
Chapter 295 To Find Shadows Sometimes You Need To Let The Darkness In

Watching the duel and seeing Emma beating up Arthur was something refreshing for me. In the end, even if Emma was someone that I didn't like, Arthur was far worse.

'That guy is completely useless.'

I was planning to test him to see if he was going to be useful in the future or not, but seeing his performance, I am now sure that he won't be of any use. He can't even stand up for himself, and the pathetic display he had shown was enough.

'The move she had used was really good, in any case. Did she take it from my swordsmanship?'

Remembering the way Emma swung her sword, I thought. In the game, there was no such move. It felt like she combined her own swordsmanship with mine and made a better technique from it.

'My hands are itchy…..' That didn't mean something bad. After all, there was one saying that I liked very much from a character I knew.

'What can you do in the face of an enemy that gets better with every confrontation?'

'Simple. You also get better every time.'

A simple phrase that didn't sound complex. But, sometimes, even thinking this might be hard.

The students were all doing their own thing. The grudges were showing themselves slowly but surely. While I was walking, I noticed a commotion happening. Normally I would walk past them, but suddenly I heard one of them shouting in a loud voice.

It was a young man, probably a freshman that I had no knowledge of.

"You fucker.... Why did you do it, huh? How can you fucking do this to me? You were my best friend!" he spat out, his voice filled with a mix of fury and betrayal.

He looked devastated, with his face filled with tears and his eyes bloodshot.

The friend, standing defiantly, smirked arrogantly. "Oh, come on, man. You're overreacting. I'm just doing her a favor. I can take care of her better than you ever could."

He had tanned skin and blonde hair with a bulky build. Looking at the common troupe, I really couldn't help but shake my head.

The girl beside him was looking down at the boy with a triumphant smile. 'Ah…. Pink hair, huh? I guess a pink woman never disappoints…'

I thought. But, at that moment, my curiosity was already reached its peak, and I wanted to see where this was going to end.

"You self-centered bastard!" the boyfriend yelled, his emotions getting the better of him. "You're not doing her a favor. You're just using her!"

"Using her?" the friend scoffed, seemingly unfazed by the boyfriend's outburst. "Please, she's lucky to have me. I can give her everything she's ever wanted." He patted the girl's waist possessively as if showcasing his "ownership" of her.

The girl giggled, enjoying the attention and power she now held over the two boys. "That is true. There is no way a wimpy bastard like you can even do half of what he can. He takes me to the finest restaurants, buys me expensive gifts, and treats me like a princess. What could you possibly offer in comparison?"

The boyfriend's heart sank further as he listened to the girl's words. It hurt to hear her demean him so effortlessly, especially when he had genuinely cared for her.

'From his looks alone, I can say this boy and girl are from the same place. They must have come to this academy with their scholarship.'

From the way the boy clothed himself, it was evident that he was not someone that knew how to blend in with the society of nobles. My [Aesthetic Sense] trait was itching to adjust his clothes, but at this point, I was already familiar with how to control it.

"I may not have the money or the means to buy you expensive things," the boyfriend said, his voice quivering with emotion, "but I loved you with all my heart. I was always there for you, and I thought you loved me too."

The friend laughed dismissively, "Love? Please, love, don't put food on the table or buy fancy clothes. You were naive to think that was enough for her."

"I never asked for any of those things!" the boyfriend retorted. "I loved you for who you were, not for what you could give me in return. I thought you felt the same way, but I guess I was wrong."

The girl rolled her eyes, "Love doesn't pay the bills, sweetheart. Get over it."

With those callous words, the girl turned away, dismissing the boyfriend as if he were nothing more than a nuisance. The friend stood tall, reveling in his victory, while the boyfriend was left heartbroken and humiliated.

The students were watching everything before them with interest as if it was a sketch. To be honest, it was intriguing, but at the same time, it showed how cruel this world was.

But I didn't step in. Because I didn't need to, it wasn't my job.

Because I could see a bunch of dark mana slowly approaching the boy.

'You are a good candidate for them.'

No matter how heartbroken this boy before me was, I didn't care. It was his own fault to grow attached to a random girl in the first place. If you want to love someone, then you should also be prepared for possible heartbreak.

Sometimes, the pursuit of material wealth can blind people to the true value of love and compassion. The boyfriend's heart may have been broken, but he had the chance to find someone who would appreciate and cherish him for who he truly was.

If he can overcome the darkness blooming inside his heart, that was.

As for the friend and the girl, it was obvious that the two snakes had found each other. Whether they were going to be happy or not, it was not my business.

"Fuck! Then, come face me, you fucker." The boyfriend raised his ticket with determination in his hands. "I challenge you to a duel, Jake!"

Standing beside Jake with a mocking smile, the pink-haired girl, whose name was Lily, looked down at Alex with disdain. "Oh, please, Alex. You're just embarrassing yourself even more. But if you really want to make a fool of yourself, then go ahead and challenge him."

The moment the girl said that, I could see the bloodshot of my boyfriend, Alex.

But, seeing the panels appearing before me, I couldn't help but shake my head.


Name – Alex

Age – 16

Class – Magus

Mage Rank – 3-star

Knight Rank – 1-star

Attributes – Fire, Earth


'Ho, so that's why they accepted him here.' I thought. Having dual affinity was something that was always prioritized around the world. Even though the boy didn't have a surname and was a commoner, it was obvious that his future would be bright.

'But, he is still too weak.' After all, he was a three-star knight, while the other guy;

--------------------------I think you should take a look at

Name – Jake Sampson

Age – 16

Class – Knight

Mage Rank – 1-star

Knight Rank – 4-star

Attributes – Wind


Seeing the stats, it was obvious who would win. The one-star difference made it obvious, and even if one had two different attributes, in terms of 1v1, knights countered mages, in theory at least.

And seeing the surname, I remembered who this guy was.

'Wow, he looks so different from how he looked back in the game.' This tanned bastard was a villain in the game who sold his soul to the demon of Lust.

'Well, seeing it now, it is obvious where his desire came from.' Throwing a gaze at the pink-haired girl, I connected the dots one more.

'She is playing with them…. What a crafty girl you are….'

"Okay. I accept your duel," Jake replied with a smirk on his face, relishing the chance to prove his superiority over Alex.

With their challenges accepted, the crowd started to murmur in anticipation, curious to see how this duel would play out. It was a clash between a three-star magus and a four-star knight, an uneven matchup on paper. But Alex seemed determined, and perhaps he had a plan up his sleeve.

'Of course not.' I thought.

As they made their way to the arena, Lily walked alongside Jake, her pink hair flowing with an air of confidence. She seemed amused by the whole situation as if she already knew the outcome.

Once they reached the arena, the surroundings became silent, and all eyes were on the two best friends turned rivals. The tension in the air was palpable as they took their positions. After all, nothing was better than watching a good guy fall…

Alex's face was determined, his eyes fixed on Jake. He knew the odds were against him, but he wasn't going to back down. He needed to prove himself, not just to Jake and Lily, but to himself as well.

'Fighting for others and how they perceive you is never going to make you strong…..You need to fight for yourself.'

Jake, on the other hand, looked calm and composed. He knew he held the advantage, and his confidence was evident in the way he carried himself.

"Ready?" the referee called out, and both Alex and Jake nodded.

The moment the signal was given, Jake wasted no time. He charged forward with incredible speed, his wind attribute enhancing his movements. His sword gleamed in the sunlight as he aimed for Alex's vulnerable spots.

Alex, however, was prepared. He quickly summoned a wall of earth to block Jake's attack, using his fire attribute to add strength to the defense. But Jake was relentless, swiftly maneuvering around the earth wall and launching another attack.

The battle between them was fierce, and as they clashed, the crowd watched in awe. Alex showed incredible determination, using his fire and earth attributes to counter Jake's wind-infused attacks. Although he was at a disadvantage, he refused to back down.

Lily watched with a bored expression, unimpressed by the display. To her, it was clear that Jake held the upper hand, and she knew Alex's efforts were futile.

As the duel continued, it became apparent that Jake's skill and experience as a four-star knight were too much for Alex to overcome. Despite Alex's determination and efforts to counter Jake's attacks, he couldn't match the precision and strength of his best friend turned rival.

Jake's movements were like a dance, graceful and powerful, as he expertly wielded his sword with the wind attribute. Each strike was calculated and precise, leaving Alex little room to defend himself.

It was obvious that his family's swordsmanship gave him more of an edge than he already had.

With every successful attack, Lily's bored expression turned into a smug grin. She reveled in the humiliation of Alex, enjoying every moment of his defeat.

As the crowd watched, it was clear that Jake was the superior fighter. His confidence only grew as the duel progressed, and he started toying with Alex, taunting him with each strike.

"You're weak, Alex!" Jake sneered, his voice filled with contempt. "You thought you could challenge me? Pathetic."

Alex gritted his teeth, trying to find an opening to counterattack, but it seemed impossible. Jake was always one step ahead, and no matter how hard Alex tried, he couldn't land a successful strike.

The duel continued, and with each passing moment, Alex's hope of victory dwindled. His body was bruised and battered, and fatigue started to set in. But even in the face of defeat, he refused to give up.

"I won't lose to you!" Alex shouted, his voice hoarse from exertion. "I'll keep fighting until the very end!"

But his words only earned mocking laughter from Jake and Lily. They found his determination amusing as if it were a mere child's tantrum.

"Keep dreaming, Alex," Lily said, her voice dripping with condescension. "You were never a match for Jake, and you never will be."

As the final blow was struck, Alex fell to his knees, defeated and humiliated. Jake stood over him, a triumphant smirk on his face, relishing in his victory.

The crowd fell silent, witnessing the stark difference in skill between the two former best friends. It was a one-sided duel, and the outcome was clear from the beginning.

But amongst the gazes, I could feel the dark tendrils moving with each passing time, connecting the boy.

'Ah… Found you…'

There I could spot the reason why I have watched this drama….After all, an instructor was there looking at everything with a smile….

<Ding! New quest [Shadows] generated.>

And the sound of the system came not long after, putting a smile on my face…..


Hope you liked the chapter. Action is on the way….

You can check my discord if you want. You will be able to see the illustrations here and engage in a conversation with me if I am available.


Check out my new book if you are interested.

This time it will have a modern hunter theme, where MC will be driven by the feeling of vengeance.

The name is; Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

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