
Chapter 488 A Changing World


"Now, now, Elisa. Don\'t be so concerned, also I believe this is not the place to talk about… guns and stuff." I sighed. "Yeah, monsters exist but it\'s not like everything is hopeless."

"Oh yeah, they also said there were some mysterious magicians doing some work here?" Wondered Rita. "I saw it on the news as well!"

"Oh right, yeah." Mark nodded.

"Ah, that\'s true…" My father said. "They said there were three magicians that didn\'t revealed their identities, but they protected the town by erecting a barrier… Pretty crazy. So even magic\'s real now, this is batshit insane!"

"I remember… They also said something about people awakening magic powers." Said my mother. "It seems that in the first contact, some sort of magic infiltrated into our world and people compatible with it started developing magic themselves… They said on the TV if anybody has developed these abilities, they must contact the nearby police station, it seems they can be registered as something like… Urban Guards or whatever? To defeat monsters if they show up. They even get paid for it, but it\'s all new so I am not sure if there\'s anybody in that job yet."

Interesting, so they\'re going to slowly introduce Hunters in this way… I guess Mark was right about how they were going to do it. All of this feels a bit crazy, but after going through all the things we did, this was eventually going to happen. I am worried about my family, but they seem to be reacting just as I expected, freaking out, some accepting it quicker, it depends in their age, honestly.

"Interesting! If I awakened something I would surely go there and beat some monsters to a pulp! I don\'t want any of these bastards to get in my lane!" My father said.

"Have any of you awakened something?" Wondered Mary, looking around.

However, nobody seemed to have awakened anything. Knowing my family they would quickly reveal it anyways, and I confirmed it by trying to sense Mana in them, nobody had Mana, so Hollows shouldn\'t target them either anyways.

Though, remembering that woman that was being attacked by Hollows a few days ago… She was most likely going to awaken some power. I bet a few people of this town had already begun showing some abilities, and in the big city that must be even more common.

For now I want to slowly adapt to what\'s happening. But if I ever see monsters, I\'ll have to jump into action. I need someone that could tell me… Ah, Rose and Josuke, right! I added them to my phone. I guess I could keep on close contact with them.

Though if possible, I don\'t want to draw unwanted attention to myself or my family. So… I might want to keep my identity a secret. I can just make some sort of mask using my Nature Magi, made of wood? I guess that could work.

Ah, now it sounds like I\'ll have a superheroine secret identity… but it can\'t be helped.

"Don\'t worry about a thing, Elena. Mommy\'s going to always watch your back! If a monster shows up I\'ll stop him with all I have so you can run away to safety!" I said with a wink.

"Mom… don\'t you dare do something so dangerous." She said while looking at me slightly angered.

"A-Ahahah… I-I was just trying to cheer you up, dear." I sighed, giving her a head pat.

"Let\'s get the magic guns." She said, her eyes glowing sharply.

"A-Ah… I guess there\'s no helping it, isn\'t it?" I sighed.

Like that, we continued through the entire morning discussing and talking about everything that has happened. The world slowly changing, the disbelief, and how we need to accept a world like this. My family easily began to accept it, but it was clear by checking online that many didn\'t.

I saw many comments in these new sites of people angered, saying this was all fake news, that they had never seen monsters. Some said that the monsters in the videos were just CGI and that the pictures were obviously just made costumes or puppets like in movies.

I guess people\'s free to believe whatever they want, and I don\'t feel at all like forcing others to believe or accept other things. I\'ve never really had that sort of talent anyways.

At the end, we visited the town and saw many other people talking with the police and military men around there. We saw some SWORD Agents, but they seemed to not mind us at all.

Although some were still on disbelief, once a few people showed up, things changed.

"H-Hey! In the TV they said I had to contact the police, right? I-I think I have some sort of power…" A young woman showed up, she was the very same person we rescued from a hollow back then. "I-I can somehow make things levitate…"

She suddenly showed the entire crowd gathered in the town\'s plaza as she stared making pens move around. It was most likely Telekinesis.

"S-She has powers?!"

"An awakened?!"

"W-Woah, is this not a trick, right?"

"Can you show that again?!"

Dozens of people started swarming her. She was shocked. Honestly this was one of the reasons why I would rather… not reveal my identity as someone with powers. Rita and Mark seemed to agree. In fact Rita wanted to keep her identity a secret to be some sort of "phantom witch" or whatever.

"Uwaaaah! P-Please stay away from me! D-Don\'t get closer!" The girl panicked a bit, until some military men quickly invited her to the police station, where I saw using my Spiritual Gaze that they started asking her a few questions and such. Seems like they were trustworthy about what they said.

From what I overheard…

"Well, you\'re not the first that has showed up so we\'ve figured out things a bit more. According to the government we can give you two options." Said a Sergeant. "You can either decide to become a Guardian or opt for acting independently as a Hunter, for both you\'ll need a license and to be registered."

I see, Guardians probably cooperate with the Police while Hunters work independently, interesting.


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