
Chapter 288 Mid-Term Exams 3

As I started walking while observing the dark tendrils around the academy, I started thinking about future events.

'Now, after the practical exam tomorrow, a one-week festival of club introductions will occur.' I thought. 'This might be preparations for that.'

Even though there were no events like demons appearing in the club introduction week, seeing the changes around the world, it made sense if something happened there.

But there was one big problem.

No matter where I looked, I was not able to see the sources of the dark mana and the tendrils. 'This is a very high-rated spell.' I instantly concluded.

Even though it was still early for me to use, when one passes the mark of 6-star, their magic and mana become more refined, and their spells will contain higher authority. That is explained as entering the essence realm, or mana realm in other words.

Therefore, a person belonging to the lower ranks might not necessarily sense such mana used, which was the case for me. No matter how strong I was or how strong my [All Seeing Eye] was, there was a high chance that it couldn't see mana belonging higher realm.

'Then, I should trust Aliya for warning the princess. I can't reveal I have the information about the future or my [All Seeing Eye] to others.'

No matter how good they were in the future, there was no way I could trust Seraphina Riftwind or any other people aside from Aliya, Diana, and maybe Lirienne.

Even Diana was a little dangerous since she is also an unknown variable. But since Aliya had the necessary skill to manipulate when it came to such things, I didn't need to worry about her.

'Now, I need to look around until I find a clue.'

Just like that, I spent the rest of the day wandering around the academy, trying to find any clue or hint that might lead me to the source of the dark mana tendrils. My face was changed thanks to my skill [Disguise], so I didn't need to wonder about the eyes around me.

I discreetly observed the students, the faculty, and the areas where the mana concentrations seemed to be the strongest. However, I was still met with dead ends and no solid leads.

The students were smiling brightly thanks to the written exams being finished, but at the same time, I could see they wanted to train for the practical exam.

Just as I was about to move on to another area, my keen ears caught a faint sound nearby. I turned my head to see the source, but it was blocked by the trees.

'Hmm? What is this sound?'

It was like the sound of swords clashing, but that didn't make sense that much.

Activating my [All Seeing Eye], I looked through the trees only to see a light mana moving around.

'Light mana?' It was the sign of those who were related to the church; at the same time, it felt familiar. 'But there is another person here.' I thought. It was a lot more familiar than the first signature.

'Arthur.' It was the protagonist and his metal affinity mana moving. From the movements of the mana surrounding them and the sound, it was obvious that they were clashing their swords.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I approached cautiously, making sure not to startle them. After all, Arthur was someone that I needed to keep an eye on.

'Ho…. So you went for Emilia now, huh?' I mused, seeing him beside another heroine. A girl with blonde hair and red eyes was looking at Arthur with a fierce expression in her hand, a sword.


Emilia moved at a rapid speed, her sword aiming at Arthur's chest.


However, her sword was blocked by another attack.


However, the difference between the angle of the swords and the posture made the difference as Arthur groaned in pain, his muscles getting more tense than they were supposed to.

'Hmm… His mana and strength are limited.' I saw the 3-star mana and aura surrounding Arthur, as well as the bracelets on his hands. 'He did it so that he could match the strength of Emilia, huh?'


However, Emilia didn't mind at all as she continued to attack.

Arthur, with his metal affinity mana, put up a better resistance than I expected, but it was clear that Emilia had the upper hand. Her skill and passion were evident in every strike, and despite his best efforts, Arthur found himself unable to match her.

Her sword was good and refined for someone around her age. It was enough to be called as genius, just as it was in the game.

But there, I could see her eyes filled with dark circles underneath. The eyes that were bright in the game were now filled with something art.

I watched closely as Emilia delivered a powerful blow that sent Arthur staggering backward. She didn't hold back, her frustration and resentment apparent in every movement.


As Emilia moved her sword precisely, she attacked Arthur's sword making it fly.

"HA!" And with that one last strike, the sword was on the neck of Arthur, Emilia looking down on him.

"I lost…." Arthur said his face was lowered. I could see the slightly down expression on his face, but at the same time, he looked a bit furious as well.


"Get up." Though a cold and chilling voice echoed around as a sound of a sword falling could be heard. "You said you wanted to get stronger and assist with my revenge. Then get up."

Those words contained a mixture of anger and hatred.

"You said you wanted to prove that you were not weak. I don't know why you hate that bastard, but if you want to kill him too, I don't mind a hand helping me."

Arthur slowly pushed himself up, his eyes meeting Emilia's with a determined gaze. "You're right," he said, his voice filled with resolve. "I do want to get stronger, not just for revenge but to protect those important to me."

'What is this guy about?' Hearing what he was saying, I couldn't help but look at him with a pathetic gaze. 'Do you want to change now? After leaving the girl to death?'

But there, I could see something different in his gaze. 'No, you are lying, you insect.' His heart rhythm also increased, showing he was actually thinking differently. 'There is no way you can change in such a short amount of time, especially if you are someone that sees this world as a game.'

However, not everyone could see what I was seeing.

Emilia's eyes softened slightly, but her anger was still evident in her stance. "Don't misunderstand," she retorted, her grip on her sword tightening. "I'm not doing this for you. It's just convenient to have another person to help me."I think you should take a look at

Arthur nodded, understanding her feelings. "I know," he replied. "But I can't stand by and do nothing when someone I care about is seeking revenge. I want to help you, even if it means facing that bastard."

'As expected, you are trying to get under this girl's skirt.' Seeing they were going to keep talking longer, I decided to waste no more time there. After all, I am not a paparazzi.

'Whatever…. Emilia, huh? If you want to have your revenge, then come… I never avoid the consequences of my actions….' With that one thought, I left the place….


'Look at this… Just as expected, she hates Callius to the bone…' Arthur thought to himself as he threw a look at the girl beside him. 'Then, the way we did in the game should work here.'

Even though Arthur was not a player that played the RPG elements very detailed when it came to interactions and conquering the heroines, he was someone worthy to take note of. After all, that was the sole reason he played the game.

Thus he knew what to say to Emilia. 'This girl is still a good girl no matter how vengeful she is.'

Thus, he slowly pushed himself up, his eyes meeting Emilia's with a determined gaze. "You're right."

"I do want to get stronger, not just for revenge but to protect those important to me."

The moment he used the cliched line from the game, he saw the girl's gaze softening for a second. 'Heh… It is that easy…' He thought, not showing his smile.

Emilia's eyes softened slightly, but her anger was still evident in her stance. "Don't misunderstand," she retorted, her grip on her sword tightening. "I'm not doing this for you. It's just convenient to have another person to help me."

'Heh… What a tsundere… Just like in the game… Ah, I want to see her moaning under me so bad…' He thought.

Then, he nodded, 'understanding' her feelings. "I know," he replied. "But I can't stand by and do nothing when someone I care about is seeking revenge. I want to help you, even if it means facing that bastard."

Emilia looked away, trying to hide the hint of vulnerability in her eyes, but that didn't miss Arthur's eyes. "Don't think this changes anything," she muttered. "I still don't like you."

'Let's see if you can say it after I get you beneath me.'

"That's fine," Arthur said with a small smile. "I don't need you to like me. I just want to be there for you, like you were for me when I needed help."

They stood there for a moment, the tension between them slowly easing.

"Enough of this talk," Emilia finally said, breaking the silence. "Let's continue our spar."

Arthur nodded, picking up his sword. "Alright, but this time, I won't hold back."

Emilia smirked, her eyes glinting with challenge. "Good. I wouldn't have it any other way."

And with that, they resumed their spar, their swords clashing once again.

As their clash of swords continued, the anger and frustration that Emilia had been carrying seemed to pour out through her every strike. She unleashed her pent-up emotions with each swing, and despite Arthur's best efforts, he found himself hard-pressed to keep up.

"I won't lose!" Emilia shouted, her voice filled with a mix of anger and desperation. "I won't let anyone stand in my way!"

The clash of their swords sent sparks flying, and for a moment, it seemed like the outcome could go either way.

But then, with a swift and precise strike, Emilia managed to disarm Arthur, sending his sword flying. She stood before him, her sword at his neck, victorious.

"I won," she declared, her chest heaving with exertion. But there was no triumph in her voice, only bitterness. "Are you satisfied now? Are you satisfied with seeing me like this?"

Arthur looked up at her, his eyes steady. "I'm not satisfied," he said, surprising Emilia with his response. "But I am grateful."

"Grateful?" Emilia[1] repeated, her grip on her sword loosening slightly.

"Yes," Arthur continued. "You pushed me to my limits, and I learned from this spar. I know now that I have a long way to go, but I'm determined to get stronger. So thank you, Emilia, for showing me what I need to work on."

Emilia's anger seemed to waver, and she lowered her sword slightly. "You're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?" she asked, her voice softer than before.

"No," Arthur replied with a genuine smile. "I mean every word. I want to get stronger, and I want to be able to stand by your side as a reliable ally."

'I want to get stronger so that I can get every woman in this world.'

Though his words and his thoughts didn't match at all….

For a moment, Emilia seemed unsure of how to respond. But then, with a sigh, she lowered her sword completely. "Fine, then," she said, her anger dissipating. "If you're serious about getting stronger, then I'll consider working with you."

Arthur's smile widened, and he extended a hand toward her. "Deal," he said.

Emilia hesitated for a moment before finally taking his hand in a firm handshake. "But don't think I'll go easy on you," she warned.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Arthur replied, his teeth looking at his smile.

It was at that moment the girl lost herself in the trap….


This chapter was essential to show how Arthur does his things…It was a long one at that.

Emilia is the childhood friend of Arden, the one Callius killed in a duel. There was confusion about this part; she is not Emma.

You can check my discord if you want. You will be able to see the illustrations here and engage in a conversation with me if I am available.


Check out my new book if you are interested.

This time it will have a modern hunter theme, where MC will be driven by the feeling of vengeance.

The name is; Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

[1] Emilia is the childhood friend of Arden, the one Callius killed in a duel. There was confusion about this part; she is not Emma.

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