
Chapter 689 The Three Layers


"We technically call these places "Pseudo Dimensions", but there\'s other names, such as Realms, or Planes of Existence." Rose said, suddenly conjuring some blood mist and manipulating it to resemble some sort of three-layered world. "Imagine our World as this. The middle layer is our Mortal World, the layer beneath is Hell, and the layer above is Heaven. In between, there are also several fluctuating layers, which might be smaller realms created by other really strong entities."

"Hell is where negative energy ultimately accumulates." Said Albert. "Hollows are beings made out of Negative Energy that never feel complete, they seek Mana to feel complete, right? Well, they originated from Hell, and slowly crawl across the dimensional layer to our mortal world. The reason why non-magicians can\'t see them is because they\'re more ethereal than physical, and therefore their "existences" reside more within the Hell Layer. Naturally, those like us, who possess demonic powers, mana, and such, simultaneously exist within the three layers, constantly interacting with them."

"Crazy, but alright." I nodded, sipping some tea. "I imagine they\'re more like… just substances? Like there\'s not a big cloudy sky or something in heaven, right?"

"We don\'t know, nobody has ever visited those places in our agency, haha." Laughed Rose. "Though I used to work for the Vatican. Priests were strong because they created contracts with angelic beings, or god himself, and could channel their Holy Power. The same goes with Albert and the Demon he has. And as of us, we\'re usually considered "Innates", we simply possess magical power born from our very body. Though, the last thing I remember hearing about Vampires was that we descend from a Demon, so we possess demonic bloodline."

"S-So cool…" Elena was amazed.

"So, what\'s happening right now is that some sort of external world is trying interfering with the three layers of our world, generating fractures between the dimensions and making them collapse on each other, birthing Gates." Rose continued explaining. "Get it now?"

"And because of all this rich Mana coming from this alien world, everyone\'s now becoming an Innate." Albert explained. "Which was usually something only reserved to secret bloodlines. Most of the other supernatural fighters often relied on magical artifacts, or contracts with magical beings, such as mythical beasts, angelic beings, demonic beings, or "false gods", which is what we refer to any god weaker than the main God up there."

"There are multiple gods?!" Mark was surprised.

"Not so sure if every god ever created by humans exists right now, but they\'re creations of their beliefs, ethereal beings with great power, but with many restrictions." Yawned Rose. "And that\'s kind of it… We have yet to even find out what the heck is this alien world, but it is surely not related with our own."

"I remember that Hell was really hot." Hellberos said. "And I liked hunting demonic beasts and other things and eat them when they were very crispy! Heheheh…"

"I see… I can guess why you see Elayne as someone so incredible now." Mark nodded. "It is because she has the power to turn others into Innates, isn\'t it?"

"Yeah, that\'s usually something only crazy magic scientists that turn you into chimeras do, or vampires and werewolves." Laughed Rose.

"Not even the strongest magicians out there can turn an ordinary person into one." Said Albert. "You need the talent and innate power to learn magic, usually… Well, now with everyone becoming Innates due to the First Contact, our world\'s going to become more and more chaotic, or well, interesting."

"I wonder if Ancient Magicians and other Organizations are looking to recruit these new Awakened people." I wondered. "Seeing how they lacked so many personnel back then, this would be a good opportunity."

"It sure is, but it also brings a lot of unpredictable dangers. New monstrous beings from another world appearing, magics and powers we\'re not familiar with, and above all, the potential for the newly awakened to become villains and do all sorts of terrorist acts." Said Rose. "This is why governments are being so quick at the Hunter thing, so they keep everyone in check by making them public figures. Still, I bet they\'ll appear sooner or later."

"I see… Do you not know anything more?" I wondered. "I am really craving for more knowledge…"

"Nope, sorry, that\'s all." Rose shrugged. "If you want to know and learn more, you\'ll have to call a Data Broker Agency, they sell some packages that include information about the Planes, Monsters, and other organizations, they call it the "newbie pack" or something."

"How much are they?" I wondered.

"Millions, the most confidential information can go as high as billions." Said Albert. "But as they say, knowledge is power."I think you should take a look at

"Hmm, I see." I nodded. "Oh well, it was a rather enlightening morning! But it is getting late, dear, shouldn\'t you get going to work?"

"Ah… Right!" Mark quickly looked at the hour, packing up his things. "I\'ll come back for lunch, see you later! Love you."

He quickly gave me a kiss as he ran outside into his car, rushing to work.

"Well, that was really interesting, heh." My daughter smiled. "But I\'m feeling sleepy…"

As Elena walked to her room, Monica showed up.

"Huh? Elena? You finished breakfast…?" Monica looked saddened she couldn\'t catch up.

"You can eat with me if you don\'t mind!" I called her.

"A-Ah, t-thanks." Monica smiled.

Rose and Albert were already gone, as the two disappeared within the shadows, through Rose\'s special shadow-manipulation abilities thar rivaled those of Rita.

We sure learned a lot, but it also left me wondering about many more things. Earth… just how truly vast is it really?

All my beliefs seem shattered the more I learn about everything, it is just as crazy of a world as Arcadia, if not a bit more…

I do wonder though, does Arcadia has a Heaven and Hell too?

It does possess an "Underworld" which is more similar to the afterlife of other religions, such as those from Greek Myth or Norse Myth.

It\'s not a burning place, but a cold, desolate and dark cave-like area, filled with souls and Undead instead of just the usual demons.

But for now, I better just calm down and do things one step at a time.

"T-These pancakes are a bit burnt…" Monica sighed.

"A-Ah! Sorry, I\'ll change them!"


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