
Chapter 360

Chapter 360: Chapter 70

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The God of Conspiracy’s Kingdom was located in a hidden place that was known to none except itself—at least, it believed that by now.

Though the Dragon of Chaos had made it lose confidence, no one knew what was happening in the kingdom. Thus, they had decided not to disclose the secret of the treasure and break the relationship. Instead, they intended to make a proper plan and wait for another chance to take back the treasure from the dragon.

This wasn’t known to the Gods who were just keeping an eye on different issues.

The Goddess of Bumper Harvest had been stabbed in the back by the God of Marsh, the entity collapsing and dissolving into the void. Again, there was a strange rhythm lingering around the place where it fell and slowly condensed a glowing crystal.

It was the entity of “bumper harvest.”

Many Gods held their breath upon seeing the crystal.

The priesthood of bumper harvest wasn’t a minor one. With that alone, a God of Belief with mid-level Divine Power could be nurtured; even one at the medium peak would be possible with tens of thousands of years of dedicated effort and even Great Divine Power with the proper opportunities.

Quite a few of them still remembered how strong the Goddess of Bumper Harvest had been back then. Only the two master Nature Gods had been powerful enough to prevent her from usurping the throne!

While the Gods all had their eyes on the priesthood of bumper harvest, the God of Marsh vanished with a weird smile on his green, mud-covered face, not attempting to take advantage and gain a part of the power.

This was unexpected. Years of fighting between the God of Marsh and the Goddess of Bumper Harvest had caused them to know each other well. The God of Marsh was capable of sharing the priesthood of bumper harvest, even though it had totally different faith with “bumper harvest,” or at least a part of it did.

Yet he seemed completely uninterested. The other Gods were therefore impressed by this low-pitched God, and some of them even thought of working with him, since at least he didn’t look like a greedy partner.

Without the God of Marsh there, the “bumper harvest” priest was left in the void with multiple eyes staring at him.

Suddenly, the God of Rain, a Nature God, flew over and tried to catch him.

He had been in a good relationship with the Goddess of Bumper Harvest. They had worked together for years and known each other well. Besides, “rain” was closely related to “bumper harvests,” as moderate rain was key for a bumper harvest. If the God of Rain was granted “bumper harvests,” he would merge this into himself in a few days to hugely promote his own Divine Power. With a few more years of development, it could probably have become one of the greatest.

But before the stout God of Rain could rush toward the bumper harvest priesthood, it was stopped by a lanky mummy-like figure in a gray fog.

“You wish!” the lanky one sneered and wielded a pair of bone-like daggers that were aimed at the God of Rain.

The lanky figure turned out to be the God of Drought, the God of Rain’s lifelong rival and sworn enemy. The two of them had been against each other, both secretly and publicly, for over tens of thousands of years, including a few times where blood was shed. It was because both sides had helping hands and allies that both of them were still around now.

The God of Drought knew nothing about the priesthood of bumper harvest, but he was sure of one thing—he wouldn’t allow his rival to have it!

So his task was simple—to strive to stop the God of Rain from approaching the priesthood of bumper harvest!

As they were about to fight, the God of River, another Nature God, jumped out, came to the battlefield, and went to the priesthood of bumper harvest.

“Rivers” were also related to “bumper harvests,” as usually fertile lands were near rivers, so he had also had a good relationship with the Goddess of Bumper Harvest and had cooperated with her a lot. And he could also merge this priesthood for his own gain, too.

But... he was also stopped like the God of Rain.

Before he had fully gone around the battlefield, he was stopped by a hot wind and sand. From the hot wind came a giant cactus—the God of Desert.

The relationship between the God of Desert and the God of River was similar to that between the God of Drought and the God of Rain. Thus, the God of River took out his artifact “Torrent Rod” immediately and swept straight towards the God of Desert without hesitation.

It was clear that he would have no way to take the priesthood, so all he could do was strike the one who had stopped him!

“Haha! I never expected to finally get it!” A girl wearing light clothing giggled and flew over to the priesthood on the warm south wind.

This was the Goddess of South Wind, who wasn’t really related to the priesthood, but could still be connected to it somehow...

It wasn’t time for her to celebrate yet. When she stretched out to take the crystal, a fair-skinned and brawny arm reached out from behind her and grabbed her hair to pull her back.

The Goddess of South Wind cried out in pain and took out its artifact to stab backwards, but she was being held by a much taller and stronger white-haired Goddess. That Goddess did a judo move and bound the two of them closely together.

“Let go of me!” shouted the Goddess of South Wind.

“You wish!” said the white-haired Goddess of North Wind coldly.

The Goddess of North Wind was actually not as powerful as the Goddess of South Wind, but she had better battle skills. The Goddess of North Wind was as strong as a bull and looked like a bear in human-skin, while the Goddess of South Wind looked slimmer and more delicate, like a dancer who would perform at a luxury hotel. She might have been at an advantage for her flexibility on a large battlefield, but would have no chance to rival the Goddess of North Wind when it came to contests of pure strength.

Other Gods came before it was too late to grab the priesthood, but things didn’t change much. They all had rivals stop them on the way.

Pairs of rival Gods were fighting for the priesthood of bumper harvest, creating an scene that was equally as grand as before, when a dozen devils had besieged the Goddess of Bumper Harvest.

“These people...” sighed Sui Xiong. “They were slow to come when the Goddess was in danger, but quick as rabbits after she died and left behind her priesthood! Why didn’t they fight so hard earlier?!”

“Whether you’re a beneficiary or not makes a difference,” sighed Yorgaardman, depressed.

He had tried his best already and even received help from his men, though the fall of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest had still occurred. That depressed him, and what was happening now in front of him also pissed him off, as it was a matter of integrity. He felt like he was noticing a worm while eating an apple—or even worse, a half-eaten worm...

When the Gods were still fighting against each other, the God of Sky in the front row of the Pantheon temple sighed and said to Goddess Gaia next to him, “This is ridiculous! Please do something.”

Goddess Gaia smiled and took out an extraordinarily large palm from the void. She waved the palm over to shove a dozen Gods, then the palm stretched out directly to the priesthood of bumper harvest.

That was why Great Divine Power was different! The Gods couldn’t do anything, though they were angry.

But Goddess Gaia had already given them a chance before, and they just hadn’t seized it, so they were better off shutting their mouths now.

Goddess Gaia’s giant palm caught the priesthood, but didn’t do anything with it. Instead, it quickly shrank into a light and trapped the priesthood inside to prevent it from leaving or being grabbed by others. At this time, Goddess Gaia appeared and glanced at the crowd coldly.

“How ridiculous of you to create such chaos!” she said imperially. “I will take the priesthood of bumper harvest for the time being, and its final owner will depend on how you behave.”

Everyone became silent, and the Gods lowered their heads.

Nobody could do anything but obey the top master of Great Divine Power since the ancient times.

Except for one...

While all thought this was the end of the day, the God of Justice stood up.

He roared while rushing towards the priesthood, raised an axe, and hacked at the light-covered priesthood with the hard axe.

Goddess Gaia was stunned, but was too late to stop it!

The axe was being wielded rapidly but strangely, it looked like it was moving rather slowly.

All eyes watched it fall on the light and easily break it, then it fell on to the crystal of the priesthood and broke it into pieces without much resistance.

“B*tch!” the God of Justice carried his axe on his shoulder and glanced at the crowd coldly.

“None of you ever stand up until you smell the meat. *ssholes!”

He stared at Goddess Gaia viciously, looking like he was ready to fight.

“And you, as well! You would have been able to save Moritre without too much effort, while I risked my life fighting against masters to save him, and my men were all in the fight against a dozen masters... We’re the ones who deserve this, not you!”

He shouted again, “A whore just wanting a good reputation. You really piss me off!”

He looked even more vicious, and his hair almost stood on end, coupled with his murderous intent. He held his axe in his hands again and posed, ready for a fight.

“You all piss me off! Get out of here!”

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