
Chapter 244 A Touching Conversation 2


"Damn, that hit a bit hard." Said Titan. "I guess… trying to be perfect or simply trying to be flawless is impossible, huh?"

"I suppose it is." Said Titania. "I don\'t think even the gods are perfect. We all have our flaws, our mistakes. Although we can accumulate experience to not commit mistakes, to know more, and to try to stop accidents and other things from happening, we can\'t never truly have a full grasp in everything. Even the wisest man will commit a mistake, even the most experienced person might one day fall into the same trick again… We have to accept ourselves with all our flaws and what makes us… well, people."

"Titania, that\'s a bit deep." I said. "But you\'re right…"

"I guess…" Achlys shrugged. "Though I didn\'t understand half of it."

"Ahaha, sorry if it sounded confusing. I was trying to just make a point that… No matter the mistakes you commit and no matter how many flaws you find in yourself, what matters is to accept yourself. Women love a confident man that accepts their own flaws and still finds something good within themselves to make themselves shine. Even the old hero had many flaws. He was naïve, childish, and a bit dumb… And every now and then he tripped over a rock because it was hard for him to walk over non-paved places as he grew inside a noble district without forests." Laughed Titania. "That clumsiness was charming."

"So in resume, stop giving a damn." Said Achlys.

"Eh? Is that it?" Asked Titan.

"Well, technically…" Titania said.

"Yeah, don\'t worry so much, just relax and be you. If someone doesn\'t like you by who you are, despite acting like a decent human being that is respectful with people as the bare minimum, then someone else might." I said.

"Yeah… I guess I am okay with being friends if things don\'t work at the end. I am still having a lot of problems with my family and all. I\'ll have to resolve them eventually. I wish I could have you guys with me all times. Maybe I would feel more relaxed when I have you taking care of my back." Sighed Titan.

"I also sometimes wish I could use plant magic in real life to improve my garden!" I said. "I can relate to that, Titan!"

"HAHAHAHA!" Laughed Achlys. "Typical of you… But yeah this game is a big break time for me, so I really love being with my friends."

"Whatever difficulties you\'re facing in your own world, let me tell you that we\'ll be there with you anywhere you are, Titan. Right here." Nieve said chivalrously, touching her chest.

"Ah, the heart…" Said Titan. He seemed to chuckle a bit. Nieve\'s words were deep but at the same time, it was exactly what a knightess would say, she\'s really stuck to her script, huh?

"Yeah!" She said. "I\'ve also felt fear and doubts before in my life. I was once very afraid of things, I was always afraid, in fact. But over time, I kept training myself, I kept helping people, and knew many more. I meet lady Titania and then… I thought I finally found my way of life, to protect her…" Nieve glanced at Florie. "But then I realized that my life truly began when I meet Florie, and I took care of someone else. Now I also live for her, my little sister. Do you have someone you want to live for, Titan?"

"I… do." Titan said while nodding. "I\'ll take your words to heart, Nieve, thanks a lot… This is the first-time people listen to my problems without judging me… I feel like I am super happy to have meet everyone here."

"Me too!" I said.

"Yeah, we are friendos." Said Achlys. "That\'s what friends do buddy."

"Yeah Titan!" Said Acorn. "You\'re a bit worried about small stuff, just don\'t worry about it. I sometimes begin dong alchemy to forget my sad thoughts, it always helps to keep ourselves busy doing what we love. Eventually, those sad feelings become our strength, and then they become the reason that we keep moving forward, like my parents and my grandma… They might be gone, and I cried a lot when they were gone… but now every time I think about them, I don\'t cry, I feel happy and keep moving forward, because I know they\'re watching over me as I improve and walk towards my dreams."




We were left surprised by what our little squirrel friend told us. He was perhaps the most grounded of all of us in here. To think he overcame such pain and was happy now as he was, moving forward steadily towards his dreams… Maybe we all have something to learn from him especially I…

"I also lost someone I loved a lot, he was… part of my entire life, my life itself, perhaps." I sighed. "Even now, after so many years, I still cry many times when I think about this person, Acorn… Do you have anything you could recommend me to do to overcome this?"

"Hmm… Well, I don\'t really know. I didn\'t do anything fancy. But I just kept thinking every day that what I was doing was for them. That every day I lived, I did it for them too. Every smile I had, every good meal, everything was for them. I kept pushing myself in alchemy for them too… It is hard, and there\'s not really any definite answer, but I think you\'re doing it well, Lady Planta! Just keep moving forward, I know you can do it!" Acorn said.

Aww… I feel like crying right now, oh my god.

"Thank you…" I sighed. "I guess you\'re right! I just gotta keep doing what I like and living for that person… Like Nieve said, the people we love will always keep living and accompanying us inside of our hearts. It sounds corny and childish but I like to think that way, because simply thinking the opposite only makes us sadder."

"It was an enlightening conversation, everyone, but we have arrived." Titania said, quickly interrupting our emotive conversation, pointing at a beautiful village covered by colorful flowers, resembling a garden. "Welcome to Earthen, the Village of Brownies and Gnomes."


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