
Chapter 994: Seeking for a black hole

But that did not mean he is not good at it. Instead he is very good at it. People rarely see that side of him

Most of them when they think of Death Monarch, there is this image of an undefeatable being. A protector of Pandemonium and the title of the strongest person on Earth.

None of them would ever think of Death Monarch as a cunning strategist and a scheming person.

There is a reason of course why he never shows that side. Other than not needing to, it serves as his trump card.

A trump card must be something that nobody should know you have. Only you should know it. Only then could it be a trump card.

One would only take it out when one is in a desperate strait.

His journey and his experience had molded him into who he is.

He is more mature.

Some people only fight the fight where they could win.

While most of Death Monarch fight is also like that, there were also times where he defied this rule and fight people who he had no confidence of beating.

But, there must at least be a chance of winning.

Why then?

Because what most people do not understand, why most people were not as invincible as Death Monarch is because they do not understand one simple truth.

And that truth was that if you fight only the fight you could win, then you could not break through your limit.

This did not mean however that Azief is a reckless idiot. The Demon King was a being that Azief had no confidence of killing entirely.

If the situation and the place was different, how could it be that easy for Azief to win and even kill the Demon King.

He had calculated it before he pours out all of his effort.

Once he enters the battle, there is no time for him to regret.

Hence, it is very important for him to at least a chance of winning for him to enter into battle

If there is not even one percent chance for him to win, then what he would do was to bide his time and survive.

When the time comes, then he would emerge.

Of course, sometimes there is an exception to this rule.

If the fight is disadvantageous to you, that fighting would not even yield one percent chance of winning, Azief mostly would surrender.

The only reason why he would not surrender would be if the reason is compelling enough that he would not care that his life is sacrificed.

Katarina is one of that reason. He is the reason why he is trying to break his limit. He is the reason why he is risking his life.

He knows that the journey ahead would not be easy. Not easy is an under exaggeration. It would be hard.

The Seresian world would be hostile to him and he would not enjoy the advantage he has here on Earth Prime

He shakes his head while sighing.

‘Tonight, I am being sentimental’ he thought to himself

He could think about all of this later. But even as he is thinking about not thinking about it, his mind would not calm itself.

Like a stormy sea, the waves are wild and unrestrained.

There is an urgency in Azief heart right now.

But urgency is not good. Being hasty is also not good. He had to maintain a calm heart and be stable.

‘Whether I could break through or not, I have to first calm down my own heart’ he thought to himself.

But that is easier said than done.

He knew what he would probably faced if he went into the portal.

The Seresian world is not like Earth prime. There is no All Source there to restrain the cultivation base of the Demon King Balfor.

He would be a true Essence Creation leveler.

Azief might have weakened him in Earth prime but Azief dare not say that Balfor would not have methods to quickly reach back his level.

He might even have weapons that surpassed Azief imagination. He would have soldiers and backers and supporters.

And the Will of the Seresian world would surely saw him as an intruder.

While some world did not have their own Will and spirituality, Azief is quite sure a world of the Seresian would have the Will

The Will of the world is not easy to be born and it is even harder to cultivate. It had something to do with things that even Azief in his level did not understand

The thing that Azief did not understand is none other than soul. The soul of the world birthed the Will.

Earth, if not for the power and ability of the All Source, would probably have no Will at all. But there is magic and now faith could fuel power.

Soul Law is something that Azief also cultivates.

But among the many other Laws he cultivated, the Soul Law is the hardest to comprehend.

Without the Thirteen Supremacy Stairway, that Law would be even harder to comprehend.

So, Azief had already painted a picture in his mind of how arduous the task would be for him the moment he goes to the Seresian world

There is Balfor with his cultivation base restored and with a cultivation base higher than him, an Essence Creation leveler beings.

How could then it be easy for Azief then?

While most of the Demon King methods of power would not be the same as the Essence Creation leveler of the other world and of them and Earth because of the differences of methods of refining energy between humanity and the Seresian demons, it is still a living being comparable to Essence Creation being.

And such beings are rare in the universe and very powerful.

In the more warring area of the star system such a being could establish great space empire without worrying being killed.

Of course, the Seresian world is hidden from the Omniverse because they are sanctioned and being hunted by the Intergalactic power because of their excessive cruelty toward the living beings of the Omniverse.

Then there is also the fact that Azief would not have an army with him.

before, when he fights with Balfor, he had all the advantage of the home ground.

The Heavenly Will suppresses Balfor cultivation base, the Will of the World rejects him, and the weapons of the Great Power aided him

That is not to mention the help rendered by the Orvanians who help him in the crucial moment.

There is also Jean and Hikigaya helping.

That battle is brief and did not take days. But the effort used to fight Balfor should never be underestimated.

Almost all the power that this world could offer was thrown toward him and only then Balfor could be killed.

And even then, he still has a way of surviving.

In the Seresian world Azief would not have all of these advantages and instead the home ground advantage would all be held in the hands of Balfor.

And Balfor would be ready for him.

He sighed again. He closes his eyes and for a few second he emptied his mind. He slowly inhales and exhale.

But it is not the normal oxygen that he breathed in and it is not carbon dioxide that he exhale

After all, he is now floating in space.

What he inhales is not space dust either.

Instead, it is the Universal energy.

With one whiff, he felt energized.

But he could feel that there is a difference between the energy of the space and the energy of the world below

‘It is not as pure’ he thought to himself. he then clearing most his mind, slowly open his eyes.

He looks around him and his eyes narrowed.

‘How times have changed’ he thought to himself up in the starry skies

in the past the only thing he could see is darkness. But now after breaking through the Divine Comprehension level he could see more

And he could see what he wanted to see in the distance. His eyes no longer be obstructed by some limitation. And that limitation is reflection.

Light reelected and we could see. And when there is no light there is darkness. But now, things are different

Everything could be seen by him if he really concentrated.

If he really concentrated, he could even see the space dust particles around him as clearly as he looks upon them with the help of some vision enhancement devices.

His eyes look further and further.

Azief is searching for a black hole.

When the world expanded, of course there are positive changes. But there is also a lot of changes that is negative.

Volcanoes exploded, buildings crumbled, weather changes and many more.

Azief wanted to break through to Essence Creation leveler. He only need to take one step. But that one step forward itself is very hard to take


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