
Chapter 262: Might 02

Out of the six lives he already went through four of it. Each life has some form of regret that Azul had experienced.

And he now knows the name of the trials when he met Azul again in the third trials. The trials he had not yet cleared is the Blissful State trial and the Desire trial

The trials he had cleared are the Struggling Realm where he got the Heaven Sundering Finger in his index finger.

His index finger now contains the power to slash intangible concept around him and cause the energy around him to be in chaos, in imbalance and mess up the order.

It could disrupt energy, and even at certain situations cut Time, Destiny and Cause and Effect. It was truly a powerful ability he got from the saber after refining it.

Azief also have passed the Mortal Trial where he got the Life Giving Finger. With his Life Giving Finger he could absorb the life energy of the world.

He could take the life essence of the world and he could also use the life essence of the world to heal lifeless thing.

He could heal mountains, area and even continent.

And he even uses it to heal himself ridding himself of any impurities.

If not for his Perfection Physique so hard to level up, he was sure that using that finger could improve his body constitution.

In the Lower Form Trial he got the Divine Slaying finger. Remembering the experience, Azief always had a bitter smile.

He was reincarnated as an animal in that trials hence the name Lower Form Trials. By now he could guess what the trial is all about.

It is the Six Path of Reincarnation trials. He was reminded of the Temple he saw in the Three Thousand World with Will.

In that world he reincarnated to become a carp. A hundred years of accumulations he jumps out from the Dragon Gate.

And he transforms to become a Dragon.

In that life Azief was mindless in the beginning, only know how to satisfy his desire, burning anything that he did not like, eating anything that he fancies, inflicting pain and suffering.

Years passes him by in that world and then even if he did everything he wanted, there is always some emptiness in his heart, a void that could never be filled, a hunger that could never be satiated and he yearns more and more to learn the truth, to learn why he was born and for what purpose.

He then learns that everything in life has order and the opposite of it is the chaos.

He took thousands of years to grow as a Dragon, to understand that everything that you do will one day be repaid.

It could be considered Karma, a retribution for one deed, but it could also be considered the price you have to pay no matter whether it is good or bad.

Azief who was a dragon at that time slowly understand this, and he began performing benevolent acts without selfishness in that world, accumulating Merits, punishing evil and rewarding good.

In a hundred year, he was regarded as a Holy Dragon and then he found the saber once again.

This time he found the Divine Slaying Saber around the very lake he jumps out to become a Dragon.

With that saber, he guarded his world for thousands of years when there is a change.

There were a race of Celestials and Demonic Creatures that started waging war through the vast expanse of the Universe and it reached his world.

As a Divine Dragon that protected his world Azief at the time still did not know who he was, he had no memory of him ever being Azief.

He was always a Dragon and so he enters that war to protect his world.

Gods with golden haloes and mystical weapons that could cleave stars and bring about the destruction of planets fought with Demonic Creatures that brings with them killing intent that brought down the Heavens and bring chaotic winds that snuff out all life.

The champion of each race fought on a Great War that caused damage to the entire Universe while the race of Gods and the races of those Demonic Creatures supported from behind, propping the Heavens and raises up the Hells.

Azief also fought in that war and killing many Gods and Demons.

He saw the tragic death of his people, of his race he protected, and saw karma envelops the War, envelops the race of Gods and Demons.

The Karma was sowed and he knows it was his task to reap the Karma. It was then at the edge of life and death, he finally remembers who he is and what he is.

He saw for a moment the Wheel of Reincarnation and Rebirth being hold by someone hand, the hand was so big it towered above all Universes, a gigantic being that seems to be the overlord that oversee death and life, of rebirth and reincarnation.

Azief then at the end knows he had to reap the Karma to bring back balance and uses all of his life force to unleash a saber slash that destroyed everything.

The Celestial War ended, killing the Gods and decimating the Demons, destroying any Divine thing that is in its range of attack.

In the end of his life, as the last vestiges of his soul is about to dissipate, as his entire body is breaking down and about to be ashes and dust among the starry skies, he shed his dragon skin and ascend to the Heavens and was enlightened.

Since that day his Divine Slaying Saber no longer glows with power but his pinky finger possess the power of the Divine Slaying Saber.

He called this finger the Divine Slaying Finger.

With this finger he could kill anything that is Divine, weakening them, and could inflict a fatal attack that would dissipate their godly or demonic essence and souls.

The other saber he refines is the Star Shattering Saber. And by refining that saber he entered the Hell trial

In it he was a wandering soul who got a solid body after devouring all the soul in one region of that world.

He suffers intense suffering all of his life and that suffering molded him. This was Karma. Karma he sowed by devouring all of that souls.

It is the Price he had to paid for denying other souls the path toward reincarnation.

Before he was a soul, he was also human. He was killed by people who were like monster, relatives and friends, torturing him until his death because of greed and power.

And in turn they created a monster. He survived in the battlefield of souls and regains his mortal body; his soul power is stronger than anybody else.

His revenge drives him, making him unable to care for the people he met in the journey, people he knew he could fall in love with, and people he could be friend with.

All he sees, all he want was that vengeance. It blinded his eyes, clouded his heart. Hatred is all he knew.

He traverses hot places, a hell like region to seek the people that have maligned him, his skin blistering as journeyed on all to exact his vengeance,

He went to cold places that could freeze one bones and kill his way to fulfill his hatred

He escapes wars he should have fought and fought in wars he didn’t need to all for the sake of his vengeance

Everything seems to be a place of suffering in this world for him.

In this world, like before, Azief had no memory of his life as Death Monarch or any memories that he is inside a trial.

Azief himself was beaten, suffers in heart and body, and then being inflicted such suffering it was then he inflict suffering on other, the vengeance breeds and even multiply.

If he killed one, then he needs to kill ten after that. If he kills tens, he needs to kill hundred after that.

So on and so forth.

Vengeance breed vengeance and Azief saw no way to escape that path of hatred that seems to never end.

So, with his saber by his side he killed and killed, shedding blood every day, corpses always accompanied him every step of his journey.

Using the Star Shattering Saber he cleaved the world in half, killing all things and then he arrived at another planet.

And yet, he still suffers.

And once again he kills and he kills. Yet, the path of his suffering did not stop, no matter how many person he killed.

Even when he save people and do good, things still did not change.

Then what was he supposed to do?

He did nothing but people still seek him for vengeance. He meditates and hides himself from the populace.

It wasn’t until he heard a Song he was awakened and Azief remembers who he was and that he was in a trial.

He then ponders of his experience and how to break this path he is now walking, the path Azul had walked and regretted

It was then he realizes something. He was not in this trial to resolve anything or solve something.

His regret in this trial is not one but millions of regret. With each of the life he taken, his heart grew heavy.

But if he did not kill, it is who would be killed.

But as long as he killed, they would always be more people who wanted to kill him for vengeance.

After hundreds of years of suffering, of contemplation, of fighting and killing he finally understands.

He is here in this trial to pay for his sins. He changed his approach then.

He tried as hard as he can to redeem his sins. He make sure all the descendant of the people he killed to be prosperous and safe.

He did not seek happiness or a happy ending for himself because he knew this is not what this trial is about.

This trial is about paying one due. That was Azul regret. To not pay what is owed. In the end when all of the people he has owed have been paid, Azief waited for a man to kill him.

This man lost his father because of him and that man is his own disciple.

He took him as disciple knowing fully well that kid will one day point his sword at him when he knew the truth

In that world, Azief is dubbed as the Sword God.

In a battle that shatters stars and brought down the starry skies from its high reaches, Azief used that battle to teach his disciple his technique while fighting him.

That man killed him but Azief smiles in the end as he knows that he had broken this chain of hatred.

As he looks at the blue sky that never seems so vast before he died, there is no longer any regret in his heart for he now has escaped the hell which has trapped him.

The Hell was in his heart.

Because of that no matter where he goes and no matter what he does he was always trapped.

The Hell is in his heart and in his death knowing that he as done his best to paid for his sins left him feeling satisfied, the hell in his heart break and he escape the suffering.

When Azief woke from that trial, Azief could not help but be unable to move for hours.

He ponders that experience and they were many things that became clear in his mind and his heart.

When dawn arrived, his middle finger contains the power of Star Shattering Saber. He called his middle finger the Star Shattering finger.

With this finger he could use it to shatter stars and used that force toward his enemies, to cleave a planet with one swish of a finger.

Azief know he is close to form his Disk. He closes his eyes as he was thinking of this matter. Then he heard something ringing. He opens his information tablet.

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