
Chapter 68: Dyrne Alley [2]

Chapter 68: Dyrne Alley [2]

Noah's POV(Point of view):

'Old Wine Upside Down' or the bottleshop I was currently in, provided the option of private rooms for those willing to pay extra.

This private rooms were the prime locations where facilitators, agents, brokers, and liaisons conducted their dealings with hunters, adventurers, alchemists, potion makers, and even heroes.

At present, I was occupying one of these private rooms.

Thanks to my chess app, my pockets were overflowing with the necessary funds to indulge in such luxuries.

'Old Wine Upside Down' had certainly proven to be a worthwhile investment.

Due to the incredible success with the chess app, my digital finances had soared to a staggering 60 million dens.

It was clear that, sooner or later, I would require a powerful backing from one of the powerful families in human domain.

Later about that.

Soon, a figure dressed in a hoodie entered the private room and took a seat opposite me.

A waiter accompanied him, standing by attentively.

The young man beneath the hood appeared slender, with his facial features concealed behind a black demon mask.

"Codename Crimson Viper! at your service", he introduced himself, his voice resonating, his voice surprisingly deep.

Though initially caught off guard by his voice, I swiftly regained my composure.

"Right...I need your services as a middleman, more precisely, a broker", I declared.

"My commission stands at 10% of all profits, and I expect a payment of 20% of the investment.", he replied almost instantly.

His terms were direct and uncompromising.

Crimson Viper outlined his conditions without hesitation, hinting that the specifics of the deal might be subject to adjustment based on the extent of the investment.

"Mmm, so you're asking for a solid 10% cut from all the profits and a hefty 20% from the initial investment?", I mused, conveying a hint of skepticism.

He simply nodded in response.

'This guy...I was planning to go easy on him but fuck it', Inside, I cursed at the audacity of this guy.

With a determined gaze, I signaled for the waiter who had escorted him to lock the door and ensure no unwanted intrusions disturbed our conversation.

The waiter soon complied and left the room closing the door behind.

Crimson Viper appeared somewhat taken aback by this sudden turn of events, but he refrained from questioning my action.

Taking a deep breath—"Huff", I began—"So let me ask this again, you want 10% on 'aaallll' profits and 20% of the investment?"

The guy replied, "Yes-"but I quickly interjected, "Wrong"

"Allow me to correct you", I intervened before he could confirm his previous statement.

"You are not getting anything. From now on, you'll be working for me, regardless of any commissions",I asserted, my voice filled with dominance, and my posture radiating confidence.

The guy appeared taken aback.

With a mixture of surprise and sneering defiance emerging on his face he replied— "Heh, a kid! What makes you think I'll comply with your bulls*it?"

Crimson Viper scoffed, glaring at me through his mask as he stood up to leave.

"You may have wealth, considering the arrangements, but you clearly lack skill in 'negotiation.' Find someone else", he spat before starting to make his way to the exit.

"ALEXANDER STEELE, SIT down!" —My voice, heavy with authority, resonated through the room like thunder.

As soon as the name 'Alexander Steele' left my mouth, the man froze in his tracks, his stride interrupted.

Whether it was fear or surprise that paralyzed him, was to be seen.

Alexander ...that was his real name.

In an almost frozen tone, he began to speak, "How do you--" but I swiftly interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

"Know your real name? Sit down, Nathan Rivers. We have much to discuss."

As if compelled by some invisible force, the guy complied without uttering many words.

Once he settled back into his seat, I could sense his heightened vigilance. Though his expression remained hidden behind the mask, I could feel the intensity emanating from him.

"Now, listen carefully", I began with a firm tone. "I require your services as my broker, my middleman. From this moment forward, you will work for me, and I strongly advise against any attempts to outsmart or deceive me."

I maintained a steady gaze, locking eyes with him directly.

"I do know about your past... your intertwined association with 'that' crime syndicate", I declared, my words hanging in the air.

Fear gripped the man tightly, his breathing becoming increasingly labored.

With one word, I struck the final blow. "Jackson, wasn't he?"

"Stop-", he pleaded, his tone conveying a sense of brokenness.

The guy was literally shaking. right now.

"Hah!"—I let out a heavy sigh, deeply regretting the turn this had taken.

But there is no choice; I have no other option.

I am not a blackmailer, but I have to.

I am not a killer, but many lives will be lost at my command from this point onward...

I am not a villain, but if I want to save this world, I must accept that my hands will inevitably become stained.

Perhaps, someday world will cast me as the villain due to the path I have chosen... or perhaps...

"How do you know all this... just tell me!" Crimson Viper asked, his voice quivered with uncertainity.

"I read it in a novel. A fanatasy one", I shrugged my shoulder.

Silence. Silence fell on the room.

Observing the guy's evident body language, it was clear he wished to unleash a string of profanities.

"Do you doubt me?" I challenged, reaching into my dimensional bracelet.

Soon I took out the unbreakable oath.

"AN UNBREAKABL-",i interjected before he could erupt into a fit of noise and commotion,. placing a finger between my lips— "Sssss!"

"Whose blood is in it?!" the guy inquired, his voice was low...


Passing the unbreakable oath across the table, I also flung the Dulhana knife near it.

"Sign it. It will serve as my unbreakable promise to keep your secret safe from anyone else. You will work under me, and rest assured, you will receive fair compensation", I declared confidently.

"Of course, in exchange for this agreement, you will also swear an unbreakable oath to never betray me. You are well aware of the severe consequences breaking such a bound, perhaps even better than I", I added with a hint of warning.

His eyes remained fixated on the piece of parchment, as if it held the power to strip away his very life—Well it did.

A heavy silence enveloped us, lasting for what felt like an eternity.

I respected his need for contemplation and refrained from interrupting his thoughts.

"Take your time." I spoke softly, understanding the weight of this decision.

I knew why he was doing all this.

Hiding his name, working as a broker a middle man.

The motivations behind his actions... his mother.

A surge of emotions coursed through me, momentarily stirring an unfamiliar sensation within my heart. I quickly dismissed it, focusing solely on the task at hand.

'This is not the time to get lost in thoughts, Noah... Steel your nerves. This is for the greater good.'

'That's right, this is for the greater good' I tried to give myself excuses... but I knew what I was doing was disgusting.

This was not the moment to allow myself to become lost in contemplation.

Without wasting any more time, CrimsonViper took hold of the Dulhana knife and sliced his right palm.

Drip—Drip!, crimson droplets of blood fell, staining the surface of the parchment.

The unbreakable oath was now sealed, binding both him and me to a mutual understanding.

It was an irrevocable contract, preventing either of us from taking any action against the other.

Swiftly, I grabbed a pen, scribbling down the terms of our agreement upon the Unbreakable Oath.


Third Person POV(Point of View):


In A3 hostel, Room no.-1872.

Fwoosssh!—The faint sound of rushing water filled the bathroom, as if showcasing its dominance over the silence.

Leaning against the sink, a pale boy with a striking black hair and a pair of eyes that matched its hue occupied the space.

Drip... Drip... Drip...

Noah felt beads of sweat trace a path down his forehead, their descent shattering the monotony of the drips into a sudden splash as they met the sink.

Clad in the same worn-out ensemble he had donned during his time in Dyrne Alley, Noah's brown cargo pants and black long-sleeved t-shirt appeared even more weathered now.

It took Noah six hours to accomplish and finalize his mission at Dyrn Alley.

Gazing into the bathroom mirror, his defeated eyes reflected a sense of weariness.

Even though he won today, he lost.

Deep within, Noah understood Alexander's motivations, his actions were driven by the desperate desire to help his dying mother.

Alexander was not a bad guy, no; he was a genuinely good person, willing to make sacrifices to provide for his family's needs.

"Khiekk!"— Noah let out a raw exhale, as a torrent of unfamiliar emotions surged within him, overpowering his usual composure.

Noah's gaze fixed upon the bathroom mirror, his reflection captivating his attention.

"Why are you staring at me like that?!" he exclaimed, addressing his own image.

The weight of his emotions surged within, overwhelming him as tears cascaded down his cheeks.

"I am not a bad guy... I AM NOT A BAD GUY!" he bellowed, the intensity of his words echoing in the confined space.

Amidst his emotional turmoil, tears dripped rhythmically onto the sink's surface.

"I am not..." Noah's voice trailed off, his tone filled with a quiet determination.

Drip—Drip—Drip—Each tear that fell bore witness to his internal struggle, reaffirming his belief

"I am not a bad guy... I am not a villain."

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