
Chapter 644 Amusement Park


The amusement park was filled with colors and life. Elena walked into the entrance while holding her dad and mom\'s hands, jumping around in excitement. The little girl\'s eyes were filled with happiness, and her innocent smile melted her parent\'s hearts.

"Mama! Mama! I wanna go there! To the big car!" Elena innocent pointed at the distant roller coaster.

"Heheh, that\'s called a Roller Coaster, dear." Giggled her mother. "But isn\'t it a bit too dangerous for her? She\'s still too little."

"Come on, the security is really good." Elena\'s father smiled. "But before going there, let\'s go to the horsies, you like those, right?"

"The carousel!" Elena nodded, as her parents led her to a beautiful and bright carousel with bright horses that moved around with the sound of circus music.

"Waaah!" Elena raised her little arms as her father held her from behind.

"B-Be careful!" Her mother, a worrywart, cried behind them in another horse.

"Hahaha! Calm down, everything\'s alright!" Elena\'s father laughed, helping his daughter raise her little arms.

"Everything\'s fine mama!" Elena giggled.

"Geez…" Her mother sighed, although she smiled happily.

"Next! Next!"

Just a minute after that ride, the little Elena was energetically jumping around, awaiting her next ride into another wonderful area of the amusement park.

"Oh, there\'s a smaller Roller Coaster over there! Look, it has the shape of cute caterpillars." Her mother smiled, pointing at the distance.

"Eeeh? But that\'s for babies mommy!" Elena pouted.

"Dear, you\'re a baby…" Her mother sighed.

"Well, let\'s try that one first for now! So you can get used to the ride and all!" Her father said.

"Oway…" Elena sighed.

Although she seemed a bit disappointed, once she got up on the caterpillar-shaped roller coaster that started going on circles, without many extreme elevations, she started to feel her heart pounding fast.

"W-Woah! Wawawaahhh!"

"It\'s going fast, isn\'t it?" Her mother giggled.

"Hahaha, I told you it would be good!" Laughed her father, enjoying the ride.

"Waaah! D-Don\'t let me go!" Elena was about to cry while her parents held her from both left and right, as she sad in the middle of a three seats row that the caterpillar-shaped roller coaster had.

Despite acting all cocky, she was really scared, and felt like the world around her was moving on its own. When the ride was finally over, she wasn\'t letting go of her father, hugging him while he carried her around.

"Waahh… It was scaryyyy!" She continued crying.

"Geez, I told you it would be scary! And you wanted to go to the big one for adults?" Sighed her mother. "Calm down, dear, it\'s alright now…"

"B-But mommy…" Elena continued crying.

"Come on now." Her father quickly let her stand up on the ground again. "It was still a bit fun, right? New experiences are a blessing the young like you get to enjoy. Even if it was scary, wasn\'t it cool and exciting to go through something you\'ve never gone through before?"

"T-That\'s right! Let\'s look the positive side of it!" Her mother nodded nervously. "Right? It was a good experience; we learn and develop through experiences! Even the scary ones can help us grow as people, dear."

"E-Eh? Really?" Elena wondered, as her mother cleaned her tears with her handkerchief.

"Indeed!" Her mother giggled.

"Yep!" Her father nodded. "Now, how about we go eat something?"

"Ice cream!" Elena quickly forgot why she was even crying. "A-And cotton candy! And those red candied apples too! Ooh, popcorn too!"

The little baby girl started wandering the amusement park section where there were many small stalls selling delicious food, while her two parents held her little hands.

There were many children and their parents there, all running around, eating, laughing, and enjoying. The atmosphere was almost magical, making her laugh and sing without realizing.

"Alright, alright~ One thing at a time, Elena. You\'ll get sick if you eat too much bad food, you know?" Her mother sighed. "So choose one thing to eat first, not all things."

"Yep, your mom\'s right. Too much sugar will make your tummy ache! You don\'t want your tummy to ache like it did back in Halloween, right? You were a very cute little witch, but you ate too much candy!" Her father laughed.

"Meeeh! I want tons of stuff…" Elena sighed. "But if you say so… Okay, I want ice cream then! Chocolate ice cream with… Pistachio!"

"Then let\'s go, I was also feeling like ice cream myself. I wonder if they got cookies and cream~" Her mother started drooling.

"Hahah, you really love that flavor." Elena\'s father laughed. "I remember that whenever you felt down, I would buy your mother a cookies and cream ice cream pallet, and she would immediately smile adorably."

"Eeeh~? Really mommy?" Elena giggled. "Were you two really in love when you were kids too? Oh! Like those school dramas mom watches when she\'s lazing off in the couch?"

"E-Elena! D-Don\'t say that… I don\'t laze off; I was just resting a bit…" Her mother sighed.

"Hahaha, maybe like that?" Elena\'s father recalled the past. "You look a lot like your mom, especially those eyes, and that cute smile you\'ve got, Elena. Whenever I see you laugh, I get reminded of your mom."

"H-Hey! Stop saying such corny things…" Elena\'s mother blushed like a tomato.

"Hahah, mommy\'s red!" Elena pointed at her mom. "Oh, the ice cream is there! Let\'s goooo!"

Little Elena was piggybacked by her father with her mother at her side, as the three landed on the ice cream shop and quickly ran to see all the colorful ice cream in front of her.

"Daddy they got bubblegum flavor!" Elena pointed at the pink colored ice cream.

"Ooh, really? Maybe I\'ll pick that one then!" Her father smiled, giving her a head pat.

"T-They got the cookies and cream one…" Her mother smiled.

Walking out while drinking ice cream cones, the family wandered around the colorful amusement park, Elena held her father\'s hand tightly, as if she didn\'t wanted to let him go.

She wanted to enjoy this as much as she could.

Even if deep down, it felt like something wasn\'t right…


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