
Chapter 664 Compared To Europe, Canada Is Quite Lax


I was honestly just guessing around! Was there really a plan for such a thing? Well, not like I plan to put my daughter there anyways, unless she really wanted to become a public figure, and I doubt it, knowing how she is.

"There\'s something like that in the works, but it might not be ready until like… Next year or something." Rose said. "It will help young people that have awakened powers to learn how to use them properly- Actually, there\'ll also be one for adults, anybody needs to learn."

"Makes sense, seeing how powers were a thing of secret some time ago, but now that they had spread globally so much, it should be about time they do something like this." Mark nodded. "Though, I wonder if there had been any reports of criminals using their newfound abilities yet?"

"Yeah, all around the world there\'s already recently awakened people causing quite the disasters, but its nothing the organizations already existing there couldn\'t handle, after all awakened usually get one or two abilities, and suck at using them proficiently, they can easily be restrained even for non-superpowered soldiers with a few martial arts or a gun." Rose said. "Nothing like a Superhuman has appeared yet, haha."

"Well that\'s a relief." Rita sighed. "The monsters are already enough annoyance, having super villains roaming around would make things even worse!"

"W-Well, I mean, I\'m only talking about the most normal things, there\'s still quite the villains in almost every country." Rose said. "Way before the Awakening, that\'s why we exist to begin with, to deal with them. Josuke, a friend, had to go to Japan for a similar issue, something about Onis and Yokai. Japan\'s filled with those."

"They exists?!" I was surprised. "My husband who passed away… His father was from Japan. We got a whole family there; I wonder if it would be safe for them."

"Well, it should be, Japan has a good anti-supernatural agency there. Josuke went there mostly out of personal family issues, and I can\'t divulge more than that." Rose shrugged.

"I-I see… Wait, what about Egypt… Are there mummies and stuff?" I asked. "Ah… And what about the Netherlands?! Europe? Are there giants and…!"

"Well, well, yeah, kind of. But their numbers are very few nowadays, back in the old medieval ages, or even before that, they were much more common, but as agencies were formed across the globe, their numbers reduced and many had been sealed." Rose nodded. "So yeah, most things you would only find in myths and stuff did exist at some point, or might still exist, sealed or hiding."

"Though, now with Mana filling the world even more than before, I doubt that\'ll stay like that forever…" I sighed. "Isn\'t it?"

"Y-Yeah…" Rose sighed. "Luckily Canada doesn\'t have many monsters, or giants… Though we share quite a lot of the cryptids from America. Still, not at the level where we need to make a whole organization to fight an endlessly growing family of Onis led by an ancient demigod Yokai like in Japan."

"Yikes, they have it harder than I imagined." Rita sighed.

"Yeah, in here\'s quite lax, that\'s why I moved here to begin with. Europe too, it\'s too much. Trolls and Giants living in mountains, ancient ruins being constantly raided by bandits trying to get ancient relics, and all of that, too much for me, to be honest." Rose sighed. "Also don\'t let me get started in the annoying Vampire and Werewolf Families that dominate like half the continent over there… Nope, not dealing with that again. The Vatican can do it themselves."

"Now I\'m beginning to think we are lucky to be Canadians…" Lily giggled a bit. "We only have to deal with the new monster threats instead of the old, much stronger ones. Phew…"I think you should take a look at

"Don\'t jynx it now." Rita drank some coffee. "Anyways where\'s your demon boyfriend?"

"Albert\'s not my boyfriend!" Rose blushed a bit. "We\'re just comrades… And he couldn\'t come, he has been immersing himself on training and controlling his abilities much better, so what happened before doesn\'t ever happen again."

"A-Ah, I see… Maybe I went a bit too harsh on him." I sighed, remembering how harsh I was on the demon.

"Nah it\'s fine, Hellberos deserved a good beating for being a traitorous bastard, and you showed him he wasn\'t all that immortal, so he has been humbled quite a lot lately. Finally beginning to realize the value of the bonds he had created with Albert." Rose sighed; her eyes seemed filled with concern for her friend. I could tell she was in love with him, even though she always denied. "Albert\'s still angry at the demon and… Well, I\'m a bit worried, he\'s getting too focused on training and forgetting about everything else lately."

"Well, give him some time. I am sure he\'s doing this not only for himself but also for you." I smiled. "And well, the rest of the agency. He seems like a diligent young man!"

"Give him some time and maybe talk with him here and there." Mark said. "Don\'t be too forceful, but slowly, he\'ll surely open up again."

"You guys… Wait, are you boyfriends? The way you talk feels a bit annoying!" Rose said, crossing her arms.

Was she jealous of us having a relationship while she didn\'t? I remember her saying she didn\'t cared about love or whatever, but now look at her! She really wants to find love after so long.

"Hahaha… W-Well, yeah." I giggled, holding Mark\'s hand.

"For a few days now." Mark smiled.

"Ugh, I\'m so jealous…" Rose murmured to herself. "A-Anyways, that Albert got a new ability thanks to you, Elayne, did you know?"

"He did?" I wondered.

"Those chains you put around his soul, he can kind of control them now, and they\'re really strong. He uses them to keep tabs on his Demon, and he can also use them to restrain targets, attack, or seal a quantity of magic power from a target, the weaker they are, the more their power can be sealed. You\'re amazing to be able to just give someone a magic ability without realizing…" Rose sighed. "I\'m sure of it, you\'ll become Canada\'s greatest hunter eventually."

"E-Eh? I did all of that?!" I was just as surprised.


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