
Chapter 254: Torch that lit up an era (1)

Even reclusive experts heard the stories from their disciples or their acquaintances.

And the factions and organization that heard all this all waited to see the reaction of others, while others are waiting to line themselves behind the most likely winner.

The Greeks alliance formed by the Seven Warlords of Delphi news of seceding from the World government is also spread to the world.

When this news was spread, a few Senators from the Republic schedule a diplomatic meeting between the two factions with the Senators representing the Senate will.

They met for a few days; no one knew the content of their discussion but both sides seems happy.

The World Government hearing this is still quiet. And the Republic is also quiet and not pushing the World Government too far.

Many speculated this is because that meeting in Poland. The meeting was not a secret. But the context of the meeting is a secret.

White Owl, that information gathering organization this time is unable to get the news of what is discussed on the meeting.

This time both of the organization employs many methods to make sure nothing about that discussion could be discussed publicly.

All the while this is happening there is another thing unfolding, in one part of the world.

In the Pacific, hundreds of ships come gathering around one part of the ocean.

The waves become stormy and a large amount of mist seems to be shrouding the area of this stormy seas.

The waves keep lapping and become even stormier and in the mist one could see the silhouette of a large creature.

But when one look more closely one would find it is not one huge silhouette but four.

It is the four metal gigantic tortoises that bring with them the large mysterious island belonging to the League of Freedom.

On top of the four metal gigantic tortoise there is a large wide spherical building surrounded by protection enchantment and array formation lining up the path and trails leading to the dome-like structure.

The Four Tortoise keeps swimming forward creating waves around it.

The tortoises itself is covered in purplish red dome and runic marking that is present in four corners of the dome protection barrier generated by the tortoises.

White mists surrounded this mysterious island that raided the World Government treasury during their war with Death Monarch.

If not for the prohibition of war by the Death Monarch, Raymond and his forces would seek Storm Tide till the end of the world.

Storm Tide Dome which is the headquarters for the League of Freedom is packed today with all of its leaders belonging to the many branches all over the world all gathered here today.

The Dome of Storm Tide is a large wide purple dome. The symbol of a wing is painted on the dome designs.

It had many facilities and it could be compared to the Quorum building of the World Government or the Senate Hill of the Republic.

There is a long table in the center of the Center Room of the Dome where any important major issues for League of Freedom are discussed.

Many people that could rarely be seen in one place at the same time appear today and attend the meeting.

There is the Fire Arrow Frieda, the Mad Doctor which is the rival of the Sage Liu Wenzhang and also had an unexplained jealousy towards the Genius Alchemist Sina.

There is Maya the dethroned Queen of Philippines, the Huntress Delia who is the rival of Athena and fought her in a few battles.

There is also Akira who was hunted by the World government and of course Poison King Takashi who really wanted to beat Genius Sina.

He seems to be waiting with a lazy attitude.

Unlike the other members of the League, Poison King motive for joining the League of Freedom is a bit mysterious even to the other members of the League.

No one knew why he chose the League of Freedom even though the Republic and the World Government both wanted it.

If there is anyone knows their reason it might be the Leader of the League and his right hand man Warp.

Sitting beside him is all famous member of the League.

They are also famous people in the world.

Of course when compared to people like Raymond, Death Monarch, Oreki, Hikigaya, Jean, Katarina, these big names in the world, they seem rather insignificant but this is what called relativism.

They are famous in their field and sphere of influence and some of them are known in worldwide scale either for their deeds or notoriety.

But they have all one thing in common. They either decline joining the other two largest factions, namely the World Government and the Republic, or being hunted by them

League of Freedoms seems to house many experts of rejects.

Many of those that joined the League of Freedom were either hunted, exiled or their inclination and aspiration did not match with the other big faction.

Take for example Akira the Mad Scientist as he was dubbed by the World Government.

He did human experimentation during his time in the World Government and his deeds were exposed.

Hirate and Raymond then took over all of his research and jailed him.

Fortunately or unfortunately, he was in touch with the League sleeper agent and promise to join to join the League if he were to be rescued.

He was saved by Warp and since then has always been put in the fugitive list of the World Government.

If not because he joins the League of Freedom Akira would die in some place without a grave.

It is ironic considering that probably the World Government now is also using human experimentation to create such beast during the fight in the Island Of Peace.

The whole world saw the abomination that contend with the Death Monarch during that battle. Akira notice that his experiment was used in creating that creature

It seems to destroy everything in its path and it has no self-control other than having some animal like instinct

From morning the members of the League of the War faction have come either by ship or some flying artifact and they all have taken their seat.

In the evening when almost all of the people have arrived, a person entered the room.

The room is boisterous as the member seems to be trading information and sharing stories.

But the moment that person entered, it fell into silence. They all sit straight and then they waited.

The footsteps seem to echoes inside the room. Slowly he walks to the heads of the table and sit on his seat.

That person is wearing a purple red mask in the shape of an angered Demon, the aura coming out of him is terrifying.

In terms of theatrics he is not worse than people like Death Monarch.

His robe is a mixture of red and black making this person look terrifying and at the same time charismatic.

This person is of course Narleod the leader of the League of Freedom.

‘I see all our members have taken a seat’ Takashi nodded; his face is no longer lazy. Akira just cracks his neck and look at Narleod.

He was about to say something but the person on Narleod left side shot Akira a glance. Akira sighed and restrain what he was about to say.

On the right side of Narleod is Warp. He is now a feet taller and seems to sport a different hairstyle than before.

He was wearing gray attire that seems a bit loose on his body. Yet, there is a trace of the Laws of Time and Space coming out of his robe.

There is a saying in the League of Freedom. As long as Warp is beside Narleod, no one could kill him.

It is not a matter of speed, but it is a matter of ability. Warp ability to teleport must not be underestimated.

Not to mention he already has three disks. His Disk of Teleportation has enable Warp to even disregard speedsters Speed Source

For some reason, Speedster seems to being weakened in a long contact with Warp especially his ability.

Like his name hinted, he warps space…and time.

While the most famous speedster in the world is Will, he is not the first speedster the League of Freedom ever encountered.

People said that if Warp could complete his Disk to nine, he could even teleported the entire island disregarding the protection enchantments and even arrays.

And if he really created nine Disks of Teleportation some factions even speculated that he could go anywhere he wanted, disregarding restrictions which would make him a headache for other factions.

If not for him, the League of Freedom could never thrive like this. His glare to Akira serves as a warning. And Akira owes him for what Warp did for him.

The other quickly takes the hint and waited.

And on the left side of Narleod is Water Princess Erin, her blonde hair is shorter and her blue eyes seem to be looking at some of the members she is not satisfied with.

Erin relation with many of the members is not harmonious but her contribution to the League is undeniable.

This is why her position is stable in the League and unshaken despite her constant butting head with the other member.

It was evening and the blinds were brought down, shielding them from outside light.

The guards already check the rooms for any hidden devices.

They do not want the White Owl to get any information that could potentially put them at a risk.

Before the war, all the other factions did not put too much importance on the White Owl faction but times have changed.

In the massacre event, people finally see how powerful this information gathering group. Add that no one knows it members and their objectives only add me to their dangerousness.

The room is illuminated with light crystal that could be gathered around the island they passed by

Narleod looks at the people around the long table and then he nodded

‘Let us begin’ The moment he said this word, a person in mask comes and began giving the members documents.

Inside the paper is information node. It is chip like invention by the Merchant Association

Of course the Merchant Association right now is in disarray after the death of the Merchant King but they seem to stabilizing themselves pretty well these days.

They all push the information node and it dissipated like ash as the information inside the information node all enter their minds.

Many of them seem to be digesting the information they got in their heads.

‘All caught up?’ Narleod ask.

The other nodded. Akira is seen to be contemplating something. Takashi eyes seem to be remembering something as his expression is complicated.

‘What do you think of the news of the alien felt coming to Earth?’ Narleod begins as he looks at the members.

‘What do you think we should do, Narleod? The World Government and the Republic did not yet reach out to us…but if this is true then it is only a matter of time until they reach out to us. As you all know, we are not exactly buddy with them’ It was Delia that spoke.

Her position in the League is as stable as Erin. Some of the members seem to be nodding, agreeing with what she said.

Akira is especially enthusiastic with Delia response. Narleod notice this but he did not choose to say anything.

Erin on the other hand scowls at Delia, glaring at her.

‘You want us to be left out on the loop? The Republic and the World Government is joining hands on this matter and you want us to reject them. That would not only make us enemy with them it will also make us enemy with all the people in the world. The last war was just a few years ago and people are still resenting the Weronians. If this is truly an invasion….an alien invasion then if we did not join in the war because of our relation with the Word Government do you know how many people would look at us as the traitor of humanity? You think you can handle that pressure, huh!’

Some of the other member nodded.

‘I agree with Erin.’ Some said banging the table. Fire Arrow Frieda got up from her seat and then addresses the other members

‘We might not be in good relations with the World Government but we have dealings with the Republic for a long time. If they also want us to join the war, we probably had no other choice other than to join.’

‘The Republic did not dictate our League decision’ said the Mad Doctor looking straight at Fire Arrow Frieda.

Narleod hearing all of this argument smiles and chuckles a bit.

‘True. We are not exactly friend with them. But…let us remember that we have not reached a point where we will broke that pretense of cordiality. From what I heard the five ambassadors that managed to meet the Death Monarch, none of them are the representatives from the World Government or the Republic. But a few days before the Death Monarch went into seclusion, he went to his embassy and seems to made contact with the ambassador of the two factions’

He let that word hang before continuing

‘What do you think they talk about?’

‘You think they were talking about this matter?’ Akira said, looking challengingly at Narleod

‘If not that then what?’

‘So, you will join them if they approach us?’ Frieda asks. The other members all look towards Narleod.

‘Yes, but that doesn’t mean we will have no benefit whatsoever. The World Government right now is not like the World Government of the past. They are still strong…but people trust in them has eroded. People are jumping ship. You all heard about the Seven Warlords of Delphi didn’t you? And whether that fleet is really an invasion or not…we are not yet sure’

Then Akira said

‘League of Freedom is based on votes. In times of war and emergency, only then you have full control of dictating matter by yourself. Will you put this proposal into a vote?’

Narleod nodded

‘I think I am not the only one that thinks offending the two factions right now and probably even the Death Monarch is an idiot move’

One of the members bangs the table and look at the other people around the long table.

‘There is only speculation that they meet and talk about this. They might talk about the distribution for the world. Death Monarch did thrashed the World Government and kill millions of people in that war and I don’t think the World Government would just forget that matter easily’ the Mad Doctor said to Narleod

Narleod chuckles.

‘People said that the one that knows you better is not your friend or family, it is your enemy. I know Hirate. And I know Raymond. Hirate nowadays is not the Hirate of the past. He truly believes himself as one for the good guys. I guess hanging out with Raymond influence him’

Warp just shakes his head as he looks at Narleod.

‘They would surely ask Death Monarch help. Their motto and Raymond motto is for the greater good. True, the Death Monarch kill millions of his people but it is also true, that his prowess and power have ended the Weronian War. If he could end one war with his abilities, why could he not end another? Not to mention this time, the Death Monarch is even stronger than before’

Maya who was sitting on the end side of the long table nodded. Narleod continue talking

‘And what about Raymond? You know how he is with his savior complex. They would surely talk about this matter. And while the Death Monarch doesn’t seem to really care about other people beside his own, any invasion would put his people in danger. He would surely interfere.’

Narleod then look at the people around the long table and said

‘I ask you. Is anyone here could bear the wrath of two of the largest organization in the world and the strongest man in the world?’ And then he looks at Akira and said

‘And yes Akira. That is why I am putting it to a vote. Because I want to see which idiot would want to destroy our League by inviting their wrath onto us. I know all of you did not have a good experience with the World Government but we need to take a step back when moving forward would kill us. We are all survivors after all’ Then he look a t the people that supported Delia views and then said

‘Vote now’ The other nodded

‘Put up your hand if you think we should not join the World Government and the Republic if they ask us for help in this matter.’

Slowly there are people who raised their hands. Narleod look at the people putting up their hands and those that didn’t and he chuckles.

Only three people put up their hands. Narleod smiles beneath his mask and nodded in satisfaction

‘Fine. The motion passed.’

Akira shakes his hand and put back down his hand as he slumped on his seat.

‘Next matter is matter for discussion and information sharing’ Narleod immediately look at Finley Owen.

He is the pirate leader around the Great Britain sea area and he has been harassing England fleet.

‘How is the plan going?’ Narleod ask. Finley is an Irish. And a fearsome pirate that rule the area around Great Britain. The sea is his playground.

The Death Monarch said no war, he said nothing about plundering. Finley is a handsome young man with red hair and white pale face.

He is tough and muscly with a neatly trimmed beard.

‘It is all according to plan. But I heard information that I is not entirely reliable but I think I should share it here.’


‘Lee Sangmin is spotted in China.’ This drew complicated expression in many of the members here.

Lee Sangmin in the Fake Word is one of the Forest Lord and at the time if not for him the League of Freedom would not have survived.

But this Lee Sangmin did not move according to plan.

They once persuade him to join but he refuses. He fancied himself like Death Monarch able to pressure the world with his presence alone.

But Lee Sangmin is Lee Sangmin and not the Death Monarch. He seems to lose any support and then he joins the Republic.

But he seems to disappear since the Weronian War and his disappearance cause quite a stir in the Senate

‘Hmm. Elaborate’ Narleod muttered as he put his hand beneath his chin

‘After Wang Jian went to Pandemonium and brought his people to join him in Pandemonium, China is now in chaos. Factions swells but they could not declare war openly because of the prohibition. So, the land is getting even more carved up. China suffers the most since the Fall because of their populations. Lee Sangmin appearance in China is surely related to the news I heard from a Cambodian traders that Wei is staging a comeback’

Narleod hear this and then he just close his eyes and said

‘We need to investigate this mater. I think Lee Sangmin is trying to contend for a slot in the World Distribution event. Send a few people to China. Try to find out what Lee Sangmin motives and his plans.’

Finley nodded and reply

‘Yes, leader’

Then the members began discussing many other things in the agenda.

Most of them are related to discovery of new lands, the distribution of the world matters and of course the threats they face now.

It continued until the night when a banquet was arranged and they party until nighttime.

When night came, some people either sail away or stay for a few days in the Storm Tide.

The Storm Tide personnel are also members and some of them hold high position in the League but the discussion for the matters of joining the World Government must need the approval of the War faction.

At night, Narleod instead of returning to his bed is going someplace else. He went to the Underground area.

On his hand there is fire lighting the way forward. He walks around the tunnels without hesitation even through these mazelike paths.

Then as he walks deeper underground he finally found the room. It was a normal room. It is not hidden. But only he has the key.

He and one other person.

He took his key and opens the door. Opening the door, he smiles underneath his mask as he saw her silhouette.

That person is sitting on a chair while drinking some wine, probably bored waiting for him. It took him a few minutes to shake off the people shadowing him.

‘Maya. I got your message’


Narleod nodded. He immediately ask the question

‘Did you get it? Is it true?’ Maya nodded

‘People call him the Magician. No one knows what he is doing but he seems to have connection with that thing’

‘Give me the files’

Maya give him a folder full of pictures and documents.

‘I put it in paper. I fear putting things in information node would allow the Hacker to…..you know’ Maya said.

Narleod nodded.

Narleod flick his finger and flames shot to one of the unlit troch. The flames hit the place handle of the torch and the torch light up. Narleod quickly opens the folder.

He saw a picture

It was a tall and thin man with black hat and white coat.

‘This is him?’

‘Yes, people of Aleppo call him the Magician. He seems to be inactive and many thought he was dead for this couple of years…but he seems to resurface’

Narleod studied the information Maya got on the Magician

‘How did you find him?’

‘My source saw him buying some information from the Broker last week’ Narleod nodded as he flipped through the pages and read. Then he ask

‘What did he want to know?’

‘He seems to be searching for some rare minerals or minerals with mysterious properties’

‘He is an unexpected find’ Narleod remarked

Maya nodded.

‘Then where is the information on that thing?’ Narleod says as he flipped the folder and then he saw it.

It was another picture.

There is a woman with five horizontal triangle shaped mark on her forehead. Her eyes seem to shine with colors and her fingers seems to be webbed.

The woman is coming out from a sand dune wearing a magenta color robe.

‘This is..’ Narleod clearly could not contain the shock in his tone. Maya shakes her head and then said

‘It was a village before that woman comes in. Around that area of sand dune is actually fertile and large forest before she came. I don’t know what she did but she turned that place into sand.’

Narleod nodded

‘I got nice information from the Broker’ Narleod said

Maya nodded

‘We tracked the thing that comes out from that gigantic finger in space because of the Broker information.’

‘Did you piggyback the World Government satellite?’

Maya nodded.

‘That is how we could track the trajectory and the predicted the area where that thing would fall. We didn’t thought that coming out from that black thunder is that alien.’

Narleod nodded and then he ask

‘Maya do you ink this alien is related to that fleet?’ Maya thought a few moments before she answered

‘It is highly probable that it is related’ Narleod smiles and then he chuckles

‘That is good enough. That is good enough. You did a good job Maya. We now have leverage’

‘You don’t think we should tell the other members about this?’ Maya ask as she got up from her chair.

Narleod shakes his head

‘Not yet’ Narleod said.

‘Anyway, you did a good job. I will reward you later’ He said as he walks out from the room and the underground area.

Maya exited the underground area from a different passage

The moment he comes out the space warped around him and standing beside him is his friend Warp

‘Is it done?’ Narleod nodded

‘I was right’ Narleod said.

Warp only nods and then ask

‘What should I do now?’

Narleod thinks for a moment before saying

‘At first I wanted to use this as leverage against Hirate. I could use this against the Death Monarch but that could backfire. He never cares that much about public opinion but Hirate does. If it is revealed that the fleet is coming down to Earth is because his war with Death Monarch, then his World Government will lose even more trust. It didn’t matter that he did not intend to do it, it matters that it did. People will want to assign blame. The black thunder that’s shoot out from that gigantic finger that the Death Monarch summons bring this creature to Earth’ He said this and give the document for Warp to read.

‘Now…I am more interested in that person’ Narleod said as he pointed to the picture of the white coat black hat person.

‘Who is this?’ Warp ask

‘People called him the Magician. Try to recruit him to our cause’

‘You want him?’ Narleod nodded

Then he laughs

‘You know how accurate my intuition is don’t you, Warp?’

‘Fine.’ He said and then he put his finger at the picture and closes his eyes. Then he opens it back and he said to Narleod.

‘I’ll be back in a few days to report my findings’ Narleod nodded and Warp teleported away.

Narleod is on the Tree Garden right now. As he smells the trees and the sea, he smiles. No one could see his smile because of the mask but he smiles nonetheless.

Because this is only the beginning.

‘Raymond, Hirate…..it will not be long before I will have my revenge. HAHAHAHA’


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