
Chapter 297

Chapter 297: Chapter 7

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The temporary banquet hall of the Human God System was very lively. In it, the gods and the Holy Spirits came and went, and some outstanding humans who had been appreciated by the gods had been invited to this place far away from the mortal world.

However, if you looked carefully, you would find that the gods were deliberately keeping away from a corner, as if poisonous snakes and beasts were there. Of course, no poisonous snakes and beasts were there. Instead, there were a few gods sitting together eating hot pot.

Although the God of Light admired the “Sun God Hot Pot” and claimed it to be his masterpiece, the gods still had no appetite. They dared not to taste those strange ingredients, and so finally, few had the courage to share that delicacy with him.

Sui Xiong was one of the few.

To be honest, the taste of the Sun God Hot Pot was really good. The God of Light seemed to be a foodie, because the taste was just right. Even in the human world, at least as far as the taste of the soup, it was as good as those made by famous chefs.

Not only that, because the soup also contained strong divine power, every spoon made him feel that his strength had increased a little.

It seemed that there was not much soup in the pot, but in fact, there was a lot. They ate it for a long time but did not see the amount in the pot lessen. Sui Xiong asked out of curiosity and got to know that the pot was actually a projection of a small world. What everyone saw was the Sun God’s corpse soaking in the pot. In fact, it was soaking in a small world with one half of water and the other half of air. Therefore, the soup that everyone had eaten was taken directly from the small world.

Thus, the strong power of the God of Light showed up. If he hadn’t explained that, no one would be aware of it.

While he was amazed, Sui Xiong became more curious about another thing. The Sun God’s noumenon was a burning flame. If it was thrown into water, there would be only two results: either the water would evaporate, or it would be extinguished.

What on earth was the method that the God of Light used to prevent the water from being extinguished? Instead, the water boiled slightly with the just right temperature, stewing itself.

The God of Light said, smiling mysteriously, “I can’t answer this question. When you reach a certain realm in the future, you will naturally understand.”

Sui Xiong was so confused. He made a note to remember this and planned to ask Brother Yorgaardman when he saw him next.

After eating the soup, it was natural to eat the dishes prepared. The God of Light cut pieces off of the Sun God’s huge body, put them in some slightly boiling soup and handed them over to everyone.

“You should swallow the meat with the soup directly. It’ll taste better,” he said. “Don’t chew because it doesn’t feel nice in your mouth.”

Looking at the small flame sinking and rising in the soup in front of him, Sui Xiong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. After swallowing a gulp or two, Sui Xiong then took the bowl with gritted teeth and swallowed it all up with a grunt.

After swallowing, his stomach suddenly seemed to burn up inside.

But instead of a burning feeling, Sui Xiong just felt that the heat was constantly rising up, as well as countless inspirations about the light, the flame, and the sun rushing into his mind. This stunned him a little.

After the daze, Sui Xiong found that the surrounding area was empty—the banquet had already ended, and the guests had already left. Only the God of Light was sitting next to him, with an expression of slight admiration.

“You are awake?” he said after a nod. “You can understand so many things from just a small piece of the flesh and blood of the Sun God. You are so talented! It’s a pity that you are not a human,” he continued. “Otherwise, perhaps just in order to teach you, my teacher would not have made that decision...”

Sui Xiong was stunned and then curiously asked, “What on earth happened to His Majesty, the God of Knights in the past?”

The God of Light shook his head. “Those things are too far away for you. When you at least have strong divine power... Well, mid-level divine power, then come back and ask me. I may tell you.”

After that, he stood up, and his figure gradually faded away. “Auscar, the things in your territory are very interesting, but I want to remind you that the world is ultimately determined by the upper layers, so don’t reverse the primary and the secondary. For we gods, the entire church, the entire god system, and the entire ethnic groups can become strong only by improving ourselves. It is too naive to put our hopes on the progress of mortals.”

“The weak can, of course, be naive, but as leaders, we don’t have that right.”

After that, the God of Light disappeared without a trace, leaving Sui Xiong alone in the silent void.

When Sui Xiong returned to the human world, it was already the season of ice rivers defrosting and plants germinating. The first man-made vein in the town of Pyroxene had been excavated for a long period of time. It almost reached the predetermined depth and was ready to cultivate special mushrooms.

In Pyroxene Town, a group of new residents had also arrived.

It was a group of top-ranking and mighty North Barbarians, including one man, many women, and many more children. The man was very tall, at least two heads taller than an average person. He was naked on his top half and had a fierce snow bear tattoo from his right shoulder to his upper right arm. He looked really scary with his fierce gaze, fiery red hair, red eyebrows, and red beard.

The most terrifying thing was that he often spouted some tiny sparks out of his nostrils while breathing that smelled slightly of sulfur. He was more like an evil dragon that had transformed into a human rather than a real person.

After meeting that evening and after carefully looking him up and down, Sui Xiong smiled and nodded. Then he said, “It seems that you have basically adapted to the dragon’s blood. How do you feel?”

“Awesome!” the red-haired barbarian said, smiling. “I have never felt so good!”

“But I want to remind you that the dragon blood offered by the Dragon Blood Potion did not originate from you. It is a long process to integrate it, absorb it and truly transform it into your own blood. Before you fully integrate it, you can’t show off as you used to do,” Sui Xiong said seriously. “You may die!”

“I, Jose, am not that irresponsible!” The red-haired barbarian laughed. “I showed off because I had a limited life. I had to hurry up. Now I have stepped into the Legendary Realm. After fully integrating the dragon’s blood, I can at least live for thousands of years. Of course, I don’t have to rush anymore.”

In his eyes, fire-like light was burning, and his pupils had turned into the same golden color as a giant dragon. “At ease, My Majesty. I will take good care of myself!”

The dragon-like barbarian was Jose. Last fall, Wendy, the alchemist of Slime, had produced a bottle of Dragon Blood Potion through the study of the flesh and blood of Uherskreider, the evil giant dragon, the “Brutal Burner.” Theoretically, it had been able to transform the blood of mortals into the blood of red dragons. But the potency of this potion had been so strong that average animals couldn’t bear it. Perhaps, the strongmen of high-level could absorb its power smoothly.

Wendy had sent the potion to the Land. After a consultation, they had decided to recruit a volunteer to try it out. Jose, who was worried that his youth had been too short for him to bear 300 children and grandchildren, had been recruited as a volunteer.

After taking the potion, he laid down in the magical array which had been used to maintain his physical conditions for half a fall and a whole winter. Recently, he had finally succeeded in integrating the dragon blood into his own blood and became a man-made, Dragon-Blood Warrior.

However, although the integration had been initially completed, the remaining integration process would require a lot of accumulated effort through the coming days and months.

Jose was not willing to be idle, but he was too eye-catching to stay in the Land. Finally, he had decided to take his wife and children to Pyroxene Town to participate in the experiment of reviving Pyroxene Town.

Sooner or later, he was going to rebuild his own tribe. Now, with offering favors, he could both accumulate some connections and learn some experience. It was a win-win

The arrival of Jose made Felix overjoyed. The former adventurer had been a top master himself, and he was reliable in his work. Therefore, Jose was totally qualified to hold an important position. More importantly, he did not plan to settle permanently in Pyroxene Town, so Felix didn’t need to worry that he might seize her power. There was no better helper than Jose!

With his help, the revival process of Pyroxene Town would be greatly accelerated for sure!

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