
Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Chapter 8

Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

The heavily-armored guy did not move very fast, but his momentum was extremely fierce. Each step was accompanied by violent crashing. The sound echoed in a cave that was not spacious; it got louder and louder, and gradually resembled thunder.

“Now I know why the previous adventurers were completely extinguished.” Divor swallowed his saliva and clenched his battle axe with both hands, taking a deep breath and posing in a fighting position.

Laver, out in the front, had disappeared. Apparently, he had exerted the sneaking skills that he was proud of, and hid in the ubiquitous shadow of this underground cave. When it was appropriate, he jumped out and gave the enemy a fatal blow from behind.

“I am on guard!” Reid said loudly, prepared to shoot an arrow. He looked around vigilantly to guard against any possible sneak attacks.

In the face of a team of neatly equipped adventurers, it was almost impossible for their enemy to defeat or even kill them by fighting. For them, the most dangerous thing was not the enemy’s possible attack.

Like the previous group of adventurers, what was a danger to them was not the charge of this heavy armored monster, but the joint attack of fire elements, monsters, and casters. If they had not been beaten and frustrated, considering their usual configuration, the outcome was unpredictable!

So although Divor and Morton were to face the seemingly fierce and powerful monster, a task that seemed very dangerous and very important, in fact, the most important task in the team was not on them, but on Reid.

He was to be vigilant against the enemy’s sneak attacks; he had to protect his boss, Palin, and prevent the frail young mage from being hurt; he also had to be ready to use the scroll to take everyone to escape. It was indeed a great responsibility for him!

But they all ignored one thing.

Palin, who was protected by them, was young; but he was definitely not weak!

Looking at the heavily armored guy rushing over, Palin took his time in taking the spellcasting material out of the space bag. He quickly drew a circle in the air with his wand. The power of the wand was used instead of the magic casting. Then he read the spell.

A dark yellow light flew out of his hand, hitting the ground in front of the enemy. It instantly spread out and turned into a layer of oil that was visible under low light.

“Greasy Magic!”

This spell could create an area covered with oil. If the enemy was not strong enough and did not have the appropriate spell aids, then they would become clumsy. They could stagger and stumble, and would even continuously fall on the ground.

The enemy wearing heavy armor was obviously not agile. He stepped on the oil layer and fell heavily on the ground and broke his head open, immediately accompanied by a bang.

“Nicely done!” Divor yelled happily.

Greasy Magic was not an advanced spell, and even a novice wizard could cast it. But to use it in a timely and accurate manner in battle was not something a novice mage could do.

Because he had been under their protection before, Palin never had the opportunity to show his strength. He was also very young, making the adventurers mistakenly think him weak; just a rich rookie.

However, his performance demonstrated that he definitely did not act like a rookie. It seems that the dwarf boy who was not yet an adult was a good spellcaster. This was really good news!

The adventurers were animated, and Morton also completed his spells.

He shouted in the name of the God of Glory and lifted the warhammer. The sacred emblem on the warhammer shined with a dazzling light, and a huge holy emblem emerged in the air immediately, enveloping a large area around it.

The light of the emblem had come and gone quickly, but everyone could feel that a force was pouring into their bodies, making them stronger and more determined and full of confidence in victory.

This was the power of the magic of war. The key to the God of Glory being able to become the main god of the human divine system lied in his important holy mission, and the special spells that accompanied the mission.

The range of this magic was extremely large. It not only enveloped all the companions, but it also enveloped enemies that were hidden in the surroundings.

But for the enemy, the effect of this magic was not inspiration and reinforcement, but weakening and suppression.

A noise came from the shadows in the distance. Reid looked to that side and noticed that there was a figure, shaking slightly.

The next moment, with a flash of coldness, Laver—who had long been quietly sneaking behind the enemy—lifted the dagger and stabbed his back!

This act really showed what it meant to be stable, accurate and cruel. He stabbed the knife straight into the enemy’s body, as well as stirring the knife. If the enemy had a mortal body, this act would be absolutely fatal. Even an emergency rescue might not be timely enough to salvage it.

However, as he stabbed it, Laver changed his face, and he immediately let go of the dagger. He quickly retreated, shocked as a rabbit.

At the same time, he shouted, “Litch!”

His voice was very loud, and his voice echoed in the cave, shaking everyone’s ears with a buzzing sound. But everyone’s faces changed before they had time to complain.

Litch? The kind of horrible monster that casters turned into in order to avoid death?

Reid responded quickest, and shot at the black shadow. He even did not bother to look at the effect of this arrow before taking out another with a milky white head from the quiver and shooting again.

He shot with accuracy, and both arrows hit their target. It interrupted the spell that was originally intended to be cast, and the second arrow, which contained sacred power, hit the head with accuracy.

The head was the key to most Litches!

Nonetheless, Reid continued to shoot arrows.

Every one of these powerful arrows would cost a gold coin. They had silver arrowheads that could cause additional damage to many dark creatures, and all the arrowheads were enshrined in the shrine of the God of Glory for at least one month. Special prayers were given to the arrows by the priests, and they were given extra powers of evil-breaking.

Those more fragile arrowheads rarely survived in combat, so each arrow could only be used once, and they were expensive. But when it came to fighting evil monsters, especially deadly monsters, they were undoubtedly the most reliable weapon for archers!

The Litches, of course, were deadly monsters. Not only could the holy arrows inflict great harm on them, but it could also make it impossible for them to focus, and make them unable to cast spells.

Because Reid managed to contain it, everyone became a lot more agile.

Divor showed his extraordinary power under Morton’s blessing, and cut the heavily armored guy in half with an axe. Inside the armor was a zombie, and after being cut in half, it smelled terrible; almost as nasty as the Stinking Cloud. Palin used a spell to blow a breeze, which managed to drive away this terrible smell and relieved everyone’s nose.

Morton hastened to add a spell to make the zombie completely lose its vitality and quickly turn into ashes, so it could no longer pose a threat to anyone.

After destroying the zombie, they began to siege the Litch.

The unlucky Litch apparently spent a lot of magic in the battle with the adventurers before. Even the protective spells on its body could not be supplemented in time. Faced with Reid who shot arrows accurately, it was frustrated and angry, and roared in vain.

Of course, it had tried to escape, but Laver, who had just leapt into the shadows, jumped out of carrying a short axe. He swung down on its neck.

The Litch’s body was only a skeleton protected by magic. Although it was far firmer than usual skeletons, it suffered heavy damage. The head was not cut down directly, but it seemed like the head was swaying, and it was obviously unconscious.

Of course, Laver didn’t let go of an opportunity. He picked up the short axe and hit it many times, a motion like chopping down a tree.

After he was slapped by the Litch, Divor rushed in too. His bull-head tomahawk was unparalleled compared to Laver’s small axe used for camping. He took an axe with both hands and yelled, heavily cutting into the Litch.

The Litch, who had long been made unconscious by Reid and Lafer, was cut in two halves by the axes before it had time to react. Numerous bones were broken. The lower body was falling apart. The upper body still retained some strength, and was struggling on the ground.

At this time, Palin’s spells arrived again. He used ice-blocking. A blue-white light shone on the half body of the Litch, which immediately turned into ice and froze it.

“Morton!” Palin shouted, “Bind it!”

Originally preparing for a sacred prayer, Morton nodded and changed his plan. Through a lengthy prayer, he exerted sacred power, got out a glittering silver chain, and then used that chain to bind the ice and the Litch inside.

This time, it couldn’t escape!

“Well, wait until you go back, and send it to the temple for purification.” Morton was relieved. Because of his joy, he could say a few more words. “Even if it has the case of life, it can’t escape!”

The Litch caused much trouble. If it was simply killed, it would be able to resurrect itself after a period of time by using the prepared case of life. To truly kill it, it was often necessary to use sacred power, such as a sacred weapon that could destroy evil; not a common commodity such as a holy arrow, but a true sacred weapon which was famous in the world.

The sacred weapon was of course very rare, so in most cases, the adventurer’s choice was to seal it and send it to the temple for purification.

As for the mages, they tended to use magic to find the Litch’s life case, and use it to control the Litch.

Kill them? How wasteful...

With Laver’s moan of “Someone help me! There is a pain on my loin!” everyone laughed.

They won!

Soon after, they found five dead bodies not far away. Four of them were dead adventurers. One was a monster who had been killed by them. Another was ashes in a bottle: the remains of that fire element.

Only then did they really feel relaxed, and put an end to this brief and fierce battle in their hearts.

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