
Chapter 1052: A brief walk in the nowhere land (1)

The Nowhere Land before the expansion of the world was somewhere beneath the island of Jan Mayen.

It is a Norwegian volcanic island in the Arctic Ocean.

There is no permanent population there before the Fall and after the Fall, there is not even a lot of people there considering monsters of the sea sometime would come up from the bottom and rest in the island.

It is basically an empty island after the Fall. With monster roaming around the area and the waves of the Arctic Ocean bring coldness that is colder than ever

It is an island partly covered by glaciers, mountainous and have three prominent lakes. After the Fall, the island is claimed by Denmark under the World Government lead.

Things happens and it had been returned back to Norway during the six years of Death Monarch absence.

Still, it is not an island of importance.

The World Government had taken the island to construct one of their black sites there.

It is a good place to construct a black site.

It is far from human cities. Not many people know of its existence. And it is an island. Add a couple of magical fortifications around the island and it could be quite an impenetrable island.

Though, one must question the obsessiveness that World Government has with islands. Maybe, it is just to fit with the aesthetic of their floating Island of Peace

They did get the island and they did try to construct the black site…. but with disastrous result

the constant attack of sea monsters (which is titanic in size) and the inhospitable climate of that area during a storm that would break down most of their technological device and buildings had causes them uninterested.

Most of them are actually the schemes of Loki.

After all, if the World Government had used the island as their black site, sooner or later, they might find some irregularities on the island and Loki own place would then be discovered

So, they pull out from the project.

As for the return of the island to Norway it is simply a gesture of goodwill and to ease the relations between the two country.

In the past, some party of Europe is under the rule of the World Government while the other part is under the influence of the Republic and other forces.

Denmark and Norway was also in the World Government sphere of influence at that time.

It wasn’t until the World Distribution Event that the entire Europe is ruled by the Republic and the North America ruled by the World Government

And it took a few more years before Europe truly acknowledge the Republic as the ruling force of Europe.

During the time under the rule of the Republic, the acknowledged leaders of Norway and Denmark, with Denmark still having a king, and the representative of the Senate of the Republic, and the leader of Norway, Denmark in a symbolic gesture of goodwill propose the return of the island back to Norway in the Senate

The proposal was approved by the Right Chancellor.

As there is no objection by the left and High Chancellor, the proposal went through and the ownership of the island returns back to the hand of Norway.

This useless island in the eyes of many and good only to further some political agenda in the Senate actually bore a secret prison.

If they knew that the island actually houses one of the most well-guarded and secretive prison in the world, they would not be so quick to throw this island to one another like it is some kind game of exploding bombs

But right now, this island is no longer could be categorized as an island.

At least if one looks at the size. It resembles the entirety of Europe and Asia combined together. That is how large the island right now

There are mountains that reaches the size of Everest, and tall hills.

There is large rivers and forest all around.

There are large monsters that burrows underneath the surface of the land, monsters that slithers on the ground, flies in the sky and swimming in the ocean

Some of them are the original monster that have evolved because of the mass of energy that is spreading all over the world.

But there are also monsters that had come out from the portals and mix with the original monsters.

The shape of the island is still the same, only the sizes that had changed. And other than, there is also more obvious changes like the climate of the island.

It is not only colder; the winds are also harsher. The wind could freeze the air. When it storms it would bring down icicles of ice from the clouds.

Strange trees had sprouted out from the ground in area that is full of mass of concentrated energy.

There are also all kinds of volcanoes that has sprouted form the ground, spurting out fumes. Most of them is active volcano.

If before it is uninhabitable, now that this happens, it is even more uninhabitable.

Energies seems to be wafting out from the ground and some monsters from the sea had even come out to the ground, marking some places of the island as their home and nest

Some had even chosen their breeding spots.

Nowhere Land had been separated from the island during the expansion. But it is quickly attached back when the island had reached a certain stable threshold.

Nowhere Land is called the Nowhere Land but it did not necessarily have a land. But now, it had.

The artificial intelligence had used the soils of the Jan Mayen island to expand itself and possessing more land than before

The bigger Jan Mayen is, the better it is to hide the Nowhere Land. Deep below the surface of the island, there is a prison.

This prison itself is situated in some kind of independent space, yet this independent space attached and tether itself to the physical world of Earth prime, attached itself to the island

Considering Loki cultivation when he first created the Nowhere Land, it is impossible for him to suddenly create an independent space.

As such, he had to be creative. The semi-independent space relies heavily on its connection to Earth Prime as the source of energy that kept the Nowhere Land functional

As such when it unhooks and untethered its connection with the island, there is some damage to the Nowhere Land and the best way to describe it, was that power was down.

Power was never down in the Nowhere Land.

But to avoid expanding in a way that is unsustainable, the Artificial Intelligence of Nowhere Land made the decision to untethered it for a moment

While the decision to untether it is made by the Artificial Intelligence, to attach it back requires manual method. Which is what the Three Demoness had been doing.

Of course, Riana also sent her avatar to help with the tethering of the Nowhere Land after she finished helping the forces of Pandemonium fighting the demonic invasion of the Seresian demons.

But after what Loki had done in Pandemonium, that avatar had already dissipated when she was knocked unconscious by the Broker.

To reach this prison, there is tunnels.

This tunnel itself could not be accessed in normal ways. It is not surprising since nothing about the Nowhere Land is normal

The methods of accessing this tunnel is also secretive.

If not, it could not be considered a secret prison at all. To enter this tunnel, one need to have the key.

The key of course is not shaped like a key but instead it is shaped in long thin cylinder with a diamond shape.

On each side of the long thin cylinder there is inscription that is always ever-changing, like an encryption key

And each personnel of the prison have this key.

It generated random addresses in the key but it could only do so when the wielder of that key touch it and activate it.

It responds to one particular essence energy, fingerprint and the reverberation of the soul, making it a top encryption technology outstripping any encryption method of the Seven World Power.

If any other person tries to activate it, the key would self-destruct.

This shows how secure this place is.

And even if you pass the tunnel, you would not instantly go to prison. Loki appears in one of the glacier, near one of the lake.

Though looking at the lake right now, it looks more like a sea.

Behind him is Trisha.

Loki did not say anything as he brought out his key and click on one of the inscription on the key.

The key lights up and a location is imprinted into his mind.

‘Use my location. There is no need to generate so many dimensional addresses’ Loki said and Trisha only nodded.

Loki then uses his super speed to reach an area a few hundred kilometers away from his teleportation spot.

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