
Chapter 163 163: Deals In The Apocalypse

Cole shook his head as he looked at the people in front of him, their outfit was impressive, and not outfit based on what they were wearing but rather the way they carried themselves as a unit. It was somewhat militaristic, but at the same time there was a sort of ease with them that he just couldn\'t put his hand. But ultimately the kind of word he would use to describe them would be mercenary.

The woman who had threatened him stood at the head of all of them in front of an impressive armored truck. And just like C ole had envisioned there were a dozens of them, and the body armor they had on had motifs of what seemed to be wolves on their shoulder pads. They were probably called the wolves or some other bullshit, however his danger sense was yelling him that he was dealing with some extremely dangerous set of people. He could probably take them all as he was right now, or perhaps just one of them, either way he knew he would be paying g the cost of a few lives to wipe them out…. not worth the risk.

"So how much would it fucking cost me to have you guys ferry me to safety, and lets just be straight… if you fucking cheat me or overcharge me I will know, and the dangers of this bloody world be damned I will find my way out of it and come hunting for you guys later." They all raised eyebrows with varied looks of amusement on their faces, it was almost as if they could not even imagine such a scenario.

"So if you find us then what are you going to do? Kill us?" a mousy looking fellow asked him as he gave Cole a feral grin. Cole recognized him immediately and for the first time in a while, used a skill he had almost forgotten he had within his arsenal. [Lesser Mind Control] the mousy fellow who Cole immediately recognized as the person they had been calling Marshall, and the same idiot to open fire at him without even properly identifying if he was a zombie or not.

He pulled out his hand gun, startling his partners as they all stood at alert as he unceremoniously opened fire into his own knee cap. That was more than enough to remove the hold lesser mind control had over him as he let out a wild scream and fell to the ground, clutching at his legs and screaming in shock. Not for one second did any of his comrades think that Marshal was responsible and would just decide to shoot at his own leg.

As one they all turned and trained their weapons on Cole who had a bored look on his face. It was obvious they were now more wary of him than before. Min control in any setting and in any universe is probably what you would call the greatest sort taboo skill to own. There was just something extremely eerie and dangerous about mind control skills, and it was something that they all were extremely worried about.

Cole on the other hand was not shaken, this was a bluff, and one that could go wrong in a hundred different ways. They could just as easily decide that they wanted to put a bullet in his head. but they all quickly took a step back and made sure the safety to their firearms were off as they prepared and waited for Cole to make any sort of movement that would justify them opening fire and bringing an end to his mind controlling life.

"if you make a single move or even think I\'ll blow your fucking head off." The woman who was the leader of this group said to him. Cole shrugged and pointed at the guy with the hole in his leg named Marshal. They all turned to look at him even though Cole was not talking, then they looked back at him obviously waiting for him to give them an explanation.

"I\'m really sorry but he shot at me, and he almost killed me, now he\'s saying shit. Either way he now knows just as you all know that I am not the kind of person young can fuck with. So let\'s not beat around the bush and get straight to the point. This is just me showing you all that I really don\'t want to be fucked with, and if you do so I will retaliate with every single force within my disposal. Now I am sure you guys have a way for him to take care of that, I you don\'t, then you can add his medical bills to the package, I have already made my point. So tell me, what would it cost me to get the fuck out of this building, and tell me what your bloody name is." Cole finished as he turned to look at the woman who was the leader.

"My name is Irma and frankly speaking in don\'t like you, Cole Night the World breaker. But I do admit that marshal can be a handful, but I also remember that I had apologized on his behalf for what he did, so why then would you attack with mind control, that kind of shit is absolutely not cool and you would make it harder to trust you." Cole raised an eyebrow and said to her with a no nonsense tone.

"I absolutely do not give a shit about your trust, we\'re having a transaction and the only thing that you should trust is the money that is exchanged between us. Now give me a quotation so that we can get the fuck out of here."

She looked at him, taking long seconds to observe him and decide whether or not they would just let the fact go that Cole had almost crippled a member of their team. Either way he was not so bothered about whatever choice they chose to make. If it came down to a fight, Cole knew that he would be able to escape from them after giving them some significant losses, but then again it would not be a wise move on his part to underestimate his opponents, they could have something in store that would completely neutralize him, after all this was a new floor.

"Alright then Mr. Cole, Inclusive of Marshal\'s hospital bills, it would cost you a total of 500 gold to lead you to safety." Cole raised an eyebrow at that. he snickered, but then he held himself, it would not do to show his hand this early. So he nodded his head and turned to them, fully making sure that they were all looking at him.

"Are you really trying to rip me off right now?" he asked the woman who had said her name was Irma. Honestly she did not look like an Irma but whether or not that mattered Cole did in not focus on it as he made the transfer. He saw the shocked look on her face as the system made it available for her, obviously he had the money available, but he did not want to make it seem as if he had so much that they would call a large amount, that they would try to rip him off,

Plus, he already knows the 500 gold that she called was already an already a large amount of money so Cole was trying to play it safe. He was Nigerian and he was way too conversant about money, you don\'t joke with shit like that even though you had a lot of it available to you. so he nodded at her and waited for her to make a decision.

"It\'s all here, 500 gold. It\'s enough for us to get you to safety and help Marshall with his injuries. But here is what it is, harm any member of my group again and I don\'t care how much money you have, I\'ll fucking kill you myself, mind control or no mind control. Do we have deal?" Cole smiled at her and said.

"We have a deal?"

She looked back AT Cole with a wary glance. Almost as if she really wasn\'t so sure that Cole would agree with the price that she had set out or rather that he would suddenly change his mind about his agreement with their price. But it was also through this that Cole discovered a glaring weakness that they all had, the way their eyes lit yup when she had mentioned 500 gold. And then the shock in their eyes when he agreed to it.

It seems that they really was a lot of greed… or perhaps it was not greed. Perhaps it was so much more than he ever thought, Cole decided to stop seeing them for the mercenary bad asses he thought they were, and perhaps it would be better to take a long hard and very much closer look….. As so Cole looked again.

[Sin Seeking Eyes]

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