
Chapter 92 part1

侧妃 Cè fēi - “side” consort, a prince’s concubine

Li Wei Yang smiled faintly: “I don’t understand whatDajie is saying. I only know that I am a daughter of the Li family, and Fuqinis who we rely on. If Dajie announces that Dajie is loyal to the Jiang familyin front of Fuqin, wouldn’t this leave Fuqin conflicted? No matter how good theJiang family is, you are still surnamed Li. You should not forget this!”

Li Chang Le’s entire face had changed. Her eyes becamecruel, her beautiful face and facade replaced with a terrifying sight: “I willnever forgive you! Just you wait!”

“What did you say?!” A voice thundered behind them. LiChang Le turned around. Li Wei Yang greeted him: “Fuqin.”

Li Chang Le saw Li Xiao Ran and his serious face andpaled. She realized Li Xiao Ran had overheard what she said to Li Wei Yang, astorm of unease stirred in her heart. She bit her lip and forced herself tocalm down. She did not know what to say, so she sincerely knelt down and said:“Fuqin, nu er has returned.”

Li Xiao Ran frowned: “Stand up.”

Li Chang le stood, her lips drawn in a taut line. Sheslowly looked up, her gaze steadily meeting his - sharp and clear: “Fuqin,Muqin was killed by Li Wei Yang.” These words sliced through the air like ablade.

“What did you say?” Li Xiao Ran was momentarilyblinded by fury. A thundering storm swept over his expressions.

Li Chang Le resented Li Wei Yang. Seeing Li Wei Yangstanding there, she felt her blood, boiling and rushing up her throat. Sheforcefully swallowed it and snapped: “Fuqin, I said Muqin was killed by Li WeiYang! Muqin was still fine when I left, how could she pass away in such a shorttime?! It’s all part of Li Wei Yang’s schemes. Fuqin, you and Muqin weremarried for decades, how could you be so indifferent to this?!”

Li Xiao Ran’s face grew even more unpleasant. He wasfurious because he had been asked this question time after time by others andGuogong Furen in particular! He tightly clenched his fists!

Li Wei Yang let out a sigh: “Dajie, Muqin unexpectedlydied because of her illness. Dajie, do not make things difficult for Fuqin, ithas been hard for him too.”

“Shut up!” Li Chang Le screamed, “I want anexplanation! I cannot let Muqin die for no reason like this!”

“You are the one who needs to shut up!” After shockcame anger, Li Xiao Ran fiercely eyed Li Chang Le like a merciless wolf,wishing he could tear her apart. He gritted his teeth, his anger flaring. Everyword seemed to be spoken through clenched teeth: “From here on how, don’t evermention this again!”

Li Chang Le had not expected Li Xiao Ran to befurious. It was as if she had received a slap to the face: “Fuqin, you... I amyour favorite nu er, how could you treat Muqin and me like this?””

“You want to be like your Muqin and oppose me?” LiXiao Ran suddenly regained his calm, his apathetic stare fixated on her,sneering. Li Chang Le had never seen his face like this before, not onlychilling but strange and ominous.

Li Wei Yang smiled. Li Xiao Ran had faced pressurefrom the Jiang family for a while now. He was still a proud and reservedindividual with a strong personality. He could tolerate Da Furen for so manyyears to save face for Jiang Guogong, not because he feared the Jiang family.Of course, Da Furen and Li Chang Le did not think of it that way. They alwaysbrought up the Jiang family to threaten him and finally exhausted the last ofhis patience.

The hostility in Li Wei Yang’s eyes shone through. Sheslowly closed her eyes, suppressing her disdain. When she reopened her eyes,her face was calm and indifferent. She simply said: “Fuqin, you should go backto the hall, many guests are still waiting.”

Speaking of guests, Li Xiao Ran quickly recollectedhimself as easily as putting on a mask. He smiled thinly, though he wassmiling, it was a mirthless smile: “Chang Le, remember, this is my last chanceto you. There are many guests today, you must act like an aristocratic Xiaojiewho is mourning at her mother’s funeral. Do not make the Li family lose face,if you dare to cause trouble, do not blame your Fuqin for being heartless!”

Li Xiao Ran sneered and left, leaving a terrified LiChang Le in the courtyard.

Tan Xiang shot a fearful glance at Li Wei Yang andhurriedly whispered: “Da Xiaojie, Laoye is right. Xiaojie should not causetrouble today and quickly go greet the guests.”

Li Chang Le glared at her: “Silence! No need toconcern yourself with my affairs!”

At a loss for words, Tan Xiang closed her mouth. LiWei Yang noticed and smiled wryly: “Dajie, if you still have the time to arguewith me, why don’t you take one last look at Muqin?”

Li Chang Le’s face changed from sickly green to white.She only remembered her anger and forgot about this. Li Wei Yang shook herhead. Da Furen dedicated everything to Li Chang Le, but Da Xiaojie had onlythought of her own future and had yet to think of Da Furen.

She always said she would avenge her, but she was onlyventing her anger. This so-called mother-daughter affection, seeing as DaXiaojie’s sights had been set on personal interests, perhaps had drifted awaywith the clouds.

Li Chang Le finally came to Fu Rui Courtyard. When shewent in, she saw Da Furen resting on a large, sandalwood bed with intricatefloral designs with candles near her head. A few Furens and daughter-in-laws ofthe Jiang family were gathered around her, grieving and weeping. Guogong Furenemotionlessly sat in a chair by her side.

There was only the sound of crying in the room. LiChang Le suddenly recoiled at the sight.

Jiang Da Furen Liu shi looked up and saw her: “Muqin,Chang Le has come.”

Everyone’s eyes traveled over to Li Chang Le.

Guogong Furen Lin shi looked at Li Chang Le without ahint of a smile or warmth... The atmosphere had turned somewhat ominous.

Li Chang Le held her face and cried: “Waizumu.” As shesaid this, she crumpled to her knees before Guogong Furen.

Lin shi looked at Li Chang Le whose tears fell likerain for a while then sighed. She personally helped Li Chang Le up: “Child, youhave suffered.”

Hearing this only made Li Chang Le cry louder.

Da jiumu Liu shi and Er jiumu Wei shi nearby quicklycomforted her. The other Jiang Furens wiped away their tears, the entire familyburdened with sadness. The person who was most calm was Lin shi, who was pastthe age of weeping in grief. She waved her hand: “Everyone step outside, I havesomething to say to Chang Le alone.”

Liu shi glanced around and nodded, saying: “Everyonego on ahead.” Soon, everyone in the room had left.

Only Liu shi and Wei shi stayed where they were. JiangDa Furen Liu shi had a long face, narrow phoenix eyes, and a tall silhouette.She was the wife of Jiang Guogong zhang zi Jiang Xu. Her birth familywas the noble and meritorious Liu family. She had four sons Jiang Hai, JiangYang, Jiang Hua, Jiang Nan, the four of them considered dragons among men,well-versed in scholarly pursuits and martial arts. For that reason, Liu shi’sposition in the Jiang family had been firmly established. The woman accompaniedGuogong Furen last time was her eldest daughter-in-law Han shi.

And Wei shi was a shu nu of Lao Wei Ge and the wife ofshu zi Jiang Li. She only had one son, Jiang Tian, a prodigy whose talents wereclear from an early age. Unlike his tang xiong who joined the military, he wasalways on the road, wandering, and rarely home. Compared to the rest of theJiang family, he was rather mysterious. Although Wei shi did not have adaughter, she personally raised Jiang Xin, who would later become Taizi’sfavored Ce fei, so she had not fall short of Liu shi by much. Nowthat Lin shi had chased everyone out, Wei shi seemed a bit puzzled while Liushi remained quiet, her eyes calm and downcast.

“Your Muqin had a heart diesase and was frightened todeath.” Lin shi coldly said.

“Heart disease...” Li Chang Le felt her hands and feetgrow cold, “Muqin’s health has always been very good—”

Lin shi sighed: “I was too careless and did not thinkI would lose a nu er at her hands!” Lin shi was not aware that Wei Guo Furen’sdeath also had something to do with Li Wei Yang. If she did, she would faintout of both rage and shock!

“Waizumu, you must avenge her!” Li Chang Le’s eyeswere bloodshot, shaking with anger. she wanted Li Wei Yang to pay the price!She wanted to send her to the hell!

Incense drifted from a gold, intricate incense burner.Opaque wisps of smoke escaped. Amidst the smoke, Lin shi’s face seemed grave,her face remained solemn as if she had not heard Li Chang Le.Li Chang Leapproached her: “Waizumu, since I was a child, you have always loved me most,don’t you want to take charge of this situation?”

Wei shi noticed and quickly helped Li Chang Le up as shewas about to kneel down: “Good child! How could you say such a thing? You knowWaizumu loves you the most, how could your cousins compare...” These words weretrue. The Jiang family had many sons, so every time Li Chang Le visited, shewas like the radiant moon among stars.

Even her two jiumu who did not yield to anyone had toput on a smile in her presence, but things had changed. Da Furen had died,would the Jiang Guogong residence still care about her like they used to? Thiswas what Li Chang Le was most concerned about, so she wanted to use this matterof revenge to test Guogong Furen. She desperately looked at Lin shi: “Waizumu,Chang Le waits for your response. If you do not care about me anymore, I willshave my head and go to the temple instead of staying here with the Li family,living no better than the dead!”

Lin shi was startled but continued to sit in silence.She still did not know, what made Li Wei Yang bold enough to challenge theentire Li family? The most ironic part was that she had actually succeeded andtaken Lin shi’s nu er!

A few tears escaped as Wei shi said: “Silly child, youmust be grieving... You must live with the times... Everyone is mourning, ifsomething happens to you, what will we do!”

Li Chang Le’s tears fell faster. She was about to saysomething when Liu shi lightly coughed: “Chang Le, revenge is certain, yet nowis not the best time.”

“Why?!” Li Chang Le could not believe it, how couldthe Jiang Guogong residence not deal with a measly Li Wei Yang?

Liu shi glanced over at Guogong Furen and only said:“If you go against Li Wei Yang now, it is no different from going against theLi family, don’t you see? The entire Li family leans towards Li Wei Yang. Thatday, Li Lao Furen’s expressions changed with a couple words from her. She evensaid Li Wei Yang was clever and very understanding. She can understandpeople’s’ hearts and is filial to your Muqin. It was all your Muqin’s doing, sowhy she - even your Fuqin, you are no longer in his favor. Everyone stillstands by you, but nevertheless, we are outsiders, so it is not convenient forus to intervene in the Li family’s affairs.”

“Then when will it be possible? How much longer?” LiChang Le gritted her teeth.

Lin shi finally sighed. Regardless of Jiang Rou’swrongdoings, the Jiang family would protect her, but acting at this time...Everyone seemed to be leaning towards one side, seeing this child washeartless, having mistreated shu nu er and even harmed concubines of the Lifamily several times, leaving Li Xiao Ran with one heir. Despite this, Li XiaoRan did not abandon his wife to save face for the Jiang family. If they were todemand that he deal with Li Wei Yang, this would be insulting the Li family. Ifit were anyone else, the Guogong residence could do so, but Li Xiao Ran was thePrime Minister of the reigning dynasty, a notable official who the Emperortrusted and respected. In comparison, these years the Jiang Guogong residencehad surpassed a greater authority and began to face pressure from the Emperor.Turning on Li Xiao Ran now would not be a wise move.

“Wait until your Waizufu and Da jiujiu return,everything will be different,” Liu shi comforted her.

“But they’re stationed at the border, when will theyreturn?! Da jiumu is lying to me!”

Lin shi angrily slapped her hand on the table, sendingthe cup of tea to the floor. Everyone else was left in a stunned silence. LiChang Le immediately paled, desolately murmured: “Waizumu...”

Lin shi saw her current state, and her anger andresolve began to crumble: “You do not have to intervene! I will have everythingarranged!”

“But Fuqin said that I will be sent back to the templeafter ten days. I don’t want to go back, Waizumu, that place is demonic—” LiChang Le hastily said.

A hint of disdain appeared in Wei shi’s eyes. HerMuqin died, yet she did not mourn for her, she was only worried about her owninterests. Da Xiaojie truly had a heart of gold.

“Rest assured, I have everything in hand.” Lin shi’svoice hardened like steel. She turned back to look at Da Furen’s body, her faceturning cold and cruel, “Rou er, the Jiang family will avenge you!”

Liu shi and Wei shi were familiar with Lao Furen’sstrong, stubborn personality. Hearing this, their hearts jumped and theyquickly bowed their heads. They realized that the flame of resentment wasburied deep in Guogong Furen’s heart. One day, it will become a raging fire,burning everything in its path...

After a busy day, Li Wei Yang returned to her roomlate at night. She removed her makeup, let her hair down, and laid down on thedaybed, her long sleeve fanned out. Her face seemed even paler than usualagainst her sleeve.

The window opened a bit. Li Wei Yang slightly tiltedher head and said: “Why did you run over here in the middle of the night?”

A handsome face with a mischievous grin peeked in. Hequickly jumped in through the window, carrying a jade plate in hand with manycolorful pastries. As if wanting to win her favor, he brought it before her:“Today must have been overwhelming, so you probably haven’t eaten yet. I hadthe kitchen prepare this, try it.”

Li Wei Yang looked at him then sat up and took apastry, smiling as she said: “You must have been burdened with manyresponsibilities during the day too.”

Li Min De smiled and set the plate down: “Mostlytrivial, not worth worrying about.”

The guests today accounted for a couple hundredpeople. The aristocratic guests were personally received by the members of theLi family whereas ordinary guests were welcomed by someone else. Li Wei Yangwas willing to say Li Min De had a difficult time escaping, but she onlylaughed and did not remark on this.

Li Min De noticed she was preoccupied by her thoughtsand said: “I heard Da Bofu knows Dage ran away and smashed many plates and cupson the spot.”

Li Wei Yang smiled: “Although he was secretly saved bythe Jiang family, but he still went against Fuqin’s will. He could keep hislife for now, but he also lost Fuqin.”

Li Min De was still worried: “But he’s still the onlyheir.”

Li Wei Yang’s lips curved back: “Fuqin is still in hisprime. He will naturally have more sons. You know, Jiu Yiniang is pregnant. Thephysician said they are twins. Fuqin was overjoyed. If not for Jiu Yiniang’slow birth and status and the Capital did not have a rule against making aconcubine a wife, I’m afraid Jiu Yiniang’s status would be different now.”

Hearing this, Li Min De frowned: “If she gives birthto a son, it will still be a shu zi.”

Li Wei Yang did not think of it that way: “You thinkthe Jiang family will leave the position of zhu mu empty? Earlier, someonehinted to Lao Furen that—”

Stunned, Li Min De looked at her in wide-eyedcuriosity: “Earlier?” Then, he sighed: “They are too hasty and anxious.”

Li Wei Yang shook her head: “The wife has passed away.The family’s children must uphold filial piety for three years, but the husbanddoes not need to follow and can marry someone else a year later. As long asFuqin agrees, remarrying after 49 days is not impossible either. But the Jiangfamily will not let this opportunity idly go by, they will find a way to sendsomeone in through the doors.”

“You mean — but the Jiang family does not have...”

“The Jiang family does not have an unmarried womanindeed, but Jiang shi has many relatives.” Li Wei Yang smiled, seeing Li MinDe’s disbelief, her tone of voice changed: “No need to worry, this will nothappen immediately. Lao Furen will not allow a woman from the Jiang familyenter the household so easily.”

Li Min De knew Li Wei Yang was only reassuring him.With the Jiang family’s status and power, in addition to Da Furen’s suspiciousdeath, if they were to make the request, it would not be easy for the Li familyto refuse...

“Nevertheless, it is not entirely a bad thing that DaFuren died, at least—” Li Min De smiled, “At least Li Chang Le cannot marry inthe next three years. She is fifteen now, three years later, when she can beengaged, she will already be eighteen years old...”

Li Wei Yang had to laugh: “With her looks, whether sheis twenty or older, she will still be the most beautiful of all, what is thereto be afraid of?”

In her past life, Li Chang Le was already twenty fivewhen she became Empress. Given her age, she would be considered an old aunt inthe Capital, but because of her beautiful face, compared to other youngerbeauties, this beauty was not without an advantage.

Li Min De reminded her: “Now that she’s back, thiswill be a disaster.”

Li Wei Yang remained silent, Li Min De continued: “Youmight not have noticed, when Guogong Furen arrived today, I saw her piercingglare towards you.”

Li Wei Yang also felt the same way. It was not onlyGuogong Furen, whose hatred was hidden in her eyes, but even Liu shi and Weishi seemed hostile. Of course, she had offended the entire Jiang family.Pretending to be well-behaved would be useless, so there was no need forpleasantries.

Li Min De quietly added: “Our numbers are too few, whoknows how many servants in the Li family are spies following our every moves.Now with the Jiang family like a prowling tiger, we must be even more careful.”

Li Wei Yang exhaled, lying on the bed as she said:“So, we must strike first.” Her remark was deliberate as if it had beensomething foreseen and planned ahead of time.

Li Min De was briefly surprised before smiling as ifguessing her thoughts. His smile was sly like a defiant little fox. Li Wei Yangpoked his forehead, his smile only grew wider.


Translator: Chau

Editor: Pending


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