After Long Fei finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.

Salamanda then stuffed the food that Alexandre spewed out just now back into his mouth. When Alexandre wanted to spit it out, Salamanda covered his mouth with one hand.

Then, another mercenary punched him in the stomach, and Alexandre\'s stomach hurt, and he swallowed the food uncontrollably.

Long Fei then gestured again, and Salamanda opened Alexandre\'s mouth with both hands, and then other mercenaries either picked up the food on the ground or grabbed the leftovers on the tray with one hand and stuffed them into the Alexandre\'s mouth.

As long as Alexandre didn\'t eat, another mercenary would punch him in the stomach, forcing him to eat the food.

"Cough cough cough..." Alexandre choked in his throat, looked up at Long Fei resentfully, wishing to tear the man who had humiliated him to pieces.

"Your eyes are very resentful. You really don\'t know how to figure out your current situation. As a prisoner, as a prisoner, you have to figure out your situation."

"I am Alexandre, the third prince of the Dion Empire. If you dare to treat me like this, I will definitely let you go. As long as I have a chance, I will definitely repay you twice!"

"Oh..." Long Fei sneered, and kicked Alexandre hard in the stomach.

"Ah!" Alexandre rolled all over the floor clutching his stomach in pain.

Salamanda looked at Long Fei, and Long Fei knew what Salamanda wanted to do, so he nodded.

Salamanda stepped directly on Alexandre\'s face, and then stepped on Alexandre\'s face one after another.

Salamanda hated Alexandre very much. This third prince killed many of his companions and compatriots. He really wanted to shoot this third prince to avenge his dead companions and compatriots.

Alexandre\'s face was stepped on one after another by Salamanda, his mouth was already bleeding, and even his nose was left with nosebleeds.

Alexandre could only put his head in his hands.

Long Fei raised his hand, and Salamanda stopped.

Then, Long Fei made another gesture.

Several mercenaries directly dragged Alexandre to the toilet, and the mercenaries who were in charge of filming followed the filming, and Salamanda followed.

"You... you... what do you want to do!" Alexandre seemed to have guessed what the other party wanted to do at this moment.

Salamander stepped on the back of Alexandre\'s head and into the toilet.

"Ah... um... um..." Alexandre cursed in the water, his body was also struggling.

About ten seconds later, Salamanda raised his foot, and after Alexandre raised his head to take a few breaths, Salamanda stepped him into the toilet again.

Repeated several times in a row, and then another mercenary turned on the flushing system, stepping on Alexandre\'s head into the toilet while turning on the flushing system.

Not only did Alexandre suffer such repeated humiliation, but he also heard those mercenaries insulting him one after another.

The mercenary who was in charge of filming deliberately made a narration: "Please, please, my prince is wrong, I am a lowly person, not a noble person, please, please, don\'t humiliate me anymore .”

Alexandre felt immense resentment and grievance in his heart. He had never been humiliated like this since he was born.

Then Long Fei made another gesture, and everyone stopped before dragging Alexandre to Long Fei. Alexandre still looked at Long Fei with resentment in his eyes, and vowed in his heart that when he had a chance in the future, he would Repay double.

Long Fei raised his foot, stepped on him directly on the ground, and said: "It seems that your prince\'s bones are really hard. I don\'t know how long your prince\'s bones can last."

At this time, a mercenary took out a whip and handed it to Salamanda, and then other mercenaries pressed Alexandre to the ground.

One of the mercenaries also ripped down Alexandre\'s pants.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do!" Alexandre yelled angrily.

Salamanda looked at Alexandre\'s white and tender butt, Salamanda raised his whip and swung it down heavily.


"Ah!!" Alexandre let out a scream.

Salamanda only hated the royal family of the Dion Empire. With such an opportunity, Salamanda could use as many hands as she could, and Salamanda swung the heavy whip with all her strength.

Every whip is filled with hatred from Salaman.

Alexandre\'s screams could be heard every time the whip sounded, and his screams were also transmitted to the cell next to him, allowing his subordinates to hear the screams of their own prince, and they felt the pain in their hearts. Fear is not that they are worried that the next criminal law will be applied to them, but that they are worried that if they go back, His Majesty the Emperor will never spare them lightly.

Long Fei looked at the miserable state of Alexandre, but he didn\'t have the slightest compassion, because he knew the purpose of this person before, and Long Fei knew that if he fell into his hands before, he would not do any good end.

"I\'ll give you a mission to take down this prince\'s arrogance and stubbornness, and make him beg for mercy like a dog." After finishing speaking, Long Fei left the scene.

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