
Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Chapter 79

Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

In the dark caves, only the crater area was bright.

The searing hot lava emitted dark red light and infinite heat, reflecting the battle of two powerful creatures.

The banging sounds were endless, and they even joined together. Pieces of magic bullets bombarded the body of the dragon, first dimming and dispersing the layer of the steel-colored protective spell, and then hitting the scales with a ping-pong like sound. The scales of the red dragon were as rough as red sandstone and were far tougher than steel.

The spell of Magic Bullets wasn’t regarded as a threat to the evil dragon Uherskreider because it’s hard scales could resist it. But the overwhelming storm of bullets gave it no way to open its mouth to cast spells, and even it had to close its eyes so as not to injure its delicate eyeballs.

Of course, as a mighty caster, it could cast spells without chanting, but the battle in which only one side gained the upper hand infuriated it so much that it raged. The spells of both sides must confront one another before it’s allowed to judge the strength of an opponent. No doubt, that strange huge jellyfish was also a very powerful caster.

In that case, it changed its mind. Judging by the appearance of this jellyfish, it should not be very good at fighting hand-to-hand, so it could simply kill the jellyfish like a warrior relying on its strong ability to fight hand-to-hand.

The dragon swung its big tail fiercely causing a wave of lava similar to a lotus pod to cross a distance of ten or more meters. During this process, it crushed numerous magic bullets and swung in front of Sui Xiong.

What greeted it? More than ten thin tentacles.

For the possibility of fighting hand-to-hand with the evil dragon, Sui Xiong had already been prepared. The cumulative strength of more than ten tentacles was far stronger than that of the dragon tail.

Violent shock wave bloomed in the air. Two powerful creatures whose power was beyond imagination launched into hand-to-hand combat with their bodies that contained infinite magic. The result was that the one with a smaller physique prevailed. The tail of the dragon that seemed to be able to break a mountain was severely hit back.

The sound of the blow to the tail of the dragon was followed by the sound of a tail and tentacles colliding. It was an overwhelming mix of sounds.

At this time, the red dragon began to fly up and rushed at Sui Xiong’s front.

Uherskreider did not like hand-to-hand combat. As a mighty caster, it was keen on using spells or wisdom to defeat enemies rather than using claws and teeth like a vulgar barbarian.

But this by no means meant it was not good at fighting!

On the contrary, fighting was far more powerful than spells for the vast majority of huge dragons.

They had extremely fast speed and powerful strength, and within the time that an average mage could chant a spell, they could launch at least five or six attacks. Each attack was enough to kill an enemy.

Moreover, with a mental power that mortals could not have, they were able to cast spells as they fiercely fought, multiplying the effect of fighting.

But this time, the dragon met an opponent that could restrain it in all aspects.

Sui Xiong outperformed it in terms of strength, speed, and mental power. Sui could also cast magic more smoothly than it during a fight.

There were endless sounds of explosions and booms, and the light of magic also appeared one after another. It was difficult to tell which side gained the upper hand at the first glance because they seemed equal.

But with the slow passage of time, the evil dragon gradually became concerned.

The battle situation was still only a stalemate, and it was difficult to tell the winner, but Uherskreider knew that it was at a disadvantage. It was not that it had been at a disadvantage in a certain skill, but that it had been countered in all aspects.

“D*mn! Should this be a holy envoy of a certain god? He is more powerful than the holy envoys I have met before! Should he be... He must be an avatar of a shameless god that descends to the earth, isn’t he?” It cautiously pondered while fighting.

Sui’s strength was far beyond its expectations, and such a strong man must have an extraordinary background. Uherskreider itself was already on the top of the “legendary creatures.” Even in the face of those demigods in seclusion, it was confident that it would have an advantage in a certain skill and would absolutely not be completely suppressed in this way.

Well, the answer could be imagined.

The evil dragon turned its lava-like eyes and quickly made a decision.

No matter whether the opponent was a holy envoy or an avatar of a god, it was unlikely that he would stay in the earthly world for a long time. As long as it retreated temporarily, it would not take long before the jellyfish found it necessary return to its Holy Kingdom.

At that time, it could be happy again!

Thinking of it, it no longer hesitated and secretly chanted a long spell.

It was one of the few legendary spells it held. Though not as powerful as the previous legendary spell “Withering Netherworld” which was a three-fold spell, its effects were not weak.

Fighting against a mighty enemy while preparing the legendary spell was an almost unimaginable thing, but it did it. After spending countless hours and energy practicing it, it was able to prepare the spell used to escape while fighting fiercely.

That was its real last resort.

A moment later, with a spell containing many complex phrases, a kind of red light suddenly rose to completely envelop the body of Uherskreider.

At the same time, the space around it shook violently, not only completely destroying the space blockade made by Sui Xiong but also forcing Sui Xiong to retreat a lot.

This was the crux of the reason why the Brutal Burner could often escape the strongman’s pursuit and killing: the legendary spell, “Transmission through the Sky.”

This spell could create shocks in a space. It could not only force the enemy to retreat, but also break the space blockade of spells such as Dimension Anchor. Especially when it was transmitting something, it could eliminate various tracking spells and make it impossible for the enemy to trace its whereabouts through methods such as breath or space shocks.

As for the prophecy spell... Of course, it had other ways to defend against it.

Seeing the space shocks become more intense and the transmission about to begin, the dragon could not help but have a ridiculing smile.

“What’s the point of you being stronger than me? I still manage to escape!”

However, this time, the development of things went far beyond its expectation.

In the face of dangerous space shocks, the large jellyfish actually rushed over to it!

Severe space shocks had an almost unstoppable destruction. In just a moment, at least one-third of the giant jellyfish’s body had been destroyed.

“Stupid! Stupid! You are killing yourself!” The dragon screamed in its heart, but it felt more nameless panic.

It knew that opponents would never do anything for nothing!

The body of the huge jellyfish was almost completely destroyed in the space shock, but in the end, there was still a tentacle reaching toward the dragon.

Surprised and suspicious, the evil dragon saw a phantom shaped like a man’s hand stretch out from the tentacle and grab it!

“You want to escape? It isn’t that easy!”

Sui Xiong had already seen the crime of the dragon in the memory of the elves, so he had long been determined to kill the villain here. Even the God of Evil Dragons descended in person couldn’t prevent him, let alone space shocks.

Sui Xiong was a person who was rarely determined to do something, but if he made up his mind, he would certainly follow through to the end!

It was true that he could not resist the power of the space shocks, but, for him, the physical damage was simply nothing.

This powerful floating jellyfish that could cast spells and fly was actually the armor he used to protect his soul. Even a small part of the body was enough.

As long as it could protect his soul in front of the evil dragon, everything would be over.

It had been a long while since he had traveled through space to this world, and he had never seen an opponent who could stop his soul from attacking.

This time, there would not be an exception!

Sui Xiong’s hand of the soul easily broke through the body of the evil dragon and seized its soul. Uherskreider, feeling the danger of dying, struggled with countless magic lights appearing on his body. At this moment, it had no time to care about any consequences or costs.

But it was useless. Before it could even cast a spell, its soul had been pulled out of its body by Sui, so the magic lights were immediately extinguished, and its huge lava-like eyes lost their luster. The spell of transmission that had previously started also stopped, and the huge body of the dragon floating in the sky completely lost its power, slumping into the lava and splashing hot red waves.

This evil dragon that had run amok across the world for many years finally died in such as way.

In terms of its own combat effectiveness, Uherskreider could absolutely run amok across the main plane where the top combat effectiveness had been restrained. Even in the face of Sui Xiong, it was just at a disadvantage and was far from its failure and death.

However, in front of Sui Xiong’s soul attack, it was not much different from the fish in the sea, and it was instantly killed.

It was wearing treasures that could provide strong soul defense, but in the face of Sui Xiong, that precious treasure did not work— or it did work, but the effect was not enough to save the evil dragon’s life.

It also tried to detonate its own body at the last moment of its life, turning all the magical energy and vitality in its huge body into pure destructive power to destroy the enemy too. However, because death came too fast and too suddenly, it still did not have enough time.

So, it was dead. It was unable to escape, and it could not resist, nor could it detonate itself.

It must have hesitated to be frustrated, but finally, it died helplessly.

As the space shock dissipated, an intangible magic power was released from the remains of the jellyfish with just half a tentacle and gathered with the other parts of the broken remains that flew from all directions.

After a while of wriggling, they reintegrated into a green jellyfish again which floated quietly above the remains of the red huge dragon. It was smiling coldly and delightedly.

In the middle of its tentacles, a flash of red light was struggling, but could not escape.

This was the soul of the evil dragon Uherskreider. Originally, it also arranged some defensive measures against the soul. However, all these measures did not work in the face of Sui Xiong’s soul attack and finally ended in a dodgy confusion.

Sui Xiong did not follow his original habits and didn’t devour the soul of the huge dragon. Instead, he created a cage with the power of the soul, imprisoning its soul in his own body. And then he put a flame condensed with ice magic into the cage so as to give it a big meal of ice and fire.

Before Uherskreider had time to beg for mercy, Sui Xiong had completely sealed the cage and shut the roar and whining of the soul inside it..

As far as Sui Xiong knew, the villain started to do bad things at least two hundred years ago, so he did not intend to open the cage for at least two hundred years.

As the saying goes, “Good will be rewarded with good sooner or later, and the same is true of evil.” As it was time, the evil of the dragon had been rewarded now.

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