
Chapter 88 part2

The female official whispered: “Lower your voice,cautious that others will hear!”

Zuo Yuan held his hands behind his back as hesauntered back and forth for a while before he finally stopped. Watching thegorgeous face of the sitting Concubine Zhang De, he said: “Concubine, AnpingXianzhu is someone well-liked by the Emperor. The Empress Dowager also favorsher, and much recently, the Seventh Prince and her......”

Concubine Zhang De’s hairpin showed delicatesix-leaves flower and exquisite jade ornament and as she spoke, the longaccessory dropped and gently dangled: “Precisely for Yu er, I can’t let herlive.”

Zuo Yuan confusedly looked at Concubine Zhang Deand then this biao jie of his quietly smiled like silence dwelling on a sharpdragonfly. It was difficult for others to grasp the swift eloquence amidst hersilence as her voice aroused stacked waves: “Yu-er mentioned to me that hewants to marry her as his main wife.”

Zuo Yuan was shocked and revealed an incredible expression. Even thoughLi Wei Yang was Anping Xianzhu, she is still of lower birth, so it’s inevitablethat she would be not as highly regarded compared to other xiaojies. If he didmarry her, they’re afraid others would laugh at them. The Seventh Prince washigh privileged and so Concubine Zhang De wouldn’t like her as herdaughter-in-law. Although she didn’t like her, rejection would have beensufficient, why resort to such violent treachery?

Concubine Zhang De sighed and said: “If hethoughtlessly mentioned it, I perhaps would have granted it and let him takeher as his concubine. But he must act serious and assert that he must wed heras his main wife.”

Zuo Yuan still didn’t understand since Concubine ZhangDe has always been benevolent so why would she give an order like this all of asudden---

The corners of Concubine Zhang De’s lips rose toform a chilled smile: “Yu er, this child, I understand him well. He seems easyto get along but he is very stubborn. If I flatly rejected him, he definitelywouldn’t give up and would stir up a lot of trouble. So, I promised him andtold him I would find a chance to ask the Emperor to bestow their marriage. Buthow could I let this kind of girl into my family? Li Wei Yang, I met her today.The Emperor had praised her for her intelligence and wits but I personallythink that her failure to show restraints and her domineering attitude aretroubles. Seeing how she just returned to the Li family, she had already stirredup this much trouble with the matriarch. Rumors had been spreading around abouttheir disharmony and how she can’t get along with her seniors. In the future, Idon’t know how many women will be in Yu er’s residence, but think about it, howcould she help Yu er manage his residence in the future? I don’t like her so Iwill definitely not allow Yu er to marry her but I can’t directly reject, theonly option is to get rid of her.”

Zuo Yuan was still a little worried: “Niang niang,there is no need to fuss about this over this yatou, a warning would besufficient.”

Warning? Even if she gave Li Wei Yang a warning, what would her own sondo? In Concubine Zhang De’s heart, she also had another reason. Because it wasrare to see Tuoba Yu reveal such expressions, when he mentioned Li Wei Yang,his eyes would also be smiling. As his mother, Concubine Zhang De immediatelyknew her son was being serious, a never before seen seriousness, causing her tofeel sincerely dreadful. So, she specially summoned Li Wei Yang to see whatkind of girl she was. If she was gentle and considerate, then she would perhapsconsider keeping her. But she had to be this adamant and hoped for a one truepair of this lifetime for eternity. This kind of woman, what good will it do tomarry her home! If Li Wei Yang doesn’t die, Tuoba Yu will indubitably marryher. Rather seeing this happen, why not make up one’s mind and get rid of hercompletely.

She lifted her head, looked at Zuo Yuan and coldlysaid: “Hunting has always been a dangerous sport, every year, there are peoplethat died from shooting arrows or from wild beasts. This year, Li Wei Yang willbe on this list of accidental deaths.”

Zuo Yuan’s face turned stiff white. He had been assisting the SeventhPrince and know about his firm personality. If he finds out one day that hekilled the one he loved, how could he explain it to him? By then, he mostlikely wouldn’t be able to keep his life. Moreover, he was already ahigh-ranked official, why would he risk it?

Concubine Zhang De was a prominent figure, how wouldn’t she be able toguess his thoughts?

“Don’t forget, many things are bounded together forgood or for ill.”

Zuo Yuan was astonished, he knew that someone with his background couldbe easily found in the palace. No matter how capable one is, without a backing,there was no way to rise above others. But a word from Concubine Zhang De, itcould easily be done. She was this powerful as a concubine so, if her sonbecomes the emperor, then days of wealth are in the near future. It wouldn’tjust be his career now ...... for a man, what would be as tempting as high positionand wealth? No gentleman has a petty mind and no true man is without venom. Hefinally made a decision.

In the evening, Li Xiao Ran came over to visit LiWei Yang. Seeing that she was well, he relaxed and advised: “Don’t run aroundduring the hunting games, it’s very dangerous.”

Li Wei Yang smiled and nodded: “Father should alsobe mindful.”

Li Xiao Ran watched and didn’t know why but sighed and then walked out.

The next day, hunting games officially started.

The Emperor shot the first arrow as it loudly pierced through the quietcurtains. Afterward, countless sounds of sharp arrows were heard and many birdof prey flew out of the forest at the same time. The official of blessing sanga eulogy and the princes as well as officials attach their arrow to their bowwith Tuoba Yu amongst the group. The females were all watching from a platformfrom afar. Tuoba Yu suddenly turned over and gave Li Wei Yang a quick glance.His eyes traversed across her face and then to the side. It seemed like he waslooking at her but it also seemed like he wasn’t.

Li Wei Yang sighed. Thinking back, Tuoba Yu wasn’t wrong, her helpinghim out might have made him misunderstand that she has affections for him.

This was normal since no one would help someone out without any reason.Tuoba Yu didn’t know about the past happenings so it’s naturally that hewouldn’t know the real reason behind her assistance.

However, Li Wei Yang didn’t have the nerve to tell him it was unrequitedlove. Since she had already made it clear to Concubine Zhang De, based on theirstatus and position, they wouldn’t insist further. So yesterday she treatedTuoba coldly to more or less vent her anger. Perhaps when interacting with himafter all this, she will try to keep her distant. Li Wei Yang couldn’t help butthink about her old age but others see her as a young yatou; this kind offeeling was complex.

Right at this time, Gao Min who was sitting amongsta group of xiaojies coldly glared at Li Wei Yang. Her smile was icy cold, sherose and said: “Let’s go to the race grounds too, who wants to come with me?”

All the xiaojies were eager to go since here in the race grounds were DaLi’s best horses. To learn horse riding was a rare opportunity to thesexiaojies and they wouldn’t be harshly scolded. So the platforms were almosthalf empty as many followed Gao Min into the race grounds.

Li Wei Yang stayed where she was, she didn’t want to join in the funwith Gao Min.

Right at this moment, a beautiful, young brainsuddenly appeared in front of her. Zhao Yue’s sword was placed on top of herhead, Li Wei Yang quickly said: “Mustn’t be rude!”

Zhao Yue placed her sword away, which made NinthPrincess even more excited: “Wa, your sword is beautiful!”

It was obvious that she didn’t realize that if she did something harmfultowards Li Wei Yang, blood would have been seen.

Li Wei Yang’s hand swiped across her forehead and thought that she had frightenedNinth Princess to death last time so she would never bother her again. Whowould have known that she would be this tenacious, maybe this child has atendency for torment? She didn’t know, Ninth Princess was of high status so notmany people would dare speak the truth with her. Seeing Li Wei Yang, she feltfear yet when she didn’t see her, she would automatically seek her out. Smallanimal that is this spirited is an illness.

“Accompany me to play outside.” The Ninth Princess secretly kicked thesmall rocks while she looked into Li Wei Yang’s eyes.

Not many people could reject such an expression. Li Wei Yang sighed andseeing the platform half empty, if she continued to remain here, she wouldattract even more attention. Since others left, should she act more like thecrowd?

Thinking up to this point, she stood up. NinthPrince gleefully ran in front and continuously complained: “You are too slow!”

Who would be like you and not care about etiquettes, Li Wei Yang smiled.Ninth Princess’ animated and naïve personality most definitely came from theEmperor’s spoiling her. But with this personality, it might not be a good thingfor her.

Exiting the hunting camp grounds, she saw boundless acres of grass andfelt a never before felt freedom. And because of this feeling of freedom, shebegan to fall in love with this place.

“Look! Look!” Ninth Princess suddenly ran over and held up her skirt toshow her something.

Li Wei Yang lowered her head to give a glance and saw a bunch of big andfirm-fleshed mushrooms like a group of chubby children bunched together,quietly laying within Ninth Princess’ spacious skirt. “There is a lot more overthere!” Ninth Princess tugged onto Li Wei Yang as she directed her gaze. Sheaccidentally dropped the mushrooms and she quickly bent over to pick up the mushroomsone by one. The palace maids that were following behind stared blankly at oneanother. Li Wei Yang was helping her pick up the mushrooms so when the otherssaw this, they also went up to help.

These palace maids weren’t that old. Instead of calling themmaidservants, it’s much more appropriate to call them the princess’ playmates.It’s just that there is a difference between their statuses and they don’t dareto act impudently so they can’t really consider the Princess as their friend.But seeing the Princess lifting her skirt to show off lifeless mushrooms,accidentally dropping them causing the mushrooms to be scattered, and then herface beginning to panic, Li Wei Yang wanted to laugh at her. Others who seethis would also feel uplifted from this simple atmosphere and the atmosphereitself became much merrier. A palace maid without much thought began singing afolk song from her hometown. As Li Wei Yang listened, she felt that this voicewas soothing to the ears and couldn’t help but smiled.

At this moment, Ninth Princess suddenly threw awaythe mushroom and jumped out to say: “Look!”

Li Wei Yang looked up into the skies, a goshawkflew across the pure white sky, Ninth Princess smiled: “I want Seventh Brotherto capture one for me!”

Li Wei Yang felt sullen. Ninth Princess’ neckcontracted: “What happened?”

“If someone thinks you are cute and wants to capture and raise you, whatwould you do?” Li Wei Yang advised her.

Ninth Princess pouted her lips and unhappily said:“If you don’t want me to capture it, then I won’t capture it, why be mean! Youare scarier than Mother!”

Li Wei Yang smoothed her lips and didn’t say anything.

Ninth Princess’ attention was diverted elsewhere,she pointed at Gao Min who was close by and said: “Her horseback riding skillsare really good!”

Li Wei Yang watched from afar and blandly said:“Average.”

Ninth Princess was surprised: “But her horsebackriding skills is truly the best amongst the women in Da Li.”

Gao Min has always been thisarrogant but right at this moment, she raised her horse whip and rode freelyand unrestrainedly; she seemed like an entirely different person. Li Wei Yangthought this is perhaps the real Gao Min but sadly, she didn’t know how toadmire her own beauty and wanted to learn Li Chang Le’s etiquettes of a lady.As a result, it made her look foolish trying to blindly copy another. Li WeiYang shook her head.

Ninth Princess became eager: “I also want to learnhorseback riding!”

The palace maids were frightened; they awakenedthemselves and hurriedly rushed over to dissuade her: “Princess, no, theEmperor had said he doesn’t allow you to do such dangerous things!”

Ninth Princess was starting to throw a tantrum:“Aren’t you all here?! Quickly go bring a horse over!”

Li Wei Yang frowned and said: “If you want to learn horseback riding, Iwill tell your Seventh Brother to teach you.” Saying this, she gave a palacemaid an eye signal and this palace maid immediately flew off.

But now all the men are in the hunting grounds, she is afraid it wouldbe difficult to find Seventh Prince. If not, getting Concubine Ruo would begood too, Li Wei Yang thought.

The palace maids had no choice but to order someone to bring a horse ofthe smallest size over. Ninth Princess stood right in front of the horse anddoubts began to form on her face. Subsequently, Gao Min flashed across from adistant and it seemed like Ninth Princess was provoked and she held onto thehorse as she was about to get on. Who would have known that even though thishorse was small and had always been gentle, this was only from an adult’s pointof view; it is an entirely different story for Ninth Princess as a young girl.Not only did the horse not let her get on, but it also threw a tantrum and keptstomping its hooves. Ninth Princess suddenly jumped up: “Ah, he actually daresto kick me!”

Li Wei Yang laughed, such a small horse, there probably won’t be aproblem. Even if the horse stood still without moving, it still wasn’t an easytask to maintain balance on the horse. She’s afraid once Tuoba Yu arrives,Ninth Princess would still be struggling to get on the horse.

The palace maids on the side immediately stepped forward to help NinthPrincess up. But since she had become too nervous after trying to get on for awhile and because both of her legs clamped onto the horse too tight afterfinally getting on, she suddenly fell off from the back of the horse. Thepalace maids jumped beneath her to cushion her fall so she didn’t get injured.

Ninth Princess determinedly stood back up and brushed the dust off her.She dramatically jumped onto the horse, making her feel wobbly on the horse’sback. Even though a saddle was added, Ninth Princess still felt the swaying ofthe horse movements. She felt fear on the inside and thought that she wouldsoon fall off the horse. Thinking of this, she actually believed she was goingto fall so she embraced the horse’s body and held tightly onto the reins. Butgiving Li Wei Yang a glimpse, she thought of her wayward behavior just now. Ifshe gave up now, others might laugh at her so she fearfully and boldlystraightened her back. Unexpectedly, after the horse took a few steps, itshooves stepped on a rock and its front leg suddenly kneeled forward. Her wholebody flew off the horse and since the palace maids couldn’t rush forth in time,she cried aloud after falling onto the ground.

Right at this moment, someone extended a hand tohelp her up: “If you want to learn how to ride a horse, then you must startfrom the basics and learn how to get on. The pose to get on a horse must becorrect.”

Li Wei Yang wiped away Ninth Princess’ tears andafter she had finished speaking to her, she ordered someone to bring the horseover. Then she helped her onto the horse and patted her waist: “You muststraighten your back, don’t be afraid of it. If you are afraid of it, then hewill bully you.”

Ninth Princess could finally sit stably on thehorse’s back. As she sat on the horse, Li Wei Yang held onto the reins and thehorse slowly trotted. Sitting on the horse, Ninth Princess stared admirably atthe blue sky and saw a goshawk pierced through a cloud, making her feel as ifshe was laying on a cloud. She couldn’t help but smiled: “This is really fun!”

After a while, Ninth Princess could finallynavigate the horse herself so Li Wei Yang loosen her hand and let her takecontrol. Ninth Princess laughed as she held onto the reins; her cheeks wererosy red, making her seemed healthy and adorable. Li Wei Yang let out a breathand the palace maid on her side said: “Aiya, Princess, don’t go too far! It’svery dangerous!”

Li Wei Yang ordered: “Prepare a horse for me.”

A palace maid busily hurried over to bring back atall and healthy horse, “Other horses have been taken by the other Xiaojies,this is the only one left.”

Li Wei Yang saw that this was a wild and intractable horse, she nodded:“Then it’s him.”

Ninth Princess had already gone far so Li Wei Yangcleanly jumped onto the horse and immediately caught up to her. Without givingNinth Princess a chance to react, Li Wei Yang had already held onto her andforcefully stopped her horse: “That’s enough for today, if this continues, skinfrom the Princess’ legs will be worn off.”

“I don’t want to! Let go!” Ninth Princess was addicted and obviouslydidn’t want to stop.

Li Wei Yang became serious: “You think it’s fun but they will bepunished for acting against Concubine Ruo’s order. Then no one will be willingto play with you in the future.” Saying this, she looked at the anxious palacemaids from a distant.

Ninth Princess, seeing Li Wei Yang become serious, was frightened andquickly said: “Fine, fine, I will listen to what you say!”

And then right at this moment, it was unknown whythe goshawk that was flying in the sky suddenly began to swoop down. NinthPrincess was taken by surprise and began to unconsciously wriggle on the horse.She only saw the goshawk landing right in front of her horse, near the grass asit captured a rabbit. The rabbit was struggling to be freed, causing a ruckusin the grass. The noise alarmed Ninth Princess’ horse and caused it to runabout wildly. She felt that she was about to be thrown off from the horse andwithout much choice, she held onto the horse’s body and clenched onto thereins. Pulling the reins back, the horse jumped up as Ninth Princess was aboutto be thrown off. Li Wei Yang went forward to grab ahold of Ninth Princess’wrist. Zhao Yue flew forward within a few steps and at this point, Li WeiYang’s horse was also completely out of control as it ran wildly forward. LiWei Yang shouted: “Catch the princess!”


Translator: Erica

Editor: Pending


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