
Chapter 659 Visiting The Hospital


(Elayne\'s POV)

After what happened, we quickly dressed differently and followed the ambulances, landing on the hospital. As Elena\'s mother, they allowed me inside as they checked the girls. They were fine, thankfully, I had sure they were all very well healed.

I was so dead worried nevertheless, so I stayed in the hospital\'s waiting room with Mark through the entire day and the night, until the next morning. Rita and Lily had gone back home already, but Mark stayed with me, even as I insisted that it wasn\'t necessary.

They told us that the girls were healthy, and many of the doctors were surprised by how good their health were, they had received some magical devices recently too, which detected mana disruption in a person\'s body, a common disease nowadays.

Alongside that, they had been acquiring some things from the government, such as special unguents that can disinfect mana-infected wounds, such as with miasma. And also, genuine healers had begun popping up, they mostly go to hospitals than risking their lives on hunting monsters with others.

The doctor that was giving us my daughter and her friend\'s reports said he had awakened the ability to discern a person\'s health problems, and also some minor healing magic, he used that to help people close wounds quickly, which was very useful on a variety of surgeries and to prevent blood loss.

It wasn\'t anything as crazy as helping people regrow limbs or something I think, but it was indeed quite good. There are potions in development for that, but they had only been selling them to hunters, and hospitals have yet to get their hands on anything.

"Your daughter seems to be doing fine, she looks very exhausted though, and perhaps might continue sleeping for a while, her friends as well, and also the rest of the high schoolers. It is truly miraculous what had happened… Usually, Dungeon Breaks end with many people dead, but the news said there were no casualties." The doctor seemed rather happy.

"I-I see…" I nodded, sighing in relief.

"Those masked hunters… They must have their reasons to hide their identities, but they are like the heroes of the country at this point, haha." The doctor laughed. "I hope more people with powers are as responsible and good-hearted as they are. The least we would want is people coming here because another super powered person hurt them instead of a monster."

"I sure hope that\'s never the case." I nodded.

"Thanks doctor." Mark said. "If possible, whenever she wakes up, could you come to tell us?"

"Sure, I will." The doctor nodded, making his way back.

I felt much more relieved, but I would prefer if Elena woke up already. Even as I know she\'s alright, I can\'t help but feel worried. The smell of the hospital also brings me a lot of bad memories… It makes me feel unease.

"Are you feeling alright?" Mark hugged my shoulders gently. "Want me to bring you something to eat?"

"Well I do have a few things in my inventory, but its mostly just veggies and fruits…" I sighed. "A coffee maybe."

"I\'ll add some donuts, how about it?" He smiled charmingly.

"Alright~" I gave him a kiss, as he gave me back several more kisses.

His warmth and love calmed my uneasiness and made me feel protected and comforted. I guess I am no longer just alone against this world.

"I\'ll be back." He quickly walked off the hospital to the nearby coffee shop.

As I rested my back over the chair and sighed, I suddenly felt the presences of two annoying Spirits.

"Hey, are we going to be stuck here for the entire week or something?" The Great Spirit of Harvest asked. "You need to get back to Arcadia! Don\'t you remember what the Queen said and the Princess? About the Ancients and all?!"

"I know, I know, but I can\'t go now! Geez." I sighed, talking her back through telepathy. "My daughter is much more important."I think you should take a look at

"Sigh, but she\'s fine!" The Great Spirit complained.

"If you don\'t stop annoying me I\'ll cut your connection with my soul." I told her with a deadly serious tone of voice.

"Eep! Y-You can do that?1 No way…!" She said.

"I can now…" I smiled maliciously.

"Eek! Please don\'t be so mean! S-Sorry…" She apologized for perhaps the first time ever.

"Hahaha, well, you get what you deserve for saying those things to the boss!" Morpheus laughed back at her.

"Ugh, why are you even here?! Weren\'t you some sort of scythe thing?!" The Great Spirit was deeply annoyed Morpheus was linked to my soul, and therefore, like her, he could rest inside of it if he wanted.

"Any Spirits can rest inside the souls of their masters!" Laughed Morpheus. "Boss said I could stay here because it was less scary than the Inventory dimension… And I agree."

"Okay but stop your banter for now." I sighed. "The last thing I want is two annoying spirits constantly bickering inside my head."



The two quickly fell asleep, yeah, I was quite irritable today, can\'t help it, I\'m dead worried about my daughter and her friends… Especially my daughter! But also… Monica.

They said she was completely fine, but that she had awakened her Mana conducts, something that everyone else didn\'t even as they were exposed to a lot of Mana.

Maybe because she was possessed by Dorothea… She ended awakening some sort of Magic. Her mind seemed freed from her control, and her soul was pure, I made extra sure to leave her soul possession-proof by wrapping it in a veil of light.

However, it\'s going to be hard for her to process what happened, she\'s as much of a victim of what happened as the other girls. For now, nobody know exactly where the Dungeon Break happened.

But I am sure that the other students will remember that Monica was possessed first, I\'m really concerned about her daily life as much as I am for my daughter now.

Maybe I should call Rose…

"Miss Elayne?"

Suddenly, a nurse walked to my side.

"Eh? Y-Yes?"

"Your daughter Elena just woke up, the doctor said that it was possible for her to talk right now, would you like to-"

"Yes! Let\'s go there right away!"


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