
Chapter 866 - Vol V Chapter 226

His solution was very simple. The Void Mask was simply going to allow Leon to enter the Demigod Realm and attack ferociously if the God of Eagle took action to resurrect by locking up his divinity.

This plan seemed barbaric, but it would definitely be effective. No matter what plans the God of Eagle had in mind, as long as his divinity was imprisoned, he would not be able to do anything. Furthermore, Sui Xiong was extremely experienced in imprisoning divinity. Previously, he had imprisoned the God of Fear’s divinity for tens of years and eventually destroyed it completely. Now, all he needed was the right moment to do so unto the God of Eagle.

Although he had made many preparations to ensure that the God of Eagle would not be able to resurrect, there was always a chance that things would go awry. If Sui Xiong was not opportunistic and careful enough, if anything were to happen and Leon were to be used by the God of Eagle to resurrect, there would really be a problem then!

Leon was unaware of all the tricks and plans around him. All that he knew was that he was in a good position at the moment, and that power was flowing like water without many obstacles through his body. With every jab of the sword, he could feel his power increasing and concretizing. Each wave of the sword was stronger than the others. If the dragon had stayed stagnant instead of increasing in power along with Leon, it would have been slain by Leon a long time ago!

Such an opponent was really exciting to kill. Each stab was so satisfying!

Leon rejoiced internally as he continued to jab the sword with strength.

The sword’s glow had already become extremely white, and it was at its maximum temperature. With each wave of the sword by Leon, an echo rang in the air thunderously. With every hit to the dragon’s body, there was a low rumble like the sound of thunder in the air.

Amazingly, however, the dragon continued resisting and was even adjusting to the attacks.

The dragon’s eyes slowly became bright and calm. Although it was giving off fiercer and fiercer vibes, the feeling of chaos was diminishing.

This was because the things that the Holy Spirit had hid inside it were now being activated.

To conceal his own identity, the Holy Spirit had put in much effort and thought. He had not just broken his soul into several pieces, but he had also specifically placed another fallen god’s magical object in the dragon’s body. Once the dragon had taken over control of the body, the magical object would emerge and release the divinity of that particular fallen god.

This god’s identity was extremely special: its divinity allowed it to swallow the divinity of any other god, and it did so in order to upgrade itself. If everything went as planned, with such a divinity, perhaps this Holy Spirit could even resurrect.

Of course, the chances of this resurrection happening were low. Even if he resurrected, there would only be bad things in store for him. However, the Holy Spirit did not care much about this as he had already forgone everything else to complete his biggest mission at hand.

For his mission, sacrifice was inevitable and necessary.

Anyone could make sacrifices, including Holy Spirits and gods!

As to whether these different groups wanted to make sacrifices, well... If this Holy Spirit was already willing to, the rest would probably follow suit as they had no reason not to.

Furthermore, even if one were to be unwilling, as long as this Holy Spirit had already made the necessary preparations, it did not really matter anymore. Those people who were already sacrificed had had no say in it, even if they had not been willing.

For those aristocratic knights who had all been destined to die, they certainly would not have died willingly as well. However, since they had already become chess pieces in the Holy Spirit’s game, keeping or losing their lives was not a choice that they could make.

Using the analogy of a game, the Holy Spirit himself as the “game master” had already sacrificed himself, and thus, he of course would naturally sacrifice his “chess pieces” as well!

The Holy Spirit had only ever felt slightly guilty toward the fallen god that had to be sacrificed. Nevertheless, he did not hesitate in his decision as he knew it had to be done, even if he felt remorseful for doing what he did. He thus continued to do the deeds that he felt shameful about for the greater cause that he had in mind.

In any case, he had done so many unspeakable deeds till he had stopped caring. Furthermore, he was already dead. No one could possibly hold grudges against a dead man. Even if they did, he was already gone and deceased. What could they possibly do to a fellow with only a soul left?

While the Holy Spirit was making his plans, he had smiled cheekily while doing so in the past. Although he knew he could not live out the success of his dreams, he smiled whenever he thought of them succeeding and the end result.

The God of Light had also smiled as he observed the stone plaque in the dark. His smile was cold and fully devoid of warmth.

“There are always some stupid individuals who overestimate themselves and dream of achieving impossible goals. They do so despite being undeserving, which basically just shows that they are stupidly arrogant!” he said.

“You are not the first, and you won’t be the last either.”

Beneath the stone, a low, thick rumble poured out, akin to an angry roar. This voice was full and filled with venom.

“Stop shouting and save yourself some face,” the God of Light’s face twitched and he replied callously. “In the Human Realm, when the king is removed from the throne and being decapitated, he often still lifts his head to proclaim that he is the king and has to die with some face, or similar words to that extent. You are older and more experienced than these kings; you are a god! How could you throw away your honor like that? Do you not feel ashamed of yourself?”

Peace was suddenly restored beneath the stone plaque, and the shouting stopped as the voice behind the plaque was evidently processing the God of Eagle’s words.

“That’s more like it. Don’t worry, if all goes well, you will have a chance to resurrect.” After spewing these insults, the God of Light baited the voice below the stone plaque further. “If my plan fulfils itself, I will definitely possess great Divine Power and may even be the strongest one amongst these Powers. Resurrecting you would be easy, it would really be nothing to me.”

This did not really convince the voice below the stone plaque which replied in a hollow rather than happy way.

“Haha, even you are trying spite me. I know that my idea sounds overly arrogant, but one has to have some goals in life, right? It’s just like how a new friend I made recently said: ‘If one does not have any dreams, what would differentiate them from saltwater fish?’ In the past, wasn’t it also your unattainable dream to challenge me? Remember that?

“Speaking of that incident, here’s a fun fact. Recently, in the past few years, I’ve met a new fellow who is extremely similar to you. However, he did not act the same way as you did. must say, his abilities are decent, and he’s played several good tricks. However, in the end, he was not able to put up a good final show, and that really left me a little disappointed.

“Well, the most important thing was that his strength was lacking. Just like how a shallow pond will never be able to rear a big fish, a dried-up lake will never be able to host big ships. With the meagre strength that he possessed, well, to replace me was definitely impossible!

“If there’s a chance to do so, I would really like to introduce you to him. You both have lots in common, and I’m sure you would have lots to talk about...” the God of Light said. “Both of you are wild at heart and are always fixated on one particular thing, that’s one similarity right there... Well, I must say, I’m really amused by it all. You both are really a source of entertainment for me.”

With those words, the God of Light turned around and left the room.

The secret chamber was once again thrown into silence as if nothing had just happened.

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