
Chapter 84 084: Power Pass Power

When Cole finally opened his eyes it was in the real world, or in retrospect it was in his universe. Just because Titan Rising Online was a game it did not make it any less real than the world he was currently living in.r

Never the less Cole needed a little break from the digital world, before he had fallen unconscious he had been able to place the bone box in his inventory. He had no idea what it was, but that was definitely the heirloom that Titus was talking about, and as far as Cole was concerned, he really was going to see what was hidden within it.r

[Master Cole we have pending messages from the Matriarch, apparently your presence is needed for the sighing of a new territory deal.]r

Cole raised an eyebrow at that, he didn\'t see the need of why he had to be present, but he got ready either way. He looked through the messages and realized that the deal was taking place in a posh restaurant rather than the estates.r

And that very factor made Cole realized that either the people they were making the deal with were a lot more powerful that the Night family, or they could not trust the family, or perhaps this was a deal that the Matriarch was making out of the family\'s jurisdiction. The final factor was what was more likely, either way he had to be prepared.r

Cole left his room and went down to the garage, and there waiting for him was a pair of bodyguards that looked to built like a brick house. They were both a head taller than Cole, and twice as wide as he was. He looked up at them and narrowed his eyes.r

"Is there no way where I can actually ditch the two of you?" Cole asked as he pointed at an Aston Martin, prompting one of the guard to turn around and go retrieve the key for the car while the second; a Caucasian male with a half head and a tattoo of the number 9 on he back of his shiny skull, opened his mouth to speak.r

"Im afraid we can\'t let you go anywhere by yourself Master Cole, it\'s the boss\'s orders. The world isn\'t really safe at the moment and while the boss knows you can protect yourself, he wants to be Extra careful, after all you are all he has left sir." Cole rolled his eyes, as the other guard came back with the key for the Aston Martin and another for a Range Rover that they would use to escort him, however Cole noticed there were four keys rather than just two.r

"Im guessing I\'m getting the full Entourage treatment?" Cole asked again as he clenched his hands, missing the feeling of his sword and guns on his body.r

"Sorry sir, but we really need to keep you safe. And in that note please have this." The guard said as he gave Cole a box with two custom made Golden revolvers in it. Cole scrunched his Face in annoyance as he asked.r

"Why is it so gaudy and shiny?" The Guard gave a smile as he said.r

"It\'s from the boss\'s own personal collection…. He originally had it made for your brothers, now it\'s just you, so it belongs to you." Cole shook his head as he also grabbed the shoulder holsters that came with the guns and took of his jacket, handing it over to the guard he wore it and holstered the guns then put his jacket back on.r

The moment he had a weapon on his body, For felt a tension leave his body, as he knew he wasn\'t a defenseless as he had expected. He took the keys for the Aston Martin and got into the car. He revved up the engine and drove out of the garage, three land Rogers all in black following after him.r

"Morgan can you set up the GPS and engage Auto pilot…. I would like to get a little shut eye before we get to this meeting, also make sure we\'re fashionably late, but not too much…. We don\'t want to keep the Matriarch waiting."r

[Affirmative Master Cole, please have a good sleep.]r

And he did have a good sleep, even though he had only been able to doze off for about twenty five minutes, it was still enough to leave Cole feeling a bit clear headed the normal. I\'m retrospect he knew he needed to have a good long rest, Titan Rising Online was as mentally exhausting as they come.r

They arrived at the location, a restaurant right in the middle of the city, and it was more than just a simple restaurant. It was posted on the 13th to 15th floor of sky scraper, there was no easy way to escape should anything go down, but at the same time, it won\'t be easy to carry out an attack from within the building or from outside of it either.r

Cole stepped out of his car, ignoring the paparazzi around as they focused on some famous actress that had come to have dinner with her new conquest. But even if he ignored them, it did not mean that they would ignore him either.r

It\'s been just a few days since his own streaming show had began, and Cole was already famous. And while he knew he would be trying a significant amount of exposure, he had no idea how much of it he would be getting, which was why it surprised him gravely when all of the cameras and their flashed were pointed in his direction.r

But Cole was well known for being calm under duress, so he threw they key to the Aston Martin to one of the guards and walked into the reception area of the building. His high perception alerted him to most of the conversations going on around him, but at the same time he was trying his best to be alert to any danger around him.r

He marched on, or rather he tired to as four of the guards took point to stand in front of him and led him to a VIP elevator. When Cole got there, there was a man wearing a traditional native dress along with a cap.r

He was laughing boisterously as he held two scantily dressed girls in both hands as he too was led and protected by an Entourage of police men, all armed. Cole snorted as he got closer, this dude was probably some senator or Governor or some other rich man with e much connections to society.r

The elevator could only let on group up at a time, and with the way his guards were arrogantly pushing their way forward, Cole knew they were heading right into what was most definitely a bad confrontation. And at the moment he\'s rather avoid something like that.r

"Hey, hold up…. Let them go up first." Cole said as they waited, but sometimes even when you wanted to avoid problems, it would definitely find you, one way or the other.r

The land refused to go up, and the police officers that were with him did not seem like they were willing to urge him forwards. He stood in front of the open elevator, holding it down as he blasted to the pair of very naïve girls…. Or perhaps they weren\'t Naïve, they were here for something after all.r

Never the less Cole held on to his patience for the whole of five minutes before it ran out, and coming along with it was a temper that was barely being held back. He moved forwards, his guards clinging close to him, as the police officers held their guns, ready to act, they had their intimidating factor up to a level of 10…. But it was nothing more than a cold breeze to Cole.r

"Can we get through please?" Cole asked, giving a polite smile, but the VIP had been waiting for this. It was in this moment that Cole realized that it wasn\'t that the man was so drunk and held up by the conversation he was having with the girls, it was just that he wanted to use Cole to show his authority and power.r

"See this boy o! who do you think you are? Do you know who I am! You no get respect abi!"r

The fact that the man had to devolve into pidgin English amused Cole, it has been a while since he heard the Nigerian street language, and it was as brutal and as fought at it came, but whatever game this man had to play here…. Cole did not have the patience for it.r


Everybody in front of Cole, the man, the guards and the girls were all pushed down to their feet. Some who were not balanced enough were unlucky as their faces was smooshed to the floor. Cole eased up on the skill, letting them try to get back up to their feet then activating it again, and again and again. He smiled as he bent down, making sure he was face to face with the VIP.r

"No I don\'t know who you are and frankly speaking I don\'t care old man…. But \'power pass power\' thanks so much for your cooperation."r

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